Celestial Era: The Rise of the Full-Time Enhancer

Chapter 434 Another Prophecy?

Three weeks after Vincent sent a Battalion of Magicians to assist the Sea Race in their Barbarian Hunting, his city was visited by a few magicians loyal to Ignacy…

They came from the 29th Tower and one of them is even the Tower Master himself.

Because the 29th Black Tower is located at the edge of the southern territory close to Solomon's Pillar, they were hardly affected by the invasion of the Barbarians and the destruction caused by the Black Magic Organization.

After learning Ignacy's whereabouts, they immediately set out to find him…

They did this secretly so it took them quite a long time before they managed to reach Vera City.

Although they are using a small flying vessel to make their journey faster, there are many times that they had to change their path to avoid the surveillance of the Black Magic Organization.

With their small group, there was no way for them to engage in battle… They can't be chased either since they will just lead them to Vera City and may just lead to another large-scale battle.

After Vincent finished his Magic Crafting session, he quickly took a bath and wore clean clothes before meeting the visitors.

Yulia already brought them to the villa where Ignacy is resting… Shane and Turhan were also there since they personally know the 29th Tower Master.

As soon as Vincent arrived, he noticed that four people wearing commoner's clothes were seated and talking to Shane and Turhan.

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All four of them were middle-aged men and seem to be normal people at first glance.

However, Vincent can tell that these people were nothing normal… If he would make a guess, all of them are at least Grand Knights considering the amount of vitality they are emitting.

Although they were showing off their aura, Vincent's eyes can tell that their vitality exceeds that of a normal person.

They immediately stood up to greet Vincent as soon as they noticed him entering.

"We've finally met, Sir Vincent… I heard a lot about you from Ignacy when he accepted you as his seventh disciple. I'm Abe, the 29th Tower Master… These are my trusted aides, Iori, Miyara, and Hatsu…"

"It's nice to meet you, Sir Abe… I hope that Master Ignacy only told you about my positive traits…"

"Haha… He did… He mentioned that you are unusually capable of learning Tier 1 and Tier 2 Mana Arts so easily."

"Ohhh… So he noticed that." Vincent muttered after hearing Abe's words.

"Right, this is a small gift we've prepared… We're really thankful that you're helping Ignacy during this time. I heard that he could've died if not for your help." Abe said as he handed over a Skill Book to Vincent.

It seems that Shane already recounted the story to the four of them.

"I did it because he's my Master… In any case, I won't reject your gift since I know that you've really prepared this for me."

Vincent replied as he can at least tell that the Skill Book is a Tier 2 Mana Art.

"Great! We'll feel more at ease if you accepted it…"

After taking the book, Vincent did not immediately appraise it. He only looked at it for a moment before keeping it on his side.

"Thank you… Is there something I can do for you?" Vincent asked as he knows that these people didn't just ask to meet him to give this gift.

Realizing that Vincent wanted to get to the point, Abe finally revealed his thoughts…

"To be honest, we can tell that this continent is becoming more and more dangerous. Aside from the Barbarian Race being impatient and the Black Magic Organization appearing in our territory, the Demonic Cult has gone even more active… Furthermore, I recently heard the news that the Sea Race has become more active as well."

Vincent listened silently as he already knows this much…

Abe looked at Vincent's reaction and after confirming that he was aware of this, he continued.

"The Wisemen from Solomon's Pillar also informed us that a race that came from the deepest part of the world is starting to emerge… The Star Garden Peak also predicted that another race aside from the Celestial Beings will come down from the sky to cause destruction…"

Vincent finally raised his brow after hearing this. This is the first time he heard about these enemies coming from the depths of the earth and the sky above…

He can't help but recall what Vera said about him being detected by his real enemies…

'Are they the ones I should worry about?' Vincent thought as he was now invested to know who these enemies are.

"May I hear more about the warning given to us by those from Solomon's Pillar and Star Garden Peak?" Vincent asked as he can't be satisfied just by those prophetic words…

Abe nodded and decided to elaborate on it.

"The creatures that the Wisemen has warned us were most likely the unopened dungeons that will soon reach their limits… In other words, outbreaks of monsters will soon fill this land." Abe replied.

"Unopened dungeons? Outbreak?" Vincent repeated in shock.

Needless to say, he already knows that there are still many dungeons out there that haven't been explored. If this world is quite peaceful, he would even think of just finding and exploring each of them.

He wouldn't mind passing his time in some adventurous dungeon explorations.

However, what he didn't expect is that these dungeons can actually cause trouble in the outside world.

"That's correct… Whatever creatures living in those dungeons, they may come out once they reached a certain limit… It would be a disaster especially if we don't know where these dungeons are… If they aren't on the surface, they might be underground or might even just below this city of yours." Abe answered.

He also explained that the Wisemen seem to have discovered this after translating some ancient texts and studying the history of this world. They seem to have discovered that the Dungeon Outbreak has already occurred even before, based on the traces they've found in many parts of the world.

As for the warning given by the Star Garden Peak, however, was quite simple… They seem to have noticed a star carrying another race that will descend on their planet soon.

Furthermore, the Star Garden Peak appears to be aware of the possible Dungeon Outbreak but they were more worried about the alien race's invasion…

Vincent's mouth twitched slightly after hearing this.

It seems that this world wouldn't be peaceful anytime soon at all.

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