Celestial Peak

Chapter 19: Swords in the Shadow I

Chapter 19: Swords in the Shadow I

"Young master, you did it! You have broken through the earth root stage. Sob*, the master and mistress is going to be happy to learn of this news. Sob*, master will surely hurry back to congratulate you if he cannn!"

"Big brother you actually broke through earth root stage? That's amazing, big brother is an expert like second older brother (Wang Hong) now."

Butler Sun was crying at one side while Wang Yue's eyes were shining as she praised her talented big brother like no tomorrow. Wang Ling could only sigh and eat his breakfast as the two did their own things.

[It's so early and they're being so noisy.]

He wasn't finding such acts displeasing or anything like that so he just left them alone. In fact, he actually enjoyed such praises as it was first for him.

In the past when he breaks through another realm in his cultivation, people's reaction would be the opposite of joy. They would run and flee from terror and keep the doors of their houses, manor, and sects as tight as possible in fear of having him coming knocking to their doorsteps.

He had a lot of past sect crushing experience so it was understandable though. Wang Ling couldn't blame them for having their doors lock shut as their fear was justified.

Though in his defence, the sects he crushed was either an evil sect or some sect who declared all-out war against him. It wasn't like he was coming and going crushing each sect he could find in his spare time.

Crushing sects is not as simple as knocking in their front doors and killing everyone after all.

[This is nice change of pace I suppose.]

Wang Ling continued eating breakfast. It was only this morning he had told these two that he broke through earth root stage. He immediately went to sleep after taking a bath.

He was, at this moment finished eating. He looked at the two pair who was still doing their own things and asked them a sudden question.

"Butler Sun, is father going to come home anytime soon? I wish to talk to him about something."

Butler Sun was pulled away from his cries. Rubbing off the tear stains he had on his face, he smiled at Wang Ling and said.

"The master is coming back near the end of the year. He wrote me a letter mentioning about ending the conflict down south. That is a complete month starting today. Why? Is there a problem young master?"

Wang Ling shook his head.

"I just had something to talk about." Standing up, Wang Ling felt his body energized with all the food he had consumed. He was about to open his mouth when he noticed someone eyeing him.


Wang Ling turned his head over and the guys who were in the shadows flinched. Wang Ling was looking outside. There was a tree outside and for some reason, he smiled on that direction without reason.

[They are good! But they have yet to reach the point of making their presence disappear entirely.

Although it is extremely vague to the point I can't really tell if an expert is there.

I can still somewhat sense them.]

Wang Ling mused. He already knew that his family was unlike nobles of a lowly Kingdom such as this. His family was shrouded in a mist. It was a mystery even to him.

At the start he was only doubting if his family was really bizarre, but when he reached earth root stage, he gained the ability to gauge out other people's strength. In his estimation. He should be able to detect the strength of anyone who is the same cultivation phase as he.

However, when he tried observing what level Butler Sun was, he was unable to sense anything. He was sure that he cultivates spirit qi because his body was strangely attracts spirit qi too much.

This only means one thing. Either Butler Sun's strength is too strong for him to properly gauge. Butler Sun's strength should be higher than a nascent soul.

Wang Ling also gained a keener sense. He was now able to sense the hidden experts around the manor. If he got it right, there should be ten hidden experts protecting his family from the shadows.

He had yet to uncover any more secrets his family is hiding from him, but Wang Ling was starting to get more and more interested. His own family was a mystery to him, then what should the people of Kingdom know?

[Oh, he disappeared.]

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He smiled as the hidden expert disappeared from behind the tree. Butler Sun noticed Wang Ling's smile and the hidden expert's disappearance. This two occurrence made Butler Sun intrigue with his young master.

[Did young master noticed something?

I'm overthinking this. That shouldn't be possible, unless he's aware of their existence already and his senses is so keen that he actually detects people a hundred meters away.]

Butler Sun shook his head and decided to throw the idea on the back of his head. The two occurrence should be a coincidence.

At this time, Wang Yue approached Wang Ling and tugged on his sleeves.

"Big brother, do you want to come with me? I'll be going to the second floor of the royal library with Sister Wei, do you want to come with us?"

Wang Yue asked. She knew how much Wang Ling loved reading books so she asked this question. She had been going to the royal library without fail recently and almost their entire collection of books regarding spirit plants had been read by her.

Looking down, Wang Ling saw his sister and was put in a deep thought. He had to practice but he also had to rest once in a while. It would also be best if he can get new information about the continent.

The first floor's books about the continent was extremely lacking. He had wished to get access to the second floor of the royal library but he didn't think that he will get it through Wang Yue.

"Sure I'll go with you. Butler Sun I'll be going out with Yue so can you prepare spirit stones for cultivation when I leave? I'll be needing a lot of them."

Wang Ling agreed to Wang Yue's offer and gave orders to complete the resources he will need to cultivate. Butler Sun also nodded his head as he left to take care of Wang Ling's request.

Wang Yue and Wang Ling then left the manor. Of course they were accompanied by the two guards and Wang Yue's maid Qiqi. Even when Wang Ling was not coming with them, the line-up was always present when Wang Yue leaves the house.

While they were walking away from the manor, Wang Ling felt slight movements. His brows raised for a moment before realizing that this the method Butler Sun had been keeping him and Wang Yue safe all this time.

After knowing this, Wang Ling just enjoyed the time of his walk with Wang Yue. Along the way they spoke with one another. It was mostly about the spirit plants Wang Yue had reach about.

The two guards and Qiqi were smiling as they watched Wang Yue talked to Wang Ling full of energy. They had been with Wang Yue for a while and had observed her for quite some time.

Wang Yue's change had been triggered by Wang Ling's own change. The two siblings were growing together, that's how they see it.

The big brother shows how to be responsible and adaptable, while the little sister matures and becomes more independent. Wang Yue had even gained a friend. That's the proof of her maturing.

Wang Ling of course noticed this and took note. He was closest with Wang Yue in the family so he was rather attached to her. He was someone who took care of him back when he was an idiot. If he can't even care for such a wonderful little sister. Then that would only mean he wasn't suited to be a family member.

[They grow up so fast.] He joked inside his head.

Soon they reached the royal library. There, they saw the two guards wearing golden armor and a little girl sitting on the stairs.

With her silky black hair, cute little nose, big round eyes, and a skin fairer than a regular maiden this kid was clearly going to become a beauty in the future. Wearing a beautiful dress that screams "I am princess" Wang Ling already confirmed who Wei was.

The girl looked like she was also 10 years of age like Wang Yue. Beside the little girl were two maids. They were around 17 years old and were a beauty of their own rights. They were currently persuading the girl to enter the royal library.

"Princess Wei, please enter the royal first and we will just inform you of Young Miss Wang's arrival. Sitting here like this is unbefitting of your status."

"That's right princess, please enter the royal library already. We have prepared your favorite tea and sweets inside, you can wait for your friend there more comfortably."

The little princess puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms together. She was unhappy and as her cheeks were still puffed, she spoke.

"I don't want to. I told sister Yue that I'll wait for her here so I'm not moving. You two can enter by yourself, I'll wait for my friend here."

The two maids felt helpless at the sight of the princess acting like this.

Thankfully, Wang Yue's group finally arrived. As soon as Wang Yue arrived a bright smile appeared on the little princess' face. Her smile was as bright as the sun and Wang Yue's the same.

They held hands like the little kids they were. Wang Ling walked towards the maids and said his hello. The two girls saw Wang Ling and his usual attire of plain white robe and almost mistook him for a servant.

If not for the news and talks regarding Wang Ling's hobby of wearing ordinary clothes, they would undoubtedly mistake him for a servant who has a handsome visage.

The two maids looked at Wang Ling and bowed to him respectfully. Wang Ling then turned to the two little girls and saw them coming towards him. They stopped in front of him and Wang Yue began introducing him to her little friend.

"This is my big brother, he only woke up a month ago but he's already very proficient in many things. He knows almost everything about spirit plants, history, martial arts, and he even cultivated to earth root stage! He did this in one month!"

Wang Yue had a very proud look on her face as she introduced her brother to her friend. This is the first he did this kind of introducing her big brother to other so she listed everything she knows about Wang Ling so her friend will get to know Wang Ling better.

As a princess of a Kingdom Wei was aware of what Wang Yue had just said. She was also aware of Wang Ling's identity. The infamous useless First Young Master of the reputed Wang family that even her father fears.

She had thought that Wang Ling was actually a waste but who would've thought that he was actually so brilliant. A top-notched genius who was frowned by the heavens, this a thought that appeared on her mind.

Walking up to Wang Ling, the little girl said her greetings to Wang Ling.

"Good morning senior brother Wang. The story sister Yue told me seems to be true, you really are brilliant. For you to reach earth root stage in a single month's time is really impressive."

Wang Ling looked at her and returned the friendly gestures he was given.

"It's nothing really. Don't bother with me and you two can do your own thing. I'll just tag along with you guys."

The two girls did as they were told and went ahead do their own thing. Wang Ling only followed them to the second floor before breaking away from their group.

The interior of the second floor was the same as he first. There were only fewer shelves in comparison to the first. Wang Ling did not have a hard time trying to find the shelves concerning the continent.

The shelf was big and towered at over ten meters high. But there were only three books placed in it.

Wang Ling read the cover of the three books and picked them up one by one. He found a place where he can read in peace. He opened the book entitled Three Continents.

Wang Ling managed to read the book in less than an hour. But the information it contained was enough to make the information he got below on the first floor seem like shit.

"So the realm really is broken into three continents. The only thing I'm in the shadow now is the center of the realm."

From what he had read, there were three continents and one supposed 'central region'. The three continent was basically but houses different races. While the central region is where the experts from the three continent gathers.

As for the two books, they were about the races present in the two other continent. These books also mentioned the relationship each race have.

It took him another four hours before he finished the entire thing. Wang Ling yawned as he learned everything he needed to learn from the second floor of the royal library. He went to find Wang Yue then so he can say to her that he's about to go back.

Wang Yue was a little disappointed that he's going back so soon. Wang Ling had to promise her that he will accompany her again here next time.

Wang Ling asked the two guards to stay there and wait for Wang Yue's return. He had enough strength to protect himself so he wouldn't be needing the accompaniment of the two guards.

It took him some time of convincing but the two guards eventually gave in and let him went home alone. They noticed that Wang Ling's strength was above theirs and the young master was so insistent so they had to drop the matter.

After getting some time alone, Wang Ling finally had a walk all by himself. It was still noon so the people around were numerous. Wang Ling didn't return home that quickly and went to take a walk first.

He had yet to see the whole city. Other than bookstore and the Green Pavilion, he had never actually been to any other place. So he went ahead and took a nice and pleasant walk.

He was walking and had a smile on his face until he found himself in a street called Hundred Orchid Street which was supposed to be the most vibrant street on the whole Kingdom.

However, against his expectation, the Hundred Orchid Street had no one. There were nobody present and everything was quiet. It was noon yet not a single soul can be seen.

"Something's wrong!" he realized something was wrong and smelled something in the air, "This is, the scent of blood?"

With no hesitation, Wang Ling turned around so he can flee. However, just as he was turning around, five people dressed in black appeared from above.

These five men directed killing intent at Wang Ling. He knew that these five people were trouble. All of them had a weapon on their hands.

After confirming their cultivation, Wang Ling learned that they were all pinnacle level sky root stage cultivators.

"Shit! I can't beat them." Wang Ling said to himself as attempted to flee for him life. He knew his limits well so won't try and act like a stupid hero who can face the whole world all by himself.

However, the five people who were clad in black were too fast. Their movements were like shadows and soon enough they were only a few meters away from Wang Ling.


All of them had their swords drawn and directed at Wang Ling. Why were they doing this? Wang Ling couldn't give a single fuck to know their reason for doing this because he can feel the breath of death on his neck.

But then


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