CEO's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 6

The small Polo car is like an arrow that leaves the string and drives on the road without many vehicles.

Qin Yiyue looks at the street view of rapid retreat, and his sleepy eyelids gradually droop down.

Her reason told her that it was too dangerous not to fall asleep in front of strange men.

But her spirit and body have already reached the limit.

Zhou Ziyang's appearance consumed her last energy today.

He Qiao looked at the little woman with her spare light in the whole banquet, and naturally saw her fighting spirit.

It wasn't until Qin Yiyue fell asleep that he pulled up to the side of the road.

Look at her with the brightness of the street light and the dark light in the car.

Qin Yiyue is undoubtedly a very beautiful little woman. She has delicate features, such as fine porcelain skin.

It's hard to look away because of the steady and confident light.

Although such a woman attracts men, few of them dare to pursue her for fear of being compared by her.

After all, few men like a girlfriend or wife who is more calm and calm than themselves.

He Qiaoyan never thought that he would meet Qin Yiyue in such a way.

Five years ago, his eldest brother took his sister-in-law who was about to give birth to a baby to the hospital. He was in a car accident on the way.

In order to save his sister-in-law and children, his eldest brother turned the steering wheel in an emergency, resulting in his own death on the spot, and his sister-in-law was only supported by willpower.

If it wasn't for Qin Yiyue who happened to pass by and got into the crushed car to deliver his sister-in-law, there would be no treasure.

After the little woman sent the treasure to the nearest rescue station, it disappeared.

In the past five years, they never stopped looking for her in private, but never found her.

If there were not a dash cam recording all the images of Qin Yiyue delivering the baby to his sister-in-law, he would not recognize her at all.

He is not going to let go of this woman.

**When he Qiaoyan arrived at Qin Yiyue's downstairs, he did not wake up.

He Qiao feast then half props up chin, continues to appreciate this small woman's sleeping face well.

There is a big gap between the way she sleeps and the way she wakes up.

When awake, rational, professional, with the doctor's unique calm and determined; when asleep, it is charming and childish.

These two different temperaments actually cohere on the same person without any violation.

I don't know how long it took Qin Yiyue to wake up with a knock.

When Qin Yiyue opened his eyes, he saw the face of his mother who had disappeared for half a year by the window of the driver's seat, and the sleepyhead was scared clean in an instant.

"Mom, why are you back?"

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"Excuse me for dating a man?" Luo Mingmei's eyes lingered on He Qiao's banquet.

He Qiaoyan opened the door and got off after Qin Yiyue said "Mom".

"Hello, aunt."

Luo Mingmei was startled by the appearance of he Qiaoyan, and looked at him in a straight and white way. "Hello, my little Yue Yue didn't make a moth for you, did she?"

"She's fine."

"That's what it is, that's up to me." Luo Mingmei said with a smile.

He Qiaoyan didn't have the usual coldness. He nodded with a smile, just like he was gentle and polite.

He looked over Luo Mingmei's shoulder and saw a car parked not far away, beside which there was a middle-aged man.

Probably Qin Yiyue's father.

The man is moving things out of the car.

"May I help you?"

"No need."


Qin Yiyue and Luo Mingmei share the same voice.

He Qiao smiled and walked around Luo Mingmei to Qin Qiuyang's side. "Uncle, I'll come."

"Please." Qin Qiuyang said with a smile, letting go.

So, Qin Yiyue looks at he Qiaoyan and his father carrying their luggage upstairs. His blood is stuck in his throat. He can't spit it out and can't swallow it.

Luo Mingmei pinched her arm after he Qiao went upstairs. "Qin Yiyue, how are you. I'm not at home with your father for half a year. You've been in love. You're so fat that you can't even return your mother's information! "

"I don't care about you."

"What's your attitude?" Luo Mingmei is very dissatisfied with this.

"The attitude of face shaking with you." Qin Yiyue turns and locks his car.

Luo Mingmei tut a few times, "your mother and I just pinched my fingers. You are 26 years old this year, and your physiological needs are the most vigorous at this time. Are you dissatisfied with the young man just now and your desire? "

"Lying down." Qin Yiyue can't help bursting out a rude remark, "Miss Luo Mingmei, Mr. Qin Qiuyang doesn't beat you in this way of speaking?"

"Your father is reluctant to beat me."

"Forget it, when I didn't say it."

This pair of unscrupulous old husband and wife show their love to abuse her single dog when they are free.She's used to it.

Luo Mingmei holds Qin Yiyue's arm and nestles lazily on Qin Yiyue's shoulder.

Qin yiyuejing is 1.69 meters tall, which is relatively high among girls.

Ms. Luo Mingmei is another small file, less than 1.55 meters tall.

So nestled in Qin Yiyue's body, it looks very petite and lovely.

If Qin Yiyue had not just slept and recovered a little, she would have been crushed by her mother.

"I said, that young man is good. If you don't have a partner, think about him."

"Do you know who he is?"

"Who is it?"

"He Qiao feast."

"He Qiaoyan, chairman and President of Heshi group?"


Luo Mingmei's face flashed with embarrassment.

Qin Yiyue said this, and then he shut up, intending to let her mother back.

Who knows

"Such a man is worthy of my precious daughter."

Qin Yiyue couldn't help but blurt out for the second time, "lie bad, Ms. Luo, do you have a hole in your brain?"

"Qin Yiyue, I'm not talking about you. You are a girl who lies in the trough all day. How do you mean?"

"Not forced by you?"

"Did I force you? My daughter is such a perfect match for a man of high quality like Joe's feast. "

Qin Yiyue rolled his eyes silently. "Ms. Luo, do you only read the first half of the gossip?"

"What do you mean?"

"You didn't know there was a child at Hojo's?"

"Ah?" Luo Mingmei suddenly seems to have been split by thunder. "Qin Yiyue, say it again."

"He has children."

Luo Mingmei swallowed her saliva and twisted her face for a long time

Qin Yiyue: "..."

She decided not to talk to a creature with a hole in its head.

When Qin Yiyue drags Ms. Luo Mingmei home, he Qiaoyan and Qin Qiuyang have already brought everything in the car.

Qin Qiuyang poured a cup of lukewarm boiled water for He Qiao's banquet. "Thank you so much tonight. It's too messy and the reception is not good."

"Uncle, you are very kind."

Qin Qiuyang looked at the banquet without trace and found that his speech and behavior were not cultivated by ordinary people.

His suit and leather shoes are of great value.

He Qiao's banquet looks like he doesn't know Qin Qiuyang is watching him and drinking tea on his own.

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