Chaos Devourer System

Chapter 479: The Upper Realms!

Chapter 479: The Upper Realms!

Chapter 479: The Upper Realms!

“My fault?” Zeras asked with a raised eyebrow as he looked at the group of aliens who still kept looking at him with strange gazes.

“Yes. Actually, everyone here knows the other race. There are, of course, thousands of races, but based on their dorm, they could be easily recognized as one of the upper realm.

Right now, you’re in human form. No matter how humanoid-looking that is, you still no doubt look like a human, which is the strangest thing they’ve seen up to now.

And more surprisingly, you’re devastatingly, you know, um, handsome. There’s no way you won’t draw such gazes on yourself…” D’arvey said as Zeras directed his attention to the system.

‘Hey system, can you tell me the usefulness of charm?’ Zeras finally asked, the ultimate question he didn’t know why he never asked the system since all this while.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“[The Charm is a, um, universal stat that makes the Host develop physical charisma. It enables other races to feel at ease around the host, making the Host look, um, more trustworthy and also naturally pleasing to the eyes.

Even a creature known to eat humans might just ignore the host due to his charm. You never know when the charm stat can be of help, you know…]” The system finally completed after beating all the bushes to death.

‘From your theory, there’s a conclusion. The charm turns me into a cute bunny, that everyone irrespective of race wants a piece of…’ Zeras determined as he ignored the system. It was very good to be handsome, but too much handsomeness, and he’d be facing very great problems. And that was already starting to show right now.

“That said, do you want me to appear as a girl before your higher-ups or as a Giaran or what? I’m pretty sure they’ll be expecting a girl and not a boy…” Zeras asked D’arvey, whose eyebrows furrowed before relaxing.

“There’s no need for that. Once they hear of your 80% bloodline purity level and hear our story together, they’ll determine. But know Zeras, our higher-ups are unlike us. They are not very fond of aliens and found the idea of going to the lower realm to fetch a genius repulsive. If you form too arrogant in front of them, I can’t be sure what will happen…” D’arvey said seriously as a sinister smile appeared on Roaryie’s face.

“Oh, oh, oh, D’arvey. You’re too nice. Let him form arrogance in front of them; he won’t even know how he died…” Roaryie said with a bountiful smile.

“Ahh, Roaryie, tsk, tsk. You know that you’re an enemy, right? Normally, I wouldn’t allow such a person to live long at all, let alone hang around me. But now, I don’t even know what I’m doing allowing you to keep breathing and annoying me all the time…” Zeras said with a tired expression as a vein popped on Roaryie’s face.

“You bastard, you think you can defeat me?” Roaryie said with an angered expression as Zeras slowly turned his gaze at him.

“No, I think I can break all of your eyes…” Zeras said with an unbothered expression as Roaryie immediately pounced on him, only to be held down by D’arvey.

“Leave me alone, D’arvey, let me teach this brat a lesson…” Roaryie screamed out in rage, gathering quite the viewers on them.

“You idiot, You’re more than a thousand years old, he’s barely up to a hundred. You’re trying to beat a baby with punches, just how shameless can you get Roaryie. Keep it together…” D’arvey screamed out to him as Roaryie finally regained himself, snorting coldly at Zeras, as he folded both arms together.

“That said, why are those ships so big? It’s like an ant walking beside an elephant. Kinda…” Zeras said but got cut off by Sylvia.

“Embarrassing?” She asked as Zeras turned to look at her and noticed the smile on her face.

“You can say that…” Zeras replied as he turned his gaze to look at those ginormous spaceships.

“In the Upper realms, there are three areas. In the three areas, our race belongs to the common realm, which is like the lowest among the areas. And then in the common area, there are also a total of three grades: the 1st grade, the 2nd grade, and the 3rd grade…” Sylvia explained as Zeras gave a nod.

“All those gigantic spaceships you see belong to 1st-grade clans. As for what distinguishes them, there’s still around a month before the events start; I’m sure you will learn it in great detail from the higher-ups themselves. As for our Giaran race, we’re third-grade clans…” Sylvia said as Zeras gave a nod.

‘The third-grade clans are basically the bottom feeders of the entire upper realms. Yet just part of their force is enough to almost overwhelm any race in the lower realms…’ Zeras thought to himself with narrowed eyes.

“It’s kinda disappointing, uh? You think we would probably be first-grade clans, huh?” Sylvia said chuckling as Zeras shook his head.

“Actually, I really thought you would be higher up on the rankings. But disappointment? I don’t think so. To the humans, you’re like an unbreakable mountain, and mind you, the humans are one of the top three strongest races in the lower realm. Looking at your forces, I’m guessing there’s no way you will allow all your forces to come, which means all these are just probably half of your entire force. Just half your force and you almost eliminate an entire world in the lower realm, which is like where I’ve always known. How can I be disappointed? What I feel is even more awe at the upper realm. If a third-grade clan is as strong as you are, then just how strong are the forces of the second races, or the first races, or even the races in the second higher area or the peak of the upper realm itself?” Zeras mused out loud, eyes flashing in caution.

The Upper realms! Only now was he beginning to understand that this was a sea on another level completely! And he truly was a frog at the bottom of the well.

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