Chat Group For Magicians

Chapter 1: Invited to the Chat group

Chapter 1: Invited to the Chat group

(A/N: If you think this novel is bad, then don't worry because I also think it is badly executed too, making it a bit bland. If you think it is interesting despite some situations that you needed to turn off your brain to understand then I thank you for reading. If you are just turned off by this one, then go ahead and drop this, you guys don't need to drop random comments that you think this is stupid and stuff because it is troublesome checking my inbox. Just go and leave. Anyways, if you still want to read, please enjoy!)

Tokyo, Shibuya

It was a fine day when I arrived here. With the bag on my shoulders and a trolley suitcase in my other hand, I walked out of the station and breathe in. As always, the place is too busy for me to understand. I've been away from this place for too long therefore I have forgotten the feeling of this place. Still, it didn't change the fact that I will be living here again but this time, I am independent.

After my parents died from a huge disaster that occurred on Shibuya last year and they left me with an ancestral house somewhere deep in the residential area of Shibuya. It's been ages since I last visited that place.

I am the only son of my parents so no one else inherited what was left after their death. I am not so close to my parents because I live in Hokkaido with my uncle and auntie and attended my middle school till I became a Junior High. I barely know my parents. All I know is that they are mysterious to me and they don't even visit me much. If I compare my uncle and aunt with my parents, I will treat the former more as my acting parents.

Still, I appreciated them because if not for them, I won't be able to grow up and become a responsible teenager. They might not be there physically but they regularly sent me letters and money to support my classes. And besides, my uncle and auntie are both nice to me and treated me as their son since their son already has his own family.

I didn't leave a good impression with my life in Hokkaido due to the events that transpired during my high school days there. I was bullied a lot in that place and after fighting back, a trial in the disciplinary office occurred. Of course, since money was involved, the real perpetrator was branded innocent, and the real victim is banished from the school without any kind of explanation.

It might be a foolish move but I didn't retaliate and accepted the outcome. I am getting troubled from that school anyway so why would I stay in there? To get another set of beating? I prefer to stay out of those money-loving bastards.

So, after that, I received a letter regarding the incident and how I inherited the ancestral house and a little bit amount of money. My uncle recommended me to move out and live in that house since I am the only one who can own it anyway. The ownership title is my name, so even if I declined it or not, it won't change that I am the owner of the ancestral house. Since I was also expelled from that sh*tty school and the surrounding schools will not accept me, I decided to look for a school to transfer and it was on Tokyo, Shibuya.

With my ancestral home also located in Shibuya, it is a convenient transfer and I don't need to rent a room during my stay. My aunt and uncle agreed with my transfer and helped me to book a bullet train for ease to reach Tokyo.

When I arrived, I was overwhelmed by the scenery which is very different in Hokkaido. Unlike Hokkaido, it was very busy here in Shibuya and I can see people here and there without any regards of the heat from the sun. Bustling, full of buildings, different people wearing different outfits, it was a different place.

I hailed a cab after my arrival and asked the driver to sent me to the place where my ancestral home was by saying the address. Fortunately, the driver is quite familiar with the place, allowing me to reach my new home without any hassle. It took at least 30 minutes from the station to arrive in the house. As soon as I stepped out of the car with my baggage, I sense a bit of nostalgia to the place. I have a sort of feeling I have forgotten already well up on me and even though it felt good, I can't remember it too much.

I took my baggage and entered the house. Despite the old looks of the house, it is not that old and it looks like a mansion with a bit of modern style twist. It also has a very big yard and a small fish pond that has lots of koi swimming around. There is also a huge tree of mango on the yard which makes it a good place to stay if you feel hot in the weather. According to the people who cleaned the house, they are taking care of the place before my arrival so that it won't be degraded to the extent.

The only thing is that... this place is just too big for me. It was very spacious and I don't think I will be able to clean this house all by myself. I scanned the living room and all kinds of appliances are already available like a flat-screen television and a DVD player. There is also a sound box in the corner with signs of being used in the past which means that my parents owned these before and not just bought by anyone else. I checked the kitchen and saw that the place is also full of necessities like knife, frying pans, stove, oven, and many other necessities for cooking. I liked cooking so I was relieved that I don't need to buy them.

I checked the room of my parents and I was surprised to see that it was very barren. Only a single bed, cabinet with a lampshade on top of it and a closet without anything on it is present. One question popped out of my head.

'Where are the clothes of my parents?'

They are not present at all and I didn't have many answers when I checked all around. Did they throw away the clothes from my parents? No, I don't think so. If they did, the appliances and kitchen tools would also be thrown out too. After exploring a little bit, I found the clothes of my parents in the basement. It looks like the people clearing the house take the clothes out of the cabinet since I will be using it now.

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After pondering for a bit, I shook my head in confusion. It was not something I should be thinking too much. I checked the cabinet and saw a few items there including a black smartphone. I opened the smartphone and saw that it has a dying battery already. The phone is not password locked which allowed me to open it.

It was the latest brand of a certain company of smartphones. It was undoubtedly new since I don't see any kind of scratch in it. I suddenly felt like this was a bit of a coincidence. Did the cleaning personnel forget to clean this up? It is a little bit odd if they saw this, they can pocket this phone and no one would complain. But this is quite a good chance for me. My old smartphone is broken from the fight that occurred to me last time. I didn't manage to buy a new phone because I was tight in budget therefore I am stuck without a phone.

I checked out the phone and saw that it is still not that used and a few apps are installed aside from the apps that are already installed before it was purchased, though there are already unknown apps existing in the screen. One of the apps that are installed is called Anonymous. I tried recalling if there was some sort of app like that in the play store but I don't remember. Maybe this was one of those factory-installed apps?

I didn't open the app for now and put it in my pocket for safekeeping. Since everything is all intact and fine, time to arrange my things.

Things have done well for me after a few while since all of the items I own are clothes so I don't need to open boxes or anything. When everything is over, I took a rest and slump my back to the couch and pull out the phone. This phone still has no cellular data and the surrounding area still has no internet connection. The house also lacks a connection to the internet too since I just move in. My parents seem to not even bother installing one.

I scrolled open the app and check it again. Earlier, one app is unknown to me and I was really curious about what it really was and what its functions. Maybe it is a hacking game? Or a hacking software?

When I tapped the icon, the phone suddenly glows. Is this some sort of app effect once you open the app? That doesn't sound right. I looked into the screen while covering my eyes and all of a sudden, the screen switches to a camera and a mechanical voice of a woman started speaking on the speaker of the phone.

"Welcome to Anonymous, magician. Scanning the face of the individual. No data match, extracting data and automatically sent to the database. For additional info, please ask the moderator of the group. Thank you for your time."

After that, several of my personal data appeared on the screen of the phone.

Name: Kazuma Fukuyama

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Rank: None

Spells: None

Parents: Deceased

Residency: Tokyo, Shibuya: Residential Area

Job: Student

Affinity: All

Alignment: Neutral

Faction: Japan


Has a black hair, brownish-red eyes, thin lips and well-proportioned nose(Normal Average Looking Face)

Healthy Built Body

Knows slight hand to hand combat

Has a bastard behavior


Computer savvy

What the f*ck? Did it just scan my data and extracted it without my permission?! Oh, sh*t, did I just got scammed and my whole information is going to be shared in public?! Also, why bastard behavior?

Just when I was panicking, the phone talks again.

"Congratulations. Your data is fully saved. Your data will not be shared and only the owner of the app and admins will see your data. A breach of privacy without the owner's permission or the admin's permission will result in immediate punishment."

I stare into the screen of the phone and frowned. Now that I realize it, is this some sort of offline stuff? Is this a game?

"This is not a game. This is an app that doesn't need to connect to the internet just to function. You can treat it like magic. So stop being shocked and use the app already, dumbass."


Now I am getting freaked out. I may not be speaking but it is reading all of my thoughts. This is really freaky.

"Identification is done. Welcome, Kazuma. You are the 2,450th member of the Japan Faction of Magicians. As a welcome gift by your fellow magicians, you have been gifted an item that will aid you. You can claim it whenever you liked on your profile. Please read the rules before starting to chat with other fellow magicians."

What? Magicians? Street performer magicians and the like? Did I just get pranked?

"As I said before, this is the reality. You are not pranked and this is definitely not a game. We call people in this chat group as magicians but many terms are derived by others; wizards, mages, magic casters, whatever it is called. But most of the time, it was magicians. Please read the rules first before engaging in a conversation in the chat lobby to know more. Have a great day and see you around. Remember, I am not an A.I but the spirit of the phone."

And with that, the voice disappeared and the logo of the Anonymous appeared on the phone. It was a symbol of fire, water, air and earth in one logo with the dark and light symbol in the middle. After that, the lobby that the machine voice said appeared. However, I didn't expect this thing at the very least. Isn't this similar to Discord?

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