Child from the Dungeon

Chapter 62: About Purity

Chapter 62: About Purity

( Later. )

" What does this letter mean by saying that my sister is impure? " I ask my father, Duncan about a letter that comes into our houses regarding my sister's birth, I see this later as a cowardice attempt for the senders of this mails must have used this old way of to communicate their thought for they fear the Royal Houses' Digital Security, making them afraid on using emails or commenting with their social media in fear of being tracked.

As my father sees it, he then tosses that without giving it much thought as he tells me that letters like this are commonly received by the Royal Houses, probably from some Rival Houses who seek destruction from the Richter House by mocking some aspects of it, including my sister who is born from a Royalless (Commoner) father.

I ask him more about it and tell him to deal with the senders of this mail before they can say many inappropriate things about my baby sister again but my father refuses since it will be pointless as he tells me that one will never please anyone and haters will always come to disorient our happiness and the best way to survive them is to ignore them.

" You shouldn't be bothered by them, Donnie... "

" Those words in the letter mean nothing to us, for it will not dictate to us how our family goes in the future," he says to me which made me calm down as I'm still thinking to let my Black Shadows find whoever writes these letters.

"( Father's right, I shouldn't waste my Mana and my Black Shadows upon searching these cowards. )" I say to myself as I begin to let the letters slide as I helped my father pick the important ones and burned the rest.

As I helped him, I begin to ask about the Purity concept that is always being held by the Royals. Over time, after I was adopted by this family, I begin to experience the Royal life which was not as glamorous as people would think.

Instead of the glamourous life, the Royals I've met and seen during many meetings and parties are often disastrous as one Royal can be an enemy to the other without being explicit as they often hide their fangs before giving a fatal strike through their words, magics and many more.

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Not only with just that, the Royals that I've met are also the type of Royals that are always constantly concerned about one's Royal Blood Purity, as they often brag about the Purity of their children in front of others in order to show how Royal their blood is in order to brag their status.

As I see more of that, I begin to develop thoughts and wonder about this "Purity" thing that many Royals are concerned about each time, but sadly, when I ask this, many would evade my questions including my own family for many reasons to avoid answering this very question.

This time, however, my father is now available to be asked about this question which I do just that as I ask him about the Royal's belief of "Purity" in their blood.

" Why did you ask that? " he asks me.

" I'm just wondering, father... "

" After reading that letter that calls my sister 'impure', I begin wondering about the word 'Purity' that is constantly being told by Royals in every meeting and party we attend. " I tell him.

" I see, so you've been also wondering about that statement. "

" Pardon... me? " I ask my father while confused.

" It's a common statement, used by the Royals to make themselves higher than the commoners like me. "

" These Royals, believed themselves to be the Descendants of the ancient magical heroes, figures, and icons. "

" The Royals themselves believed that their Mighty Ancestors' blood still flows inside them, as the blood also shared the power they have at the time to their descendants who become the Royals we know today. "

" I see, so they believed that glory and power is their birthright, yes? "

" Because of their ancestors... "

" Yes, especially because the Royals' ancestors are great people which immediately made a stigma that their descendants should be great as well despite the reality that sometimes came over it. "

" What do you mean father? " I was confused as I processed my father's last words about the reality that sometimes came over it as I wondered what it means.

Hearing that, my father then answered that sometimes, greatness isn't hereditary, greatness is achieved and can't or will never just come to those whose blood is a Royal Blood or the Royals whose blood is a Pureblood.

" I see, father... "

" That's why you adopt me, isn't it? "

" Because you believe that I will be a great person despite not knowing where did I come from? " I ask my father as he replies.

" Does it matter? even I did not know where did I come from? " my father says as he reminds me that he is an orphan whose parents are still unknown even now for he has already given up on searching for them and can only pray for them to be well if they're still alive.

As he says that, my spirits of life begin to return as I decide to always move forward no matter what kind of origins I have as my father himself had shown me that a parentless child could succeed with a great effort.

After I thanked my father, I help him more of his duties as we completed sorting out that mountain of letters, I often angrily shouts why these people did not use any emails or social media to write what they think as now it makes me and my father had to sort the mails for hours while we should've used the time for training and learning more magic.

( Hours later. )

" This is so exhausting... "

" How can I be so exhausted just by sorting letters? " I wondered to myself.

" Should've asked my Black Shadows for help..., but my father is in front of me... " I said as I still don't want him to know about the full extent of my abilities yet, especially about the Black Shadow army I've assembled during my free time.

" I should sleep, for now, tomorrow school will start and I already learned some basic and advanced magic knowledge as some supplementary knowledge for tomorrow. " I said as I delved into the world of dreams.

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