Chronicles Of The Shura Clan

Chapter 168 - The Power Of Buddha’s Blessing

After Ling Chen went inside, the first thing he did was to give the little girl a strength-enhancing fruit from his inter-spatial ring. He could clearly tell that the little girl was hungry and weak.

Even though the spiritual enhancing fruit won't be able to satiate her hunger, it could still strengthen and reform her little weak body.

"Don't worry, you can eat it. It's good for your body." Ling Chen said with a caring look on his face. At the same time, he moved forward and gently patted the little girl's head who seemed hesitant to take the fruit from him.

Even though the little girl's face was full of dirt and her original appearance could no longer be seen, Ling Chen could tell that she was very cute.

Seeing the compassionate look on Ling Chen's face, the little girl timidly reached out and grabbed the spiritual fruit from Ling Chen's hand.

"Thank you." She said as she forced a smile on her face while looking at Ling Chen with her big beautiful blue eyes before she started eating the spiritual fruit.

After taking the first bite, her face suddenly lit up with a bright smile, as she felt a wave of comfort course through her whole body. Aside from strengthening one body, the spiritual fruit was also very sweet and tasty.

However, the little girl only ate half of it before she brought the other half to her lifeless mother.

"You can eat all. I have another one for your mother." Before she could give it to her mother, Ling Chen stopped her.

At the same time, Ling Chen was immensely shocked and stunned when she saw the little girl's action. Despite the fact she was starving and little fruit clearly wasn't enough to satiate her hunger, she still didn't forget about her mother. It was very heartwarming to watch.

Furthermore, even after hearing Ling Chen's words, the little girl didn't immediately eat the remaining half of the fruit. It wasn't until Ling Chen took out another fruit from his interspatial ring and showed it to her that she continued eating the remaining half.

After taking care of the little girl, Ling Chen shifted her gaze towards the mother. Ling Chen didn't even need to examine the mother because he already knew what's wrong with her the moment he saw her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The mother didn't have any physical injuries but rather a spiritual one. It was unknown how, but she seemed to have suffered some sort of soul or spiritual attack that caused her soul to be injured.

Her soul was like a mirror that had been badly fractured and was on the verge of crumbling and breaking apart like porcelain.

Normally, because she was just mortal and wasn't a warrior that had already awakened her nascent soul, she should have been long dead. However, she was somehow still alive which baffled Ling Chen.

A soul injury like that could even kill a Martial Sovereign powerhouse if he didn't quickly take a Soul Enrichment Pill to nourish and nurse his nascent soul. Yet, that lady was still alive even when she didn't take any Soul Enrichment Pill or a similar pill.

Nonetheless, because of her soul injury, the lady somehow became like a doll or a puppet. She couldn't talk or even walk by herself. In fact, she couldn't do anything by herself. There had to be someone there to take care of her daily need, whether it was to feed her or to shower her.

If the lady was a Martial Sovereign realm expert, Ling Chen could have just fed a couple of Soul Enrichment Pills and she would be as good as new in a day or two, but she wasn't.

She was just a regular mortal, feeding her a Soul Enrichment Pill would simply kill her on the spot as her soul was simply too weak and fragile. Not to mention, her soul was already badly fractured.

The only way for Ling Chen to cure her was to use his Light True Qi energy to repair his fractured soul little by little. And with how badly her soul was injured, it would take a couple of days and even weeks before Ling Chen could completely cure her.

However, before Ling Chen started the first treatment, he used his light true qi energy to soothe and strengthen the mother's internal organs and meridians so he could change the state of her weak and malnourished body.

In order for him to start the soul treatment, the lady has to be in her best physical condition. She had to be both physically strong and healthy otherwise she would instantly die the moment he started the treatment.

While Ling Chen was using light true qi energy to repair and strengthen the body of the mother, something unthinkable suddenly came to his mind.

'Don't tell me the little girl has been taking care of the mother all by herself.' Thought Ling Chen inwardly after remembering the state of the woman.

"Little girl, are you the one that's been taking care of your mother?" Ling Chen couldn't help but hurriedly ask the little girl.

" Yes." Timidly answered the little girl with a sob as she lowered her head with a pitiful look on her face.

" What!" Even though he was expecting that answer, Ling Chen was still surprised when he heard the little girl's answer.

She was so young and weak, yet she was taking care of her mentally sick mother by herself.

Soon, Ling Chen started to ask the little girl a bunch of questions which she answered without hiding anything.

According to the little girl, her name was Mei and her mother's name Wanxue. She didn't father or rather she didn't know who father was.

They've been living on the streets ever since she could remember. As for when or how her mother had gotten sick, she had no idea. She and mother survived by eating leftover foods or anything they could find in the trash.

After hearing the story of Mei, Ling Chen decided to take them in as they didn't have any place to go while he was treating the mother.

He had to admit, not only the little girl was very strong, but she was also very dedicated and really loved her mother to be going through all that without giving up.


Just like that, four days had gone by since Ling Chen took the mother and daughter in.

During these short four days, the news about Ling Chen's Buddha Miracle Temple spread far and wide.

The number of people that came to visit his temple had now increased by several times. Most of them were poor people that were suffering from all kinda illness.

With Ling Chen's Light True Qi energy, he was able to cure them instantly, free of charge. He even gave them money and food sometimes.

As such, he was able to accumulate a good amount of good merit or karma over the past four days. Especially little girl, she was like a golden goose.

After Ling Chen had taker her in, he had paid someone to clean her up and wash her up, including her mother because she was really dirty.

Whether it was food and clothing, Ling Chen gave her everything. The amount of good karma he received because of that was almost half of the total karma he received in four days.

For some reason, the amount of good karma he received from treating or help a child was far greater than an adult.

Nonetheless, even though Ling Chen was doing something noble by curing and helping the poor and unfortunate people, not everyone was happy with what he was doing, especially those so-called doctors.


In the morning, the sun had just rose. Ling Chen was seated in a meditative stance in front of the small temple. His palms were placed together as he was meditating.

Just when he was about to dive deep into his meditation, he suddenly heard numerous heavy footsteps coming towards him at a fast speed. Nonetheless, he didn't open his eyes or stopped meditating.

In the next second, a voice filled with disdain and arrogance pulled him back to from his meditation. "Are you the one known as the Wandering Monk?"

Opening his eyes, Ling Chen saw a lavishly dressed young man staring at him with an extraordinarily arrogant gaze, as if he was looking at lesser being or a beggar that didn't even deserve to be paid attention to.

Behind the youth was twenty-five armed guards clad in blue armor. Each of them was emanating a powerful and bloodthirsty aura.

Even after hearing the young man's disrespectful tone, Ling Chen didn't get mad. Instead, he merely smiled compassionately as he replied." Amitabha, this poor monk is indeed the one known as the Wandering Monk. How can I help you, benefactor?"

"Come with me, my father wants to see you." After saying that, the youth simply walked out without giving Ling Chen the chance to answer.

However, Ling Chen still remained in his meditative stance without moving.

As the youth was walking out, he realized that there was no movement behind him. With an angry look on his face, he suddenly turned around and angrily shouted. "Didn't you hear what I said?."

"Amitabha, I'm afraid this poor monk can't leave the temple today. Why don't you ask your father to visit this poor monk instead if it's something urgent." Answered Ling Chen with a calm and amiable smile on his face despite the horrible and unreasonable attitude of the youth.

"Little Monk, do you know who I am and who my father is?" The youth was enraged when he heard Ling Chen's words. He couldn't believe there was still someone that dare disobeyed him in the Blue Dragon City.

"Go grab him and drag him to the mansion." Ordered the young man to one of his guards with an angry look on his face.

"Yes, Young Master!" Answered the guard as he accepted the order and immediately walked towards Ling Chen with a vicious look on his face.

However, before he could even grab Ling Chen, the guard suddenly fell on the ground.


At the same time, he let out a painful moan that usually could be heard from a small animal while clutching onto his head with both of his hands.


In the next second, a deafening blast could be heard as the guard's head exploded into nothingness as his brain matters splashed everywhere on the ground. It was like a watermelon being crushed by a hammer.

"Amitabha, Amitabha. Oh merciful Buddha. I forgot to mention that this poor monk is protected by Buddha's blessing, Whoever attack to this poor monk, will have their heads exploded into nothingness." Ling Chen said as he placed his hands together and put on the appearance of a wise and compassionate monk.

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