
102 Chapter 102

"Ian! Was that you?" - Evan

I open my eyes and look at my phone only to see Evan messaging the group chat.

"That prophecy thingy, that has to be you right?" - Evan

"Yea. I heard it from the elves." - Ian

"God damn. So, what was it?" - Evan

"There are 2 parts which I have found and if I remember correctly it is;

One day.

Both moon and sun will disappear.

The darkness will grow.

Monster's eyes will glow scarlet.

Seas will run red.

Time will slow.

Nothing can stop it.

The gods will forsake us.


Our god will disappear.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Their blessings, lost.

Danger at every turn.

Elements will rage.

Time will stagnate.

One is not enough." - Ian

"Morning" - Sabrina

"Morning, Sabrina" - Ian

"Yo! Lots of information for you and me to consume." - Evan

"I know. I was pretty surprised. Right before I slept in the game I see a system message. I have a thought it was Ian because he has elves in his settlement but didn't expect it fully." - Sabrina

"Yea, I feel you. Did you learn anything about it, Ian?" - Evan

"No, the elves don't know too much about it other than the prophecy will happen one day but from the system messages, we can assume that the prophecy relates to the main storyline." - Ian

"You said that this is 2 parts of the prophecy, right? How many parts are there?" - Sabrina

"I don't know. Apparently different races and different tribes within that race has their own version. The two I have are from different tribes of elves however, from reading them they are similar to each other. There are slight differences which means they add more to the prophecy but without the complete puzzle we won't know." - Ian

"From what we can interpret from the two and if we take it literally then there will be a day where it is all darkness, the elements being most likely fire, water, air, earth, will cause havoc and time will either slow/stop." - Evan

"That's if we take the prophecy literally. There have to be hidden meanings in it as symbols which represent different sections." - Sabrina

"Also know that this is a translated version of the prophecy. It was originally in the elven language and it was translated to our language for ease of understanding otherwise we would have had to find a way to translate it ourselves." - Ian

"So there might be meaning lost in translation?" - Sabrina

"Maybe?" - Ian

"That is highly possible. There has been lots of text that has been lost in translation in the real world and obviously they would incorporate that into the game world as well. Would learning the language be difficult?" - Evan

"I'm not too sure. I've heard some words when they spoke in elven but I don't even know where to begin if I were to learn it." - Ian

"That's right, it is kind of unrealistic for us to have to learn the language in order to figure out the prophecy. Though there will be hardcore people who are dedicated to this kind of lore stuff. They would love to get their hands on this information." - Sabrina

"So, what do we do? Post it on the forum?" - Ian

"Most likely. It is the fastest way to get the whole community to figure out the prophecy as well as find other parts of the prophecy. Though, I think we only release 1 of them. That way we can still be ahead of the rest. The game rewards coming first in a lot of things so we need to be the first people to figure it out, right?" - Evan

"Okay, Evan do you want to post it?" - Ian

"Me? Why me?" - Evan

"I think you would be able to draw the biggest audience plus your friendly nature online has already given you a good reputation. People are more likely to share information if they know a familiar face." - Ian

"I agree with Ian here. You also know a lot of the top players you can always ask them as well." - Sabrina

"Okayyyyyy, fineeeee. Making me do all the hard work sheesh." - Evan

"Just do it you lazy ass." - Sabrina

"The post will be up later today. I'll give you guys a heads up." - Evan

"Okay." - Ian

"Byeee." - Sabrina

I turn the screen of my phone off and get to my daily cycle and before I knew it most of the day had passed already. It was 1800 when Evan messaged the group that his post had been made as well as telling us to look at some of the other forum posts. I turn on my open and find the page only to be bombarded with massive amounts of posts. If I didn't have a link to Evan's post I would have been lost trying to find it but before I look at his I decided to look at some of the other posts briefly. Just looking at the titles was enough for me to understand what the content of the posts was about some including;

"BONES RECRUITING" - 4bones4bones

"DANGER! Red monster in the North" - LittleCat11

"Where are the animals?" - Herder101

"Let's make a Map!" - Ezyreal




"Tech Tree Map Ancient Era!" - ObserverEYE

"Faith and what you can do with it" - Buddha+Jesus

There were a lot of interesting forum posts which included information to help new players. If I wasn't ahead and I needed some help with the technology tree or the pantheon, these posts would have helped me a lot.

After spending a while scrolling through the forum, it was time to look at Evan's post. Clicking the link that Evan sent to the group chat I was greeted with his post.

"Prophecy, prophecy, prophecy" - Elves_or_Nothin

HELLLOOOO MY BEAUTIFUL ELF-LOVING PEEPS. Tis I Elves_or_Nothin and today I want to tell you, yes you the smart hard-working people that look into every nook and cranny for the lore. YES, that is right. I. Have. Information. On. The. LORE! THE PROPHECY!

Every gamer here saw the system message last night in the game where it said and I quote " A player has heard a piece prophecy. The main storyline has progressed. ". Now this line is extremely important to all players with different interests. Players that are aiming for the end game would need this. Players aiming for small goals and achievements will need this. Players who just want to know more about the world will need this. I call upon every gamer here to band together as we need your help. From a reliable source, I was able to acquire the message that they received that triggered the system message.

One day.

Both moon and sun will disappear.

The darkness will grow.

Monster's eyes will glow scarlet.

Seas will run red.

Time will slow.

Nothing can stop it.

The gods will forsake us.

The player has told me that he acquired this from a different race in the game and said race had translated the text to the common tongue. Meaning that there might be translation errors or words or phrases that might have lost their meaning because it has been translated, so do not always take the text in a literal sense. . He also realized that the system had hinted that it was a PIECE of the prophecy. MEANING that there is more. Anyone that acquires more information PLEASE send it my way. I would love to piece together the information and then release it on the forum so that everyone can understand more about this new world.

I have tried to interpret the prophecy myself however,  other than taking each line literally I could not find anything else. Maybe it is because of my location in the game or maybe I'm just dumb, IDK. Maybe you can find out. What do the moon and sun represent? Is the darkness physical darkness or metaphorical darkness? Are there going to be bloody seas or is it going to change color to red? Who knows? I definitely do not know. Maybe the GODS has forsaken me since I don't even understand basic English. Maybe it was meant to be this way! BUT!

That is all for now! Thank you and STAY TUNED!

His post was still full of life and flavor, the writing style really draws me in and I guess that's also why I can have such fun conversations with him. I give him a thumbs-up as a good job response and since the game was still in maintenance we couldn't play it tonight. Instead, it was the first night in a while that I slept at home and not in the game.

There was no moon, no stars, no waterfall, no breeze. Just a dark small room. Never would I have thought I would miss just being in that world. I open a window and lean against the window sill, looking up at the cloudy sky searching for the same moon. A small light hidden behind the shadowy embrace of the cloud lies the moon. I smile to myself and close the window, turning off the light and slipping myself into my bed. It was time to sleep, time to rest my body.

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