
107 Chapter 107

"Oh, no. What happened?" - Ian

"Dude. Like. I don't even know where to start. I'll just talk to you later in the day. I got this massive headache and I just want to relax." - Kingston

"Okay. Get some rest, maybe talk later tonight." - Ian

"Yea, sure." - Kingston

After replying, I toss my phone back onto the table and close my eyes. The scene from the game played in my head over and over and the sinking feeling when the ground falls from under your feet haunts me. I don't even remember how many times I died. My body shivers from the memory.

"Hey, Kingston get up, breakfast is ready."

"Coming, coming. No need to shout Kevin it's 0630 in the morning."

"Whatever bro, just come eat."

I force my body up and grab my phone putting it in my pants pocket before leaving my room. I glance around, looking at my room. There was only a chair next to a study desk with a lamp on it and a small side table. An empty cheap room with the most expensive thing in it, my VR helmet. I sigh to myself and close the door behind me as I walk out and down the narrow hallway to the living room.

Our living room space was as small as my room, with a small table with 5 plastic chairs around it. Sitting around it were my parents and my 2 older siblings, Kylie and Kevin.

"Sit down already. What are you waiting for?"


Breakfast was simple, a bowl of rice with a side of stir-fried beef and Chinese spinach, one of my favorites. I sit down and pick up my chopsticks ready to eat.

"How was your game, last night bro? Why you so quiet."


"What? What happened? Usually, you would be talking up a storm about it."

"Just died a whole lot."

"Died? Don't you get disconnected after dying?"

"I was in this like different dimension place because of a unique building. I could die a lot and it doesn't matter."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Then? What's wrong?"

"Dying. The way I die and the number of times I die. You wouldn't understand."

"Bro, I have died so many times during the past month and a bit."

"Yea but not like this."

"How is it different? You die. End of story!"

"Kingston, Kevin, no arguing on the table."

"Yes, mama…"

"Sorry, mum."

"But like, I've died as well. It couldn't have been that bad right?"

"Kylie, let me put this in perspective. You're in a narrow hallway, it is kind of dark, the only sound you hear is your breath, your heartbeat, and your footsteps. Oh, and the ground is constantly falling into an unknown abyss and if you do not outrun it then well you fall too. The best part about it is after you fall you get to experience your body merging with the ground as your blood spurts out everywhere and your bones break into little pieces, only to find yourself 100% okay in the next second and you have to do it all again. Not that bad aye?"

"Okay, sorry for talking."

"At least you don't have to follow some smug guy's orders. That guy from Bones is a complete CUNT!"

"Right, and the girl from Lotus is annoying as well. She thinks she is top-notch all the time."

Kevin was working under Bones while Kylie was under Lotus. Both of them were trying their best to earn some money to help out with our family situation even if they have to work under some annoying people.

"Okay, I'm going to work talk to you guys later."

"Me too, bye mum, bye dad, bye guys."

"Cya, Kevin. Bye, Kylie. Mum, Dad I'm going out for a bit as well."

"Okay, have fun."

I finish up my food, making sure to not leave even a single grain of rice. Afterward, I shower and change into a black hoodie and jeans, leaving the house around 0915. I live in the state of Melak, one of the states of new Oceania, and is the biggest state of New Oceania. The cities are more congested and there is more foot traffic compared to other states. Lots of people but because of that, there were a lot of people without homes, the streets were dirty and there were more chances to get robbed or stabbed than to see someone smiling.

I make my way towards the local PC cafe, I wanted to unwind and not think about Settlement but with how big of a game it is, it was going to be hard. At the PC cafe, all the conversations around me were about Settlement. What were you doing yesterday? Did you meet any new monsters? What were the NPCs doing? Did you see that monster? Etc etc.

I put on the provided headphones and scrolled through youtube as I wait for a queue in History of Epics. A classic MOBA that had been played throughout the esports scene for the past decade. As I was busy waiting, I felt a tap on my shoulder, my best friend Danny had come up to me.

"Yo. What's up?"

"Nothing much dude. Just waiting. Want to play together?"

"Nah, instead come with me I need your help."

"What why?"

"Just come. It's Settlement related."

"Hey man, I just want a small break from that game"

"Just this once man."

"Okay…Where are we going?"

"To Bones."

"Reporting? Or new info?"

"New info."

"What is it?"

"You will see. Come let's move, I'll drive."

We walk out of the PC cafe, into the parking lot. Danny's car was an old Toyota. It had dents and scratches everywhere and some of the car parts looked like it was going to fall off, but it could still drive, maybe. Driving through the city, one can see the change in social status as one drives further into the center of the city. From old apartments and smelly streets to clean high-rise buildings. From beggars wearing torn clothing to businessmen wearing suits that would save a family from poverty.

"I always hate going to the city."

"Yea, I know Kingston."

"It's just a bunch of stuck-up snobs that throw money at your face."

"What can you do though? They have the money. We don't."

The car drive was mostly quiet with some chatter here and there while the radio plays in the background. Talk about the weather and daily news was the norm while music was rarely played. Slowly we got closer to the Bones building. A large skyscraper, with close to 100 floors and thousands of employees. Danny parked in the employee parking lot since it was free parking. Despite us being employees of Bones, there was a stark difference in treatment. Maybe it is because of our clothing? Our race? Or maybe it's because of where we live. Just because we were poor we get treated differently.

Walking through the large spinning glass doors and into the air-conditioned reception, and then eventually into the elevators seemed like a walk of shame. Stares from other employees were imminent and I could hear them talk about us. They weren't even concerned with how loud their voices were.

"I hate them."

"I know. I know."

We go up to the 50th floor and walked down a long hallway until we got to room 510, Settlement Meeting Room 1. Danny opens the door and ushers me in but I signal him to go first with a small jerk of my head. Shrugging his shoulders he walks first, taking a seat closest to the door. It was a white meeting room with 5 rows of 10 black chairs and a small table in front. There was a large whiteboard at the front and the seats were already half-filled with other young people. I sit down next to Danny sighing quietly. After another 5 minutes the doors opened and a tall blonde man, wearing a beige suit and pants, flashing his gold front tooth appears.

"Hello, everyone. Sorry for the late notice."

With long strides the man walks to the front, squinting his eyes as he looks at all the different people in the room. The already quiet meeting room becomes even quieter once the man appears.

"Hmm, tough crowd today. Well doesn't matter. Let me introduce myself in case there is someone new. I am Mr. Sparkles. Or at least that is what my in-game name is but here in the real world I am Alan. Now you might be wondering, who is this man that is talking to me? Well, that's a good thought. I am your employer and today I want to discuss with you some information. You see, with the new patch, there has been some activity in the North. People have died more and more. Now, that's bad. Dying is bad. Why? Well, I am losing money, time, and resources because someone died.

So, today I want to share with you some information in the area to avoid. At the same time, I want everyone here to investigate some places."

A projector appears from the ceiling, projecting a rough black and white sketch of a map.

"Here is a rough sketch of what we believe is the map of the North. Using players' information from the past couple of months and cross-referencing them with other players we have come up with a prototype map. Everyone here is part of the players that are not part of the North. You could be in the South or East. Your job is to document your surroundings. BUT!"

Alan walks up to the nearest player at the front of the meeting room and punches the person in the face. The player looked to be 18 years old, very young and with the surprise punch a scream escapes his lips but before he could retaliate, Alan grabs the boy's head slamming it against the table, knocking the boy unconscious.

"BUT! I do NOT want false information."

Alan proceeds to walk to a girl not too far away. Sensing danger approaching her she leaves her seat and bolts for the door, however, no matter how hard she tries to open it, it stays shut. Without even bothering to run Alan just slowly walks around the meeting room. Tears run down her face and she begs for forgiveness.

"You dirty peasants got a job here because we were very generous. We at Bones are very very generous. So, DO. NOT. EVER. THINK. YOU. CAN. LIE. TO. US."

With each word, Alan punches the girl or slams her against the wall. Since it was so close to me and Danny, I could see her eyes full of fear and her trembling body as she leans against the wall after the beating.

After venting his anger, a bright smile could be seen on Alan's face.

"So, that is all. We expect daily reports. Thank you. The door is this way."

Everyone in the room rushes out as quickly as they can and once Danny and I got back into the car his first words were.

"Short and sweet."

"That man is a psychopath."

"Maybe, but he is our employer.

"Shit. I hate this place."

"Let me drive you home alright?"

"Whatever. I'll just relax at home."

"Alright, man."

The drive home was even quieter than the drive to Bones. I said goodbye to Danny as he drops me off at the front of my small apartment. At least, I was able to waste most of the day doing something and before long it was past dinner time when Ian messages me again.

"How are you doing? Do you want to talk about yesterday?" - Ian

"Yeah. Give me a second." - Kingston

I went to my room and got comfortable before my talk with Ian. Time to just let out everything so he can understand what I went through.

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