
110 Chapter 110

[ You have completed the Second Challenge: Survive ]

[ Congratulations ]

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A dry laugh escapes my lips, but I instantly regret trying to laugh. My lips crack and bleed, while the depths of my throat hurt from the lack of moisture. I swallow what little saliva I had in my mouth. Unable to move, I just stare at the blue box. It might not have been as long as the first challenge, but it definitely wasn't any easier.

Who knew how good air felt as it travels down your windpipe and into your lungs, then back out again.

What a shitty game.

I close my eyes.

I lay there.

Slowly breathing.

I don't know how long I laid there for, but once I opened up my eyes, I was back in the room world. Funnily enough, I felt like I had a dry throat. I slowly put away the VR helmet, and then head to the kitchen. Grabbing a random cup, I fill it with water before gulping it all down. Repeating it for 5 times before I felt like I had my fill.

"Wow, someone was thirsty."

My brother had walked in.

"Where were you in the morning, dreamland? You missed out on breakfast, and you didn't respond to me when I went to wake you up."

"I. I was tired. The game really took a lot out of me."

"Oh? What happened?"

"Suffocation. Then dehydration."

"Well, that explains the water. Are you sure you should be doing this to yourself?"

"It's fine brother. I get rewards out of it and I get stronger."

"Sure you get more stats but is it worth all the pain? Each time I see you, it looks like you aged a couple of years. Look at your eyes. They used to be full of life, but when I look at them now, it's like you lost something."

"I'm fine. I finished 2 challenges now. Hopefully there is only 1 more. After that, when I get out of the Ikanda. I am 100% relaxing. Ian already told me via text, that once I'm out I can just sit back, eat and enjoy the sun. Plus, he said there are some surprises, so I am keen."

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"Yea but Kingston. Is it worth it?"

"Kevin. I'm playing this game to earn money for our family, just like you. However, with my situation, I can only lie to Alan. Thankfully, there aren't any other Bones players nearby and after cutting ties with Phil I was able to act on my own."

"I get it, Kingston. Just remember to take care of yourself first. There is food in the fridge, so help yourself. I'm going out to work."

"Thanks brother."

"Don't mention it. Sis made that meal, so thank her once she gets back."

"Okay, thank you."

I watch my brother leave the house, carrying his large worn out duffle bag and dressed in an orange safety vest, yellow helmet, brown pants and leather shoes with a metal tip.

Do I really look different?

I walk to the mirror and look at my self. All I see is my short, black spiky hair, dark eye bags and skinny Asian face. Nothing different.

Maybe it's just Kevin thinking too much.

I set Ian a text messaging him that I cleared the second challenge and said I would talk to him more when night approaches. I quickly eat the bowl of chicken, broccoli, and rice that Kylie had prepared for me and then slept. The moment my head hit my pillow, I was gone. Deep sleep. I guess I needed it.


I jolt up from my bed to my phone alarm. Turning it off and looking at the time, I see that it is 2000. I had slept for a long time and my body felt stiff. I stand up and stretch my joints while I walk to the bathroom. My eye bags have slightly gotten better, and I felt somewhat refreshed after I splashed my face with some water.

I have a quick dinner, which were the leftovers from everyone else's dinner, and proceeded to message Ian. He had already messaged me throughout the day but since I was asleep I didn't notice.

"Congratz." - Ian

"How are you feeling?" - Ian

"Are you okay?" - Ian

"Did something happen?" - Ian

"Text me as soon as you see the message." - Ian

"Hey, sorry. I feel asleep and only just woke up" - Kingston

Within minutes, Ian replies.

"Are you okay? What happened?" - Ian

"I was just so tired. That second challenge felt waaaaaaaay worse than the first one." - Kingston

"Even though it took less time?" - Ian

"Yep. I pretty much died to survive. So ironic. Since the challenge was to survive." - Kingston

"What happened in it? You haven't told me anything about it yet." - Ian

"I got stuck in a rocky room, filled with sand. From the edges to the center, a sand storm would slowly close in, at the same time, there is this sand monster that guards the edges constantly staying within the storm" - Kingston

"Okay, so there must have been something along the wall. Something that triggers the storm to stop?" - Ian

"No, nothing like that. I went along the sides and I didn't find anything. I just felt the cold rock as I rub my fingers along it." - Kingston

"Then how did you survive?" - Ian

"Well, I'm getting to that. See the ground at the center of the room is soft. So soft that you start to sink into it bi by bit and as you do it start to climb up your leg. The sand, even though it was soft, wouldn't let go. Once it holds you, well, let's say you won't be able to escape." - Kingston

"Interesting…"- Ian

"Yep, so my thought was this sand even though it wraps around me, it ends up like a protective shield.  The storm cuts you with the sand, but with another sand barrier blocking it, I didn't get cut anymore. However, I couldn't breathe the moment I get completely covered in sand." - Kingston

"Holy shit. You suffocated yourself. Are you sure you are okay?" - Ian

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Look, Ian, this whole challenge thing is definitely stressful. Like I know it is a game, but every time I die, it. It. It feels so real. " - Kingston

"Like you died in real life?" - Ian

"Yea. Exactly that. I woke up and for a second it felt like I couldn't breathe." - Kingston

"You need some rest. The moment you finish the last challenge, rest in the game and out of the game. Just don't think too much, okay?" - Ian

"How am I supposed to not think about this?" - Kingston

"I had a similar experience." - Ian

"The time when you died to the golem, right?" - Kingston

"Yea. I felt terrible, too. I was in a hole. But we have to move on one way or another. My method is to just keep pushing HavenFall as far as I can. This place is growing, slowly but surely, and I want to see the end of it, even if it is a bad end."

"I don't know. This is all so hard." - Kingston

"I know. I'm right here doing the same thing." - Ian

"What… What can we do about this?" - Kingston

"For now. Nothing. Just have to push ourselves." - Ian

"Okay… Well, it is almost midnight. I'll talk later, okay?" - Kingston

"Of course. Talk to me any time." - Ian

I turn off my phone and lay there. I put on some calming music to play in the background and I stared at the ceiling.

What is the next challenge?

Is it the last challenge?

Will I die over and over again?

What is this feeling in my chest?

Am I going crazy?

What is this?

Does feeling numb to dying feel normal?

Is it all just a game?

Am I just dying in a game?

Or is this real?

I don't even know anymore.

Why is it so real?

I feel like I lost something every time I died.

I think for hours. Words and thoughts mix and match in my brain as they float around me. Nothing made sense just at the same time, I feel like I in the back of my head, something just telling me that it is all just a game and that I am overthinking it.

It's just a game, right?

And like that, I had to go back into the game.

Except, I wasn't expecting my condition from before I exited the game to remain the same. My mouth was dry, my throat was sore. My lips cracked and bleed. I felt dizzy and nauseous. So unexpected and so cruel this game. I was just fine moments ago before I put on the helmet, yet in the next second I feel like I am dying, and yet I still see the hovering blue system message in front of me, taunting me.

[ You have completed the Second Challenge: Survive ]

[ Congratulations ]

[ Would you like to see your rewards? ]

What a shitty game, and yet I trudge along following it like a sheep.


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