
123 Chapter 123

After moving into the forest, we rearranged the formation in order to perform at the best of our abilities. I had a team of 3 humans and 3 demi-humans holding onto the Scutum shields in the front as the first line of defense. In the middle were Stellar, Solar, Celine, Yor and myself with David, Frank, Kingston and a team of 5 goblins archers behind us. Spread out in front, to the sides and behind us was Gibing, Gyumi, Gopopo, Gewari as well as the 6 other goblins and the wolves, Belle, Razor, Dawn. The goblins were in teams of 2 circling around us and were on the lookout for any movement, with Gibing and Gyumi next to me in case they need to relay any messages to the other goblins. The wolves were in a triangle formation with Belle at the front and Razor, Dawn near the back and to the sides. I thought of this formation since the forest had a lot of hidden dangers, even if everyone is confident in their skills. I would rather be safe than sorry.

It was silent and calm inside the forest like time was stopped. The only sound that can be heard was our footsteps, the crunching sound of dead leaves below us and the soft light-hearted chatter. I'm glad that everyone seems to be in a good mood. I was worried that they would feel stressed with each step and it would eventually hurt their mental strength but I guess that was the least of my worries.

I had only been deep inside the forest a few times and each time I didn't have much time to appreciate the environment around me. Around me were emerald green leaves dangling off the deep bronze branches with the white sunlight peeking through the dense canopy. Looking down and a new world invites you. Feuille morte leaves protect the earth underneath accompanied by the foliage which litters the ground. Yet, in all this greenery, there were minimal forms of life.

It is different from Earth, where every book or film, the forest or jungle is bustling with life. This forest, however, is the exact opposite. Other than the occasional rouge goblin or orc I barely saw any life. Not even a jackalope which I, frankly, was kind of excited to see. I turn towards Kingston and David.

"Did you guys kill all the jackalopes or something? I haven't seen any yet and we are reaching the river that's near the middle of the forest." - Ian

"No idea, Ian. We fought some but after we fought that alpha I haven't seen any." - Kingston

"Yea. Maybe Kingston scared it." - David

"What is this? David making a joke?! Kingston you have to step up your game." - Ian

"What!" - Kingston

"Oh, no Ian I was telling the truth. I think Kingston scared it away. His berserk form did some serious damage to the alpha jackalope. He cut off one of its antlers." - David

"Oh. Well-" - Ian

Midsentence a piercing howl could be heard from up front. Belle had seen or heard something…

In response, 2 more howls could be heard from behind and both Razor and Dawn zoom past the main group, dashing towards Belle's position.

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"Ian. I think you might have wished for something too soon." - Celine

"Celine, what is Belle saying?" - Ian

"Danger up ahead. Help. That would be the basic premise of what she said to Razor and Dawn. The both of them replied and ran up as fast as they could to help out." - Celine

"We should do the same. Everyone! I need everyone to keep the formation and speed up. We need to catch up to the wolves as fast as possible to help them out. Gibing go to the east and inform the other goblins to keep a lookout for any ambushes and to speed up as well. Gyumi take to the west and do the same thing." - Ian

"Got it, leader Ian." - Gibing, Gyumi

p The two goblins dash away the moment the command finishes. At the same time, I could feel everyone speed up from a walk to a jog. I keep up with the pace and in the distance, I could hear the sound of water moving. The stream that cuts through the forest is near and that must be where the wolves are as well. Each step gets us closer and soon the forest clears and in front of us were the 3 growling wolves on our side of the river.

On the other side of the river was the alpha jackalope. It stood on its hind legs looking down on the wolves and rightfully so, it was the same size as Aur, the alpha wolf. Its snow-white fur glistens in the sun, with small clear water droplets dripping off the tips of its jet black claws. Unlike the other smaller jackalopes it had 2 amber antlers however its right antler was broken off only leaving an antler half its size. However, even though it was only half the size of the other antler it was looked bigger than my torso.

Its scarlet eyes gaze across us as its small black snout twitches. Small squeals could be heard below, next to the giant hind legs. Normal size jackalopes, each looking as menacing as they can next to their leader.

"You two were fighting that thing?" - Stellar

"I swear it was smaller. Did it get a growth spurt? Or am I just remembering wrong? David? How big was it?" - Kingston

"Umm… Smaller. It-it-it got at least twice its size in the last day or two. H-h-h-how?" - David

"No idea… However, right now it is in front of us and it looks like Belle and the others don't think that the alpha jackalope is friendly." - Ian

"Thoughts?" - Kingston

"It hasn't moved yet even though we are right in front of it. Shields up first, archers get ready to fire the moment it moves. Everyone else stands on guard and be ready to react to anything." Ian

In moments, the humans and demi-humans set up the front line pressing up as closely as they can to ensure there are no gaps. The goblin archers position themselves on top of trees, holding the bowstring taut, ready for any movement. By this time, Gibing and Gyumi had informed the rest of the goblins about the situation and the rest of the goblins were in sprinting distance, keeping an eye out on the situation around the alpha.

"Strange, I have never seen a jackalope grow this big." - Solar

"First time for everything right?" - Stellar

"But still. What made it grow twice its size within a matter of days? It also looks more intelligent than a normal monster." - Solar

"How can you tell?" - Ian

"A normal monster would either attack or run when confronted with other monsters, especially when the wolves are aggressively growling." - Solar

"Not just that. The wolves are trying to talk to the jackalopes. Belle is saying for the jackalopes to move or else there will be bloodshed." - Celine

"However, no response am I right?" - Ian

"Right. In fact, it's the smaller jackalopes that are responding." - Celine

"You can understand them as well?" - Ian

"Vaguely, I think I am slowly understanding them. Since I have never heard a jackalope until right now I am not sure what they are saying but they do seem to be protesting as well as asking the alpha on what they should do." - Celine

"Attack first. Think later." - Kingston

"Wait Kingston-" - Ian

Without waiting for me Kingston dashes out of the formation and at the same time, the dirt on the ground wraps around his feet slowly covering his legs and then torso until his whole body is covered in dirt. Kingston's spear shines in the sun as he dashes through the river and stabs forward at the unmoving giant. However, at the last second, the alpha jackalope jumps up, leaping into the air and above the canopy, landing down aiming for Kingston. Due to its large size, its descent was faster than expected and Kingston had to roll away in order to dodge the attack.

"Shit, you are too hasty. Goblins fire your arrows now! Fire at will. Stellar and Solar, attack using magic. Everyone else be ready to defend." - Ian

Stellar vanishes into thin air as she turns to the side while Solar conjures a Ball of Light sending it to the alpha jackalope's face. At the same time, a rain of arrows comes from the goblin archers, each arrow missing its target as the jackalope jumps further upstream. Unfortunately, Solar's Ball of Light also misses. After jumping away to gain distance, it crouches down positioning its antlers in the front and pointing it at our wall.

"If it rams into the wall, there will catastrophic damage, Ian." - Yor

"I know! Frank, lead the human group to the side. Yor take the demi-humans and cross over the river and into the fore-" Ian

Before I even had a chance to reposition everyone the jackalope dashes forward leaping at us but, it must have overestimated the jump as it leaps over us. Its underside was so close I could have stabbed it with a knife.

"MOVE NOW!" - Ian

I shouted at everyone to get into the forest on both sides. I knew from the fight between Aur and the blood ogre, that the environment helps a lot, especially when the monster likes to attack in a straight line.


Before he could refute my commands I had shouted at him first. Reluctantly, I saw him move in the forest, attacking the smaller jackalopes as they tried to pounce on Yor and his men.

A cry from the beast could be heard as Stellar's figure rematerializes at the face of the monster. Stellar carves out one of its scarlet red eyes before jumping off the monster and disappearing into the darkness once again.

Angered by the attack as well as its own frustration from not being able to complete the task, the alpha jackalope screams loudly. The high pitch cry was the beast looking for revenge. Its pure white snow slowly gets dyed in a deep marron red as blood pours out of its wound but it doesn't matter. The beast cries at us and tries another leap.

This time we were prepared, we had knives ready to attack and once the alpha jumps over our heads we stab upwards, piercing the weaker side of monsters and drawing more blood. The blood pours out like a fountain and at this point, any normal monster would quit but not this one. As more blood pours out its fur changes slowly from a nice clear white to a deep red.


All its fur became red.

It stops crying at us and instead looks at us but the weird thing was, its antler was growing. The broken antler grew larger and larger, bigger than the one on the other side, and at the same time, I could see the alpha exhibiting more violent behavior.

It starts to thrash left and right hitting rocks and trees and knocking them over one by one.

"Can we defeat it?" - Yor

"Of course, we can." - Kingston

"We will defeat it. So everyone will get stronger." - Ian

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