
128 Chapter 128

I spend most of the day accompanying Rebecca, doing morning exercise, eating lunch, and even shopping for dinner. Life felt peaceful and Rebecca seems to be more cheerful especially since her skill hasn't activated once in the real world. I guess it must have just been so traumatic the first time it happened that her brain thought it was real. I was the same, I expected something to happen after the fight with King Jackalope, however, coming out of the game, I didn't feel anything that was out of the ordinary. We spent the rest of the evening preparing curry for dinner while talking about our plans for the game. Hours went by and eventually it was time to go back into the game.

I open my eyes to the bright world and the chatter of the NPCs next to me. I observe our surroundings and notice that the blood river has finally been replaced by the clear blue water again. I spent the next few minutes just looking around until David approached me.

"Ian?" - David

"Yes, David?" - Ian

"I think we should get going." - David

"Hmm? I thought I told everyone to rest up for a while longer?" - Ian

"Yes, but talking with everyone I think we can start moving soon." - David

"I see, then can you get everyone to start putting on their armor and making sure the baskets of food are secured properly? We can start making our way through the forest once everyone is ready." - Ian

"Yes!" - David

I watch as David walks back to the main group with a smile, happily helping others put on their armor before they eventually help him with his. I was surprised, David was taking initiative. Surprised yet happy. Seeing him taking a leading role even if it is for something small means he is growing. Despite his large build, he has always been a timid person but I guess after the constant fighting and seeing everyone stand together with him, must have given him some confidence. Although he is still scared at times during battle whether he shows it or not, I can tell.

Once everyone was ready we start moving again, this time, I had Ken and Kaede stay with the main group while only the goblins and wolves were scouts. The siblings have been chatting nonstop about various scenarios about the battle and even tried reenacting certain parts. It was like watching two kids play pretend but they were learning more about combat from them. Their eyes shone with curiosity whenever combat was involved.

We cross the clear water, refilling our water sacks on the other side before venturing into the forest with the intent of going as far as we can. The forest on this side of the river was denser. Shrubbery and small trees created a wall in front of us, forcing us to cut through. David took the lead, using his ax to cut down most of the small trees in front of us, paving a small path. Noticing that we started to diverge into a single file, I made 3 demi-humans go to the front as well, to cut down the path with a stone ax. Their spears were given to the other human shieldbearers to hold onto until they need to be switched.

We kept the formation we had at the start with some minor changes and kept an ear out in case something slips past the goblin and wolf scouts. Still, it was quiet. Other than the sound we made by stepping on the leaves or cutting down a tree the forest was quiet. I turn towards Stellar and ask her a question since she and Solar had ventured here before with Luke.

"Is the whole forest quiet as this?" - Ian

"Yes. With the occasional monster attacking another monster, most of the time it is silent. Goblin encampments are usually in clearing or at the edge of the forest rather than inside it because of potential predators." - Stellar

"What do you expect to see here then?" - Ian

"We might face a predator that views us as an enemy or a monster who is simply guarding its territory. Smaller monsters are more active during the night or they prefer to stay hidden and quiet during the day eating on vegetation or leaves. The jackalope is one of these monsters." - Stellar

"But it is still unusual that it is this quiet. A monster should have been curious about us by now." - Solar

"What do you mean?" - Ian

"We are walking through a forest that they live in with a large number. They might feel threatened by the force and seek to obverse us from a distance by not even the wolves have noticed anything." - Solar

"Right. By now if there was a monster watching us Belle, Dawn or Razor would have noticed. Their superior sense of smell should have picked up the scent of an unknown monster and warned us about the dangers but nothing has happened yet." - Ian

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"There is also the possibility that the King Jackalope fought the monsters and killed them all." - Stellar

"It is possible. The personality of the monster changed after being experimented on by Kronos." - Solar

"Or it could have changed when the insect monster took its body." - Ian

"Yes, and knowing how aggressive it was then it might have searched for opponents to fight and prey on." - Stellar

"All of that in one day though? It looked like it wasn't even hurt from a fight." - Ian

"It is just a guess. I'm not too sure as well." - Stellar

We continued onwards until we found a small clearing in the middle of the forest. It wasn't much, just an area where the large trees didn't grow. Peering through the small gaps in the branches to find the sun, I estimated that we would only have 2-3 hours left before the sun sets and the forest will become dark. Taking this opportunity I signal for everyone to stop and set up camp.

Setting up for camp in the middle of the forest needed time since we don't have a tent or a sleeping bag. I had the shieldbearers clear the ground first while the goblins went to collect sticks and small logs. The ground needed to be as clear as possible to remove the chance of a fire and luckily for us with how quiet the forest is, there were no bugs. An insanely great perk for being a silent forest. NO INSECTS!

David collected some large rocks and sticks to set up a fire. I told him that we should set up multiple fires in case one of them were to go out unexpectedly. David nods his head and sets up 3 separate campfires, making a triangle with the 3. Once the goblins came back we started the construction of small stick shelters. The shelter was very simple to make and didn't require a lot of effort, just a lot of resources that were found right around us. Sticks, branches, leaves, rocks, and vines.

A total of 10 stick shelters were made before sunset however, it was enough. I wanted to have 10 people on watch at all times, and the shelters could fit two people. David didn't mind resting against a tree so his sleeping quarters had been sorted. Using a pile of dead leaves as bedding was the best could do. Food was more vegetable soup however, the hot soup helped a lot in the temperature drop that happened once night fell. I didn't notice while in HavenFall since I had somewhat of a proper bed but once night fell in this area, it got cold. In the orange light made from the fire, I could see a small cloud escaping my mouth each time I exhale.

Belle, Dawn, and Razor wrapped their bodies around Ken, Kaede, and Celine as they slept near each other. The wolves have been very important so far and will continue to be a vital component in the grand scheme of things. I didn't make them go on watch and instead asked Celine to tell them to rest up for the night. I had the goblins take the first shift for the night but before that, I needed to talk to Gibing.

"Gibing!" - Ian

"Yes, Leader Ian?" - Gibing

"Tonight, while you and the other goblins are on watch, make a note of all the potential paths that enemies might come from as well as retreat routes. Since you and the other goblins can see in the dark it should be easier for you to find these pathways. Once your shift is over, tell the next group about these routes." - Ian

"Yes, Leader Ian. If I may?" - Gibing

"What's wrong?" - Ian

"Gyumi and I feel something. Within our bodies." - Gibing

"Bad or good feeling?" - Ian

"I am not sure. I have not felt this before." - Gibing

"Where is Gyumi?" - Ian

"She is on watch looking towards the East." - Gibing

"Bring me there, we should find out what is happening to the both of you in case it is something that might cause harm to you or others." - Ian

"Of course, Leader Ian." - Gibing

Gibing lead the way, weaving through the forest like it was his backyard, stopping every so often for me to catch up. After running for some time, Gibing climbs a tree, bringing Gyumi down with him. Her position was on top of a tree which could overlook the clearing as well whatever is in the east of the forest.

"Gyumi, I want you to tell me what is your condition right?" - Ian

"I have told Gibing, that I feel something in my body. Like my heart is pumping faster and the blood within my body flowing faster. I can feel it move throughout my body." - Gyumi

"Much like how I feel as well, Leader Ian." - Gibing

"When did this happen? When did it start?" - Ian

"After the battle with the King Jackalope." - Gibing, Gyumi

"After the battle… I see…" - Ian

I take a look at the both of their stats to see if I can get any information from the stats.

Name: Gibing

Race: Gobin

Health Points (HP): 30/30

Mana Points (MP): 5/5

Strength: 18

Vitality: 15

Intelligence: 10

Dexterity: 15

Agility: 19

Luck: 1

Name: Gyumi

Race: Gobin

Health Points (HP): 20/20

Mana Points (MP): 10/10

Strength: 12

Vitality: 10

Intelligence: 20

Dexterity: 20

Agility: 25

Luck: 3

Skill: Backstep (Active) - 2MP

Backstep (Active) - The user consumes mana to quickly dodge backward.

"I'm not 100% sure but I can tell you what I think is the cause of this feeling." - Ian

"What is it, Leader Ian? Are we ill?" - Gyumi

"No, no, I think the both of you are in the process of evolving. Gobi evolved from a goblin into a hobgoblin. I think both of you are on the verge of it as well. However, I never asked him the process so I am not too sure about what to do or how to help." - Ian

"Evolving?" - Gibing

"I have heard from Boss Gobi about that. He told a story to some of the other goblins and I happened to be nearby to hear it as well." - Gyumi

"What was it?" - Gibing

"Evolving is the next step to getting stronger. Goblins are weak so we must work hard to evolve into our stronger counterparts, hobgoblins." - Gyumi

"Yes, HavenFall has faced a couple of Hobgoblins before and they are stronger than your average goblin by a lot. With how hard everyone has been training I think, if you and Gibing evolves into hobgoblins you will become stronger than maybe even David and Kingston." - Ian

"How do we evolve then?" - Gibing

"Not sure, however, it will happen. Patience is key so keep doing what you have been doing and it will happen soon." - Ian

"Thank you for giving us your advice, Leader Ian. I will do whatever I can to the best of my capabilities." - Gyumi

"As will I, Leader Ian." - Gibing

"It's fine, work hard and-" - Ian

As I was finishing up my conversation with Gibing and Gyumi we heard something move in the bushes away behind Gibing. All three of us tensed up and slowly drew our weapons. I had taken along 2 knives and still had the shield attached to my arm, while Gibing and Gyumi had their bows and a knife each.





No movements.

Were we just paranoid?

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