
228 Chapter 228

The world turns gray and Rebecca disappears from my view, replaced with the ceiling. I take off my VR helmet and turn to my side to see Rebecca getting up as well. Helping her up and saying good morning, we both washed up early before leaving the room. However, what greets us as we walk out, was very unexpected. Adam and Eve were seen directing other butlers and maids along the corridor. Looking at Rebecca, she nudges her head towards Adam, signaling for me to talk.

"Why don't yo- OUCH! Okay, okay. Hey, Adam! What's happening? Why is everyone running around?" - Ian

"Mr. Ian and Miss Rebecca, I was about to just get you. There seems to be a problem with your friend Kingston. His room caught on fire, and we are currently handling the situation. Mr. Ian and Miss Rebecca, I would like both of you to follow the corridor to the living room calmly. Mr. Sam and Miss Nina are already there, this is not a drill." - Adam

"Wait, what? What happened to Kingston?" - Ian

"Fire? How did that happen?" - Rebecca

"Please, I need the both of you to exit this place while we-" - Adam

A loud explosion rings throughout the building as smoke and dust rush through the corridor slamming into my body. Pushing Rebecca back into the room, I attempt to shield myself with my arm. As the smoke and dust clears, I see 2 butlers unconscious against the wall while Eve and a maid were on the ground.

"EVE!" - Adam

"Adam! Wait! Babe, stay inside the room! Don't go out!" - Ian

"Wait, babe, don't go!" - Rebecca

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"No! Just stay inside, I'll be right back. Call Sam to get more people up here as well as a doctor. I'm not sure if Adam has already called the doctor but just in case he hasn't, make sure you inform them." - Ian

"Okay! Just be careful." - Rebecca

Adam rushes toward Eve and I follow right behind me. Crouching down and placing his index and middle finger on her neck, Adam confirms that Eve was still alive. Peering into Kingston's room, I see the floor and walls scorched black with Kingston in the center of the room, face first on the ground.

"Kingston? Are you okay?" - Ian

Adam was in the process of moving Eve and the maid away from the door as I call out to Kingston. Not hearing a response I peek inside once again but nothing had changed. I look at Adam for advice, but he was just as unsure as I was. Instead of entering the room, I help Adam move everyone to the side, and only once the both of us were confident that those who were unconscious were safe, did we venture into Kingston's room.

"Mr. Ian, the both of us need to be careful going in here." - Adam

"Just call me Ian, Adam. What do you know happened here?" - Ian

"Not too long ago, we were informed that a fire had started in this room due to the smoke detectors. However, the sprinklers didn't activate, so we sent 2 butlers and a maid to check out the situation. Through the phone, they told us that there was a fire and the door to Kingston's room was burnt black.

Eve and I were nearby, so we also went over to check the situation while also informing everyone to evacuate. We already told a fire brigade to come as well as the ambulance and just as we were going to leave the explosion happened, and we are here right now. There shouldn't be anything explosive inside the room so, I'm confused as to what happened. " - Adam

"Right, and it isn't as if Kingston had explosives on him. Looking at the scorch marks, we can see that everywhere, but a small ring around Kingston is burnt. The scorch marks even reach the ceiling, but it didn't burn through the walls." - Ian

"I'm going to approach Kingston. Stay here." - Adam

"Are you sure the both of us shouldn't go to him at the same time?" - Ian

"I don't know… I've never been in this situation before. Usually, I find things for Mr. Sam or escort him around. Nothing ever happens at home and this is extremely different. Regardless I'll see if Kingston is okay or not. If anything happens to me, tell Eve I'm sorry for letting her down." - Adam

"Wait, no, no, no. We can wait for the fire brigade and the ambulance right?" - Ian

"What if something happens to Kingston while we wait? Are you going to take responsibility if we let him die as we wait nearby?" - Adam

"No… In that case, we both go. You go to the left and I'll go to the right." - Ian

"Not sure if that matters but okay." - Adam

Both Adam and I, approach Kingston slowly. Carefully watching around us just in case something unexpected happens. Other than the slightly hot ground, and the smoke-filled room nothing was out of the ordinary. Adam kneels beside Kingston reaching out slowly toward his neck, checking his vitals just like how he did for Eve.

"He is alive, but he is burning up…" - Adam

"What do you mean?" - Ian

"I can feel his pulse beat normally but as I touch more of his body I can feel my hand slowly burning as if I am touching hot coal. Even now as I am right next to him, I can feel the heat. Come, kneel down. You'll know what I mean as you get closer to him." - Adam

Following Adam's lead, I kneel down, and just like he said, I could feel Kingston's body radiate heat, like a natural heater. No matter where I touch him, whether it is his arm, leg, or neck, it was like putting my hand inside an oven.

"Should we flip him?" - Adam

"Maybe…?" - Ian

"Alright, follow my lead." - Adam

Placing his hand underneath Kingston's body, Adam readies himself to flip Kingston while I prepare myself to ease his body down. Adam grits his teeth as the heat from Kingston's body starts to hurt his hands. With a small countdown, Adam pushes Kingston's body over, and I catch up, easing him down. As I look at Kingston's body, I froze, while Adam flinches, standing up immediately.

Instead of Kingston's face, we both saw a scarlet red crystal mask, with black red horns on the front. Looking back at the spot where Kingston's face lay, I see there were 2 holes burnt straight through the floor.

"What the hell is this?" - Adam

"I know that mask. It is the same mask, Kingston has when he goes Berserk. The skill he has creates this mask over him giving him an insane stat boost, but that's in the game…" - Ian

"Are you saying that the game affects him in real life? How is that possible? It's just a game, right? Right?" - Adam

"I-I don't know. It happened to me before as well and Rebecca. However, this was the first time it has been permanent." - Ian

"What do we do? Do we leave him? Do we try to take off the mask? Like what do we do? I am just so confused right now. This shouldn't be happening." - Adam

Just as Adam was freaking out, Kingston jolts up from the ground. Narrowly moving out of the way, I dodge Kingston's potential headbutt. Kingston's mask crumbles off his face slowly revealing a scared and tired expression. Looking around anxiously, Kingston's eyes eventually meet mine.

"Ian…? Where? Oh my god… Am I glad to see you. You won't believe what happened-." - Kingston

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, Kingston flops back down to the grounds with a loud thud. Frozen from Kingston's sudden revival to his sudden fall, both Adam and I were unable to compute what just happened. Slowly, Adam reaches out to check if Kingston still had a pulse, which he did. Unable to process the recent events, both of us just waited for the doctor to arrive.

After a couple of minutes, the doctor arrives giving Kingston a full body check after transporting his body to a sterile environment. Eve and the other workers were also transported along with Kingston and during that time, I met up with everyone else in the living room.

Retelling what Adam and I experienced, Sam, Nina, Evan, and Sabrina were shocked and confused. The events that took place left their mouths wide open and with nothing to say back. We could only wait until Kingston comes back from the doctor before we confirm anything.

Most of the day passes before Kingston is released from the doctor's care. According to the report, there was nothing wrong with his body other than a slight fever which he recovered from during the stay with the doctor. Meeting with everyone in the living room, we start to question Kingston on what happened to him in the game that lead to the skill activating in the real world.

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