
233 Chapter 233

Half expecting the door to fling outward, I jump back slightly, grasping my weapon just in case. While I understood that I controlled the Portal now, I was still cautious. However, instead of the door moving in or out, it moved to the side. Opening in the middle, and slowly moving to the side we were able to see into the Portal. A starry night sky awaited us, like a thin film covering the space in front of us.

"Howard, Luna, and Kaede you 3 will enter first, and right behind will be Rebecca and me. Gewari, stay on this side first before a minute before following us, just in case something happens." - Ian

"Alright, Kaede, follow my lead." - Howard

"I'll follow you immediately after a minute or so, my lord." - Gewari

Howard, Kaede, and Luna enter the portal, holding onto the weapons, ready to react to any danger. Following them, Rebecca and I walk through into the starry sky film. I hold out my hand as I walk through just in case there was something in front of me, but it was like touching a liquid. It wraps around my hand and gently pulls me deeper.

The darkness fades as I step through, and the scent of death lingers in the air. A large cylindrical room with a spiraling staircase awaits me, with small amethyst balls of fire illuminating parts of the room. Exactly as Kingston described the room, however, I don't see either Kingston or the black cocoons.

"Defensive formation. No, Kingston or the black cocoons. Any danger, babe?" - Ian

"Nothing at the moment. It's weird though, where could Kingston have gone?" - Rebecca

"Where are they…?" - Kaede

"Luna isn't reacting to anything either. I think we can safely assume that we are safe right now." - Howard

"No, we spoke too soon. Look at the other side. A Portal is opening there too." - Ian

Stepping through the Portal on the other side of the room is a group of humans, 3 males, and 3 females. In the center, carrying a large black rectangular shield with small spikes along the edge is a muscular blonde man with deep emerald eyes. Wearing similarly colored armor, and a sword on his belt, he brings his shield in front of him as he realizes we were also in the room.

Appearing next to him were two other males, one with short black hair while the other had long curly hair. Both wielded a short ax and small circular shield, dressed in brown leather like armor. The girls in the back were both archers, poised and ready to shoot an arrow at the slightest of movements. Calling out to the man in the middle, I suggest a peaceful outcome.

"Hello, there. We don't want to fight you. We just got here through a Portal ourselves. Is it possible for you to lower your weapons?" - Ian

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"Who are you and who are you affiliated with?" - ???

"My name is Kingston. I'm an individual Player with a small squad of trustworthy people. I play this game for fun and I discovered this Portal last night but didn't go through until today. May I ask for your name and affiliation?" - Ian

"My name is Travys Mayne. I'm with Bones and this is one of the few Portals that we were able to acquire. Kingston, I would like both of us to work together here. Last night there was a bloodbath after a demon attacked, and to prevent another bloodbath I suggest that both of our forces work together for the time being." - Travys

"Agreed. My friend died yesterday when he discovered this place, isn't that right Howard?" - Ian

Glancing toward Howard, I signal him to reply but keep it short. At the same time, I see Gewari appear from the Portal while casting Stealth and blending into the darkness. I didn't even need to tell her to keep hidden, but her decision to do so made me smile.

"Uhh, yes. It was dangerous." - Howard

"Right. Shall we meet at the staircase over at that side to have a proper talk?" - Travys

"Of course. I would like to discuss and share any information if possible, so we can figure out this place." - Ian

I start walking toward the foot of the staircase which was along the wall on my left. Without alarming everyone, I quietly whisper my orders.

"Stay on alert and my name is Kingston. Howard, try not to speak too much. Rebecca try to cover for him as much as possible." - Ian

"What about me?" - Kaede

"Act cute. That should be more than enough." - Ian

"Why Kingston?" - Howard

"Just in case. I don't want to reveal too much information to people I don't know." - Ian

"Alright. I'll do my best to keep quiet as well. If there is any potential danger, just say something, and I'll immediately spring into action." - Howard

Approaching the stairs, I am able to get a better look at the 6-man party. With 3 frontline and 3 supporters in the back, their party seemed very balanced. It also seemed like the two girls were also wielding daggers as I could see the scabbard strapped to their thighs. However, as we approached them, they went back to being on guard.

"Kingston, what are you? What are those things on your back?" - Travys

"Oh, these spider legs? Part of a skill. Don't worry too much about them." - Ian

"Travys, I think we just kill them. They are obviously lying." - Song

"Wow. There is no need to get violent already." - Ian

"Is there a way to put the spider legs away? And Song, calm down. There is no need to rush into things." - Travys

"No. They are constantly active." - Ian

"Alright then. Then you won't mind if we stay a little far from you and your group right?" - Travys

"Not at all. Then let me introduce everyone to you. This is Howard, Rebecca, Kaede and the wolf here is Luna." - Ian

"Once again, it is nice to meet you. This is Song, Rosanna, Tsugi, JenJen and Kumiho. We are here because the initial team got squad wiped last night. The initial team was weaker than us, however, they were instantly killed because of a fight between 2 demons." - Travys

"Our friend died because of that as well. We want to find out the secrets of this place and according to the forums, this place had the least amount of Portals. However, that also corresponds to the difficulty. What is at the top and what is in between? We are curious about that. " - Ian

"Alright. Well, there is not much that we know. We are going to go up the stairs and face whatever it is that we need to face to figure out the Abyss." - Travys

"Okay, how do you want to position ourselves? The stairs can fit 5 people standing next to each other but with no railing on the side I suggest only 3 people at the front. That way there is some room for all 3 of them to move about without being too cramped." - Ian

"I like your suggestion. However, I would like to propose that your front will be the ones to go first." - Travys

"Why is that?" - Ian

"My party members are worried about the spider legs and frankly so am I. You also have enough members to be at the front and with the spear. You will have more range compared to me and my two ax-wielding friends." - Travys

"Your shield would be perfect for defending though. How about we mix our members together? So that we can take advantage of our strengths while eliminating as many of our weaknesses as possible. Wouldn't that be a better idea if both group's aim is to explore?" - Rebecca

"Travys, we will be fine. I think." - JenJen

"Alright then, what do you suggest the line-up to be, Kingston?" - Travys

"Howard, Luna, and you at the front with Song, Tsugi, and me right behind. Following us will be JenJen, Rosanna, and Rebecca. At the end will be Kumiho and Kaede." - Ian

"A fair choice. However, we swap JenJen and Kumiho around. JenJen has a skill that is more suited when the target is further away from her." - Travys

"Okay. I don't mind." - Ian

Getting into formation, we start our slow ascent up the stairs. The atmosphere feels slightly tense as everyone is getting used to the new faces. Constantly glances and stares could be felt everywhere, as everyone tries to gauge the strengths of the person next to them. However, we still had Gewari who is currently hidden from everyone while she has stealth activated.

With every step up the stairs, we can hear the echoing sounds of our footsteps as it bounces around the tower. An endless stairway up into the abyss with no monsters. The lack of monsters made the climb relaxing to a certain extent, but an uncomfortable feeling keeps tugging at me.

Where did Kingston go? Where are the black cocoons that were supposed to be right in front of the Portal? Did they climb up as well? What is waiting for us the higher we climb? There were a lot of questions but none of them could be answered. Not yet at least.

"Kingston, I think there is something in front of us." - Rebecca

"Luna feels it too." - Howard

"What is it? A monster? Monsters?" - Song

"How many are there, Travys?" - Tsugi

"I can't see anything but the wolf is definitely agitated." - Travys

"I suggest you get into a defensive stance. They aren't in front of us but above us." - Ian

"He is right, Travys. Up above… There is definitely a lot…" - JenJen

Dozens of light red dots could be seen floating in the empty space in the center of the tower. Circling around in the darkness above us, they dance and weave around each other waiting for us to get closer.

"Girls, take aim." - Travys

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