
248 Chapter 248


Entering this village, I notice that the combat power of everyone is a lot higher as well. It wasn't just the defensive capabilities but also the offensive capabilities of its residents. Within an instant, a rough formation was already created and surrounding me were spears made out of wood and stone. Looking at them reminded me of old man Hus and the efforts he put into making weapons and armor for everyone in HavenFall.


Yelling at the top of their lungs, several people lunge forth with their spears aiming for my head, chest, and legs. However, they were too slow. Sparks focus on my feet as I leap over their spears landing in the small space behind them. Gripping my fists, I pummel the closest person letting my Fenrir Claw do the work and sending small discharges around it.

Reacting to my attack, the second line of defense attacks me with their daggers, axes, and clubs. As the weapons swing towards my body, I simply dodge them while using the Fenrir claws to block and counterattack. The weapons couldn't break through the claw and each attack sent a couple of people flying back, hitting their allies.

"Shockwave." - Luke

Slamming my fist to the ground, I send numerous electric pulses around me, passing through everyone near me and paralyzing them. With them immobile, they became sitting ducks waiting for my claws to rip through them. Killing human after human, tearing through their flesh and splattering blood across the ground.

Compared to the start where Jak was rallying his troops, the people around me showed signs of nervousness and anxiety after seeing their comrades murdered in front of their eyes. These people posed no threat to me as they were afraid, making my job easier. I continue to kill them, one after the other, with only a few people trying their best to fight back.

"No, no, no. HOW ARE WE SO WEAK?!" - Jak

Standing in the back, dressed in leather armor and holding a spear, Jak's distressed expression was mirrored on all the other people. Despair is all they know as sparks fly around my body and two giant claws float in front of them. How could they possibly beat me is what they are thinking. If only I can tell them how much I rather them defeating me.

"Finish them, Luke." - Casper

Stepping onto the ground next to me, Casper glances around as he orders me. His voice was full of disdain as he kicks a corpse away from him.

"There is more than one of them? Who are you? Why are you going around and killing us? What have we done to you?" - Jak

"I have nothing to say to insects other than the Horde demands that you die." - Casper

"The Horde? Damn, this isn't even part of the main mission." - Jak

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"What do we do Jak?!"

"Run? Fight? It is all the same. We are going to die just like everyone else that met that saiyan wolf thing." - Jak

"Hurry up, Luke. We don't have all die." - Casper

"Yes, Casper. I'm sorry, but please die." - Luke

I had already eliminated half of the people that were defending this village and with only a group of scared individuals left, the fight was easy. Once again there is only carnage and destruction as I kill Jak, the last survivor. It was strange though, why did he keep trying to ask me and Casper things as he was dying? I had torn off a limb, but he was still asking about the reasons for our movement.

"Casper, I have a question." - Luke

"Speak, but it can't be about how long you are away from our home." - Casper

"No… It's not that. Why was this person more concerned about information than his own deaths? It's different from other humans. I thought maybe you can enlighten me." - Luke

"Interesting but before that." - Casper

Casper dashes toward me, grabbing my shirt as he looks into my eyes. I jerk my body at his approach only to be unable to move as Casper's hold was too strong. The air around me freezes as he pressures me with his aura. A couple of seconds feel like a couple of hours as I hold my breath, waiting for Casper to be satisfied.

"Hmm… I guess I can tell you a little about this." - Casper

Casper's intimidating aura is released, and he releases me. Looking at the corpses near us, he grabs one of them and brings it near us.

"You see Luke, these humans are special. We can kill them, but they will come back to life tomorrow if they so choose." - Casper

"Come back to life? Like the zombies that I had to fight a few days back?" - Luke

"No, different. Zombies are reanimating the dead, moving bodies to do a job, but these humans come back to life with their souls intact. The same person you just killed will be back the exact same way before you killed them, only with additional information. They will learn our skills and our strengths, using them to their advantage. That human you were with before is the same." - Casper

"What? Ian? No… He doesn't do that, he is normal. What? What do you mean?" - Luke

Confusion hits. People reviving? That can't be real.

"Maybe you think it is a joke, or maybe you think I am lying to you, but I assure you this is real. There is a reason why we are constantly killing humans. We are eliminating them and slowing their progress. It seems like they grow stronger the longer they are alive, and their knowledge is extremely advanced for how long they have been here.

It is like they are a different breed of humans, or maybe they come from somewhere across the ocean. There are too many possibilities on who and why they are here but the only thing you need to know is that they are dangerous. Including the human, you were with." - Casper

"Who told you this…? There is no way this is real. I-I refuse to believe this." - Luke

Was it fear that I feel right now? Why is my body trembling at the thought of Ian being someone he isn't? Is it just him? Lucina? Howard? Kingston? Sylvia…?

"That isn't the only thing you need to know. These humans are everywhere. Not just the North or the Center but everywhere. These humans are worse than insects appearing from every corner and taking everything. You can't even kill them as they come back to life." - Casper

"Is there a way to identify them?" - Luke

"No, but most of them are together with humans that can revive. When this happens, villages such as these are formed. They tend to communicate openly regardless of who they are fighting, giving away their tactics if their opponent is intelligent. If only there was a consistent method to find out if they are able to be revived…

Hmm, maybe we capture the next few humans and experiment. Like the two nearby. Luke, wait for me here. I will be right back." - Casper

Licking his lips Casper spreads his wings and flies off the ground zooming into the forest, leaving me to my own thoughts. Thoughts that are muddling my mind. Glancing over to a small boulder nearby, I sit down and try to collect my thoughts. Was what Casper saying true? Gripping my head I don't know what to believe…

Was Ian just like these humans? Can he just revive? Then why did he save me? Save us? Save all those other people in HavenFall? Why did he allow Solar and the others to come into HavenFall? Were their ulterior motives? How about Kingston? Sometimes he feels a little different from the others, but he felt real. What if it was all fake as well…?

"Luke…?" - ???

A familiar voice enters my ears, something I haven't heard in a long time, but why would I hear that here, unless… Springing up from the boulder I look in the direction of the voice, only to see Sylvia and another girl, hanging from their feet as Casper hovers above me.

"LUKE! HELP!" - Sylvia

"Please help, Luke!" - Nina

"Why would have thought? I found Ares's Apostle. Not one but two of them at the same time. Isn't this the female that was with you when I took you away from the humans, Luke?" - Casper

"Casper, please… There isn't a need to hurt them. There is no way they are the same as the other humans. Please… I'm begging you." - Luke

"Luke? Why are you…?" - Sylvia

"Luke, now why do you think I will listen to you?' - Casper

"Please… This is the only request I have." - Luke

"Luke, why? Just-" - Sylvia

"Sylvia, please be quiet. Casper, I will do anything for you and the Horde. Just please, let Sylvia live." - Luke

"And the other girl?" - Casper

"I couldn't care less." - Luke

"LUKE! No! Nina doesn't need to die." - Sylvia

"No, it's fine Sylvia. Don't worry about me. Luke, do whatever you need to do, I'll be fine. I know how much the both of you mean to each other." - Nina

"Girl, I have a question for you. Are you the same as these humans?" - Casper

"What do you mean?" - Nina

"Do you also revive after dying?" - Casper

"There is no way she is the same." - Luke

"What do you mean by revive…?" - Nina

Nina's expression turns slightly sour for a brief second but Casper notices the change. Smiling, he grabs Nina and pulls her face closer to his.

"So you are the same… Excellent. Luke, I will be taking both of them to the Horde. I won't kill your female but if you so much as step out of line, I will kill the both of you." - Casper

"No, Luke. Just escape there shouldn't be a need to do this…" - Sylvia

"It's fine. Just please, let them live." - Luke

"Then, let's head back. There are some experiments I want to do already." - Casper

"LUKE! WHAT-" - Sylvia

Within an instant, Sylvia and Nina were consumed as a small black orb formed in Casper's hands. I knew what that orb meant. A room filled with nothing but darkness. No light, no sound, no heat, no cold, just nothingness but at least they were safe… For now.

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