
Chapter 285 285 - Well, Well, Well

"Where do I start…? Okay. So, I killed you and Devel dies. Simple stuff, everyone else was at the bottom level away from the fight, so it was just us 3. Well, technically just me and the demons I'm contracted with. There were still the stairs upwards which I took just to have a look at what was at the top of the place, after all, the last time we were there, we almost died.

However, this time it was different. The place looked like a tornado had come in and left, which I can only assume to have something to do with Fierna, after all, Fierna was the 'heart' of the Abyss. So, there were pieces of shrapnel everywhere with-" - Kingston

"Wait! Back up a bit. Fierna was the heart of the Abyss? What do you mean by that?" - Ian

"Oh, well. I mean exactly that. She was what kept the Abyss 'alive'. The beating heart-like sound and veins along the walls and floors that glow purple. It was all her as she was waking up from her slumber. I think the original plan was for Mori Calliope, to control Fierna, but our appearance and the appearance of players in the other parts of the Glemt stopped her from doing that.

I also think there was a preset time for when Fierna was meant to appear, so she probably assumed that Fierna was not going to come out any time soon. Regardless, they know that the Abyss has fallen, and we have 'conquered' it because… Well, I was going to lead into this, but you interrupted me." - Kingston

"Sorry, Kingston. I thought you were just going to brush over the fact that you just mentioned something important, and I wanted to know more about it. " - Ian

"All good, don't worry about it. Right, so in the middle of the floor. In the middle of all that chaos, there was a portal. I have no idea where that portal leads, but that was definitely not there before. AND! On the chair where Mori was sitting, on it, there was an item, which I took because no one else was going to take it. It was shaped like a purple heart, and it wasn't the kind of heart you are thinking of. No, this was like a legitimate heart. Like the organ that pumps blood around your body. That heart.

Belial and Fierna both saw it and both immediately told me to take it and use it right away before something happens to the heart, which I found slightly suspicious. However, I brushed it to the side before picking it up, and I found out the reason, why they were so angsty. The heart became bound to me the moment I touched it, and only I could use it, and the description of the item was to double my current vitality.

I was visibly shocked, and I probably yelled out too because god-damn was that a good item. Upon using it, I truly felt like I had a second heart beating next to my own. My body felt lighter as well as if the blood being pumped throughout my body was being accelerated with fresh oxygen pumping faster and faster inside me. However, only my vitality changed in my stats, but even then it is a huge improvement.

Of course, that wasn't the only thing I found. When I looked more carefully, behind the chair there was a small wooden box with a gold lock on it. Touching the box, it prompts that I needed the corresponding key, a Blood-Gold Key. Not sure what that means since I haven't seen anything like that before, but I'm sure we will find it eventually. Whatever is inside will be very valuable, maybe something that massively increases our stats or an insane weapon, I don't know." - Kingston

Rubbing my chin, I think about everything that Kingston had just relayed to me. The item that he acquired will help a lot in the upcoming battles since he will have a lot more Health to work with. In dire situations, he will become a secondary or even the main tank. However, the thing that intrigued me the most is the portal that is now in the middle of the room. Where does it lead to? Why did it appear?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Did you go inside the portal, Kingston?" - Rebecca

"No. I didn't. I felt like I shouldn't just waltz in, so I instead avoided it. There was a chance the moment I touched the portal, I would be pulled in immediately. Preferably, I would want to do something when everyone else is there." - Kingston

"Smart decision, after all, the last time you were near a portal you and the others were pulled in unexpectedly." - Ian

"Exactly!" - Kingston

"Was that all?" - Ian

"Yep. Well, technically there was the whole thing about Selino, but we already heard that, so don't worry about it. Although, I think something will happen when you come back into the game tonight. Selino hasn't left the area yet and with the fact that your curse has progressed further, I'm sure she will have some sort of comment. Nina has found that she has a lot of interest in your current condition and has wanted to communicate with you for a long time.

Just saying, she was crazy as hell before, and she hasn't changed. Don't trust her in any shape or form. She is deeply connected to the Horde according to Nina and Luke is still over there as well." - Kingston

"I know. I think I have felt her presence or something, but I'm not too sure. It's a little fuzzy. There is definitely some sort of connection that I am feeling, and it has to do with the curse. After all, I only felt this after I became unconscious." - Ian

"Just be careful, babe." - Rebecca

"Will do." - Ian

Kingston nods, standing up from the chair. Waving goodbye, he leaves the room. Pouncing on my unprepared self, Rebecca, pushes me onto the bed, hugging me tightly.

"No matter what happens, it will be okay." - Rebecca

Smiling, I hug her back, patting it softly while stroking her hair.

"I know. Nothing bad will happen and even if it did, I have everyone nearby to help me right?" - Ian

"Right. If something happens Kingston will be right there to kill you!" - Rebecca

"Uh… I don't know about that wording but yes, I understand." - Ian

We end up chatting for the rest of the night, talking softly as if we were inside a tiny bubble, and we didn't want it to burst from the sound. A warm feeling spreads throughout my body as I see the ever-changing multitude of expressions that Rebecca shows. Her warm presence seems to make the world stand still and her smile lights up my life, brighter than the sun.

Leaning in unexpectedly, I press my lips against hers, feeling her hot breath as her eyes shoot open widely at my action, but it was only momentarily. Closing her eyes, she kisses back, placing her hand gently on my cheek. Slowly I push my tongue between her lips, wrapping around her tongue as we both take a small breath at the same time.

Continuing my kiss, I slowly roll around her tongue, pulling her down while climbing on top of her. With only a couple more hours until midnight, the both of us enjoyed her quiet, or not-so-quiet night. Right before midnight, we made sure to place on our VR helmets and wait quietly for midnight to hit.

"Remember babe, I'll be near you and so will everyone else. So, don't be worried at all when you come online." - Rebecca

"I'm not worried. Just slightly nervous, who knows what Selino will do to me the moment she finds me? If everything goes well, then there should be a slight delay between her meeting me and when we all go into the game. During that time, we must prepare for her, so tell Kingston, Nina, and the rest to be ready for any movement from Selino." - Ian

"Alright, I'll make sure everything is ready for you the moment we get into the game." - Rebecca

"Thanks, babe. I'll see you soon." - Ian

The clock hits 12 and we enter the game. Opening my eyes, I immediately, feel something tighten around my chest, and my breath becomes short. Glancing around as I gasp for air, I realize that the environment was very different from what I had expected. I thought for sure, I would be spawning in the Krepost and if I wasn't then maybe in the Abyss, but where am I?

Rocky cave-like interior with only small cracks of sunlight seeping through the ceiling. A musky scent is in the air, as I desperately gather air into my lung. Not long after, I feel my neck burn as I yell in pain, thousands of tiny little spiders seem to run down my arm and body, stabbing deep into my skin with their tiny legs.

Overwhelmed by the sensation, and my lack of breath, my body collapses. Trembling on the ground I feel someone or something approach me, but I could only quietly scream.

"Well, well, well, deary. It seems you are almost at the end of the road. Whatever will you do?"

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