
Chapter 315 315 - Bael

Conjuring the fire lance above her head, Nina proceeds to fling it towards the crowd of skeletons that weren't near Devel, creating an explosion in the area of impact. The skill did tremendous damage to the skeleton army, decimating a good portion of it, while also creating a small zone of flames that wrapped around the white bones, turning them gray and then eventually black.

However, it wasn't like all the monsters were killed by the two AoE attacks. Knowing this, it seems like Nina and Devel already had a plan as I see Helioc, Frank, and even Rebecca, dart out of the formation. Flipping a coin in the air, I notice Rebecca's speed accelerating briefly as she quickly sprints to the back of the skeleton army, smashing the necks of several skeletons, before grabbing their weapons.

Helioc's daggers dance around the skeletons, darting back and forth, eliminating the lone monsters. On the other side, Frank pounces on the monsters, breaking their skulls with his bare hands, while using the various dropped weapons available to him to continue his rampage. Dispersing from their formation, everyone went to destroy the skeleton army, as quickly as possible while conserving their strength, as I see them glance at the Reaper several times. Their worries were as plain as day.

"I'm quite surprised about their capabilities. While I knew they wouldn't die to a simple small wave of skeletons, I didn't expect them to be able to eliminate the threat with such ease. I have to give credit to these humans, deary." - Selino

Breaking my train of thought, Selino speaks her thoughts out loud, waiting for my response.

"I'm more surprised about how we weren't discovered by them when Nina looked back. Did you use a skill that camouflages us? Or did she simply not see us come in right before the door closed?" - Ian

"Not camouflage, but an illusion. A simple skill known as Illusion Bubble, creates a small bubble around us, reflecting the light that passes through to make it seem like we are invisible. However, while Nina deary didn't see us, the Reaper already knows we have entered his domain. He shot a glance at us, before but went back to focusing on Nina deary, and the rest of the humans as they were more of an immediate threat." - Selino

"If he can see us, why doesn't he do anything? In fact, why isn't he doing anything right now? Nina and the rest are already destroying most of his skeleton army." - Ian

"Deary, do you think that was the whole of his skeleton army?" - Selino

"Uhh… Well, nothing else spawned out so…. Maybe? Why wouldn't he just overwhelm them with sheer numbers then?" - Ian

"The Reaper is a cautious individual. While his army is larger than all the other Kings, he never invades their territory with more than a tenth of his army. What you see is probably a small battalion or even a squad of skeletons under his command, and I assure you, there are more than just skeletons, deary." - Selino

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"What do you suggest we do then? Wait and watch?" - Ian

"Yes. I'm curious about your friends' actions, after all, they just finished cleaning up this batch of skeletons." - Selino

Looking back at Nina and the others, I see Frank breaking the last of the skeleton's skulls, flicking the pieces of the skull to the side as he backs off, rejoining the group. Following their gaze, I observe the Reaper and his nonchalant attitude, as he rests his head on his hand. His hood still blocked his face, making it impossible to read any emotion or expression on his face.

Suddenly, the room drops in temperature as the Reaper slowly stands up from his throne. Everyone grips their weapons readily, as the Reaper slowly descends the pyramid of bones. Each step he makes tightens the tension in the atmosphere, as his scythe bangs on the skulls on the ground, crushing them to dust. After making his way to the ground, he stops. Looking toward us, he points his bony hands to Devel, who was at the front of the group.

"It seems that you have been blessed by one of the gods. No… It isn't just you. You. You. You, and you as well, have been blessed. Have they finally started to take action on the world, or are you merely their playthings as they try to escape their boredom." - Reaper

Addressing, Devel, Nina, Sylvia, Rebecca, and SanShiGo the Reaper questions their gods' intention. While I knew Devel, Nina, Sylvia, and Rebecca were apostles, I didn't know SanShiGo was also an apostle. Looking at his attire, it could be some sort of god relating to light, but without him telling me, I have no idea.

"I don't understand your question. Can you please rephrase it in a way that we will understand? What is it about our gods that you know about?" - Nina

"Poor souls, not even your gods tell you about their intentions despite making you their apostles, their slaves. Bound to a contract much like that of demons and humans, yet retaining more information than a demon. I wonder, which is worse? Appear before me. Grace these lowly creatures with your presence. Bael!" - Reaper.

Stretching out his free hand, a dark aura gathers around his body, concentrating on his hand as a black sigil appears on the back. Spelling out the letters for Bael clockwise, with an intricate image in the middle. Appearing behind the Reaper, looming above him was a figure of a scarlet-skinned man, smirking while showcasing his pearly white teeth. Emerging out of the sides of his head, was a midnight black cat with two amber eyes, and an emerald green toad with sapphire eyes.

On top of all three heads was a crown of different sizes and colors, starting with a small bronze crown on top of the cat, then a silver crown on top of the toad, and finally a gold crown with various jewels embedded on top of the human. Dressed in a scarlet red tuxedo, with gold embroidery showing angelic-like beings as well as cloud-like images.

Speaking in a hoarse voice, as he leans close to the Reaper, Bael addresses us, calmly as if he was part of the conversation from the beginning.

"As the Reaper has told you, the gods are similar to demons, if not worse. We prefer to give knowledge while the gods prefer to retain the knowledge, saying it is to protect the greater good. The only reason why people trust in the gods is due to their angelic nature of them and the stories centered around them. Otherwise, demons would be trusted just as much. Sadly, our tales have nothing but sadness, bitterness, and death.

Here is a question for you all, why are you here? Because a higher being has told you to come here? Because there will be a reward for you if you kill the Reaper? Have you ever wondered, why you must be doing these things?" - Bael

Glancing at each other, I see Nina and Devel silently discussing who will speak, with Devel nodding his head to conclude the short conversation.

"Even if we are just blindly following a higher being's will, what is to say that the demons are not the same? Or if the Reaper is not the same? Why must we follow your word over the gods? Is there a reason?" - Devel

"Answering a question, with another question. An excellent tactic to move the conversation in a favorable direction. Fine, I will entertain you, if that is okay, Reaper?" - Bael

"Speak. For I will not be speaking... Just yet." - Reaper

"Excellent~" - Bael

Dashing forward instantly, Bael closes the gap between him and Devel, looking down at Devel with a devilish smile, fitting for a demon. Even though Devel is a relatively large person, Bael still towers over him, so much so that Devel needs to look almost directly upward in order to look Bael in the eye.

"The gods are waiting for something. They are just killing time for now, and while you may or may not have noticed but time is slowly running out. The merge is coming closer and I doubt you are ready. I wonder… Did the gods tell you to defeat the Reaper?" - Bael

"...Yes." - Devel

"What do you know about the merge?" - Nina

"More than you do, child, but telling you will be no fun. Watching you struggle and squirm will be much more entertaining. However, the one I want to play with right now isn't you insects, but someone who is most certainly an insect. Why don't you join us… Queen of Spiders, Selino." - Bael

Snapping his fingers together, as the eyes on the cat flash yellow, the Illusion Bubble that was covering me shatters. Cold disdainful eyes, observe me. No, observe Selino as she confidently struts forward in my body, walking all the way up to Bael, constructing a throne out of string, reaching eye level with Bael as she sits down.

"Well, isn't it great to see you again, Bael? My! Did you lose some weight? OH! Maybe it was your master that lost some weight? There does seem to be less meat on those bones, although can't say there was much there in the first place." - Selino

"Pleasure to hear your sarcastic comments once again, Selino. Welcome to the Reaper's Castle." - Bael

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