
Chapter 326 326 - Top 10 Guilds

"Welcome, SAMurai and Ian, to Turquoise's Headquarters. As you may have noticed on the name tag in front of you, we will be using the username in-game to address each other. Some of us have met each other, while others have not, so before we get to the core of the meeting, let's introduce ourselves. As the head of Aqua's team, my name is Helioc, leader of Aqua Corp." - Helioc

After introducing himself to everyone, the leader of Blood, a young adolescent girl, with a short black hair and red highlights, leans forward, placing her elbows on the table. Her cropped black leather jacket hovers slightly above the table as a deep crimson tank top covers her growing chest. Licking her glossy purple lips, which were the same color as the surrounding eyeshadow near her almond-shaped eyes, she addresses the room.

"Hey, everyone~ Following Helioc here is me, Vanessa, leader of Blood. Yes, my name sounds like my real name, but I assure you it isn't, though I can't say the same for the guy over there called Ian. Kind of feels~ like it is his real name but whatever! Uh… Helioc, what else am I meant to say?" - Vanessa

"That much should be fine, Vanessa." - Helioc

"Sweet~ NEXT!" - Vanessa

Leaning onto the table, while turning her head toward the side, her gaze falls upon Devel, who was next. Letting out a small cough, Devel cracks his neck before scanning the room.

"Nice to meet everyone here, I'm Devel, leader of Bone City, affiliated with Bones." - Devel

A short message, suited to his serious personality outside of battle. Nina and Rebecca told me about Devel on the way to the Krepost, informing me of his actions in as much detail as possible. From the information gathered, I realize Devel is someone who takes care in his actions much more than he lets on. Without so much as a look, the person next to him stands up and bows toward everyone.

"Good morning everyone, I am K_Arthur, leader of Knights of the Round, and an affiliated company and guild to Bones. You may simply call me Arthur. I am grateful for the opportunity to speak with everyone here today, and I hope to connect with everyone on a deeper level." - Arthur

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With a bed of gray hairs on his head, a sleek black tuxedo, and white gloves, this late middle-aged man, speaks to us politely while bowing. His back as straight as a ruler, and his voice as deep as the ocean, but at the same time, it felt warm, like a father speaking to his favorite child. After bowing for a few more seconds, Arthur takes a seat, his deep azure eyes, survey our reactions, before turning them to Sam.

"Well, I guess it is my turn, HAHAHA! Happy to meet everyone here, I am SAMurai, leader of Pa Kaua, one of the founding members of RavenStar and ally to HavenFall. Pleased to make everyone's acquaintance." - Sam

With his booming voice, Sam attracts all the gazes in the room, and brimming with confidence, he smiles widely as if he planned for this. Patting me on the back, Sam nudges his head forward, waiting for me to speak. Casually, I observe everyone's expression, after all, I did come first in the recent Leaderboard, but my presence has always been known since my name hasn't left the top 10.

"Like SAMurai has said, I am the leader of HavenFall, as well as, one of the founding members of RavenStar, Ian. I'm sure everyone has seen my name in the top 10, so there isn't much for me to talk about." - Ian

I decided to act a little more cocky and overconfident than normal, different from my usual personality, after all, only Devel and maybe SanShiGo, has met me. Helioc met Mikki, who was impersonating me during the event, but whose to say he hasn't exchanged information with one of the other two.

Passing my gaze over to the young man, dressed in hoodie and jeans, next to me, I nod toward me, signalling his turn. Acknowledging my gesture, he nods back, smiling cheerfully as well.

"What's up peeps, I'm Bleu, the guild master of the Adventure's Alliance, a guild consisting of mainly casuals. We are allied with Infinity, and are looking to expand our influence to more players. You may or may not remember, but I used to be in the top 10 during the first event. Since then, I've hovered just below the top 10, but that may change soon~" - Bleu

pàпdá-ňᴏνêι.сóМ With his light-hearted attitude, Bleu eased his way into the more serious atmosphere of the room. A refreshing person to have a nice conversation over a couple of drinks, was the impression he gave me. Someone fun to be around, and didn't take things too seriously. In contrast, the young lady next to him had a stoic expression on her face, as she leans back in her chair. Sporting a light navy suit, a similarly colored miniskirt and white button-up, her light blue wavy hair drapes over her shoulders, as her brightly glossed red lips moved slowly.

"I'm Infinity's guild master, Crystal, allied with the Adventure's Alliance, to help the smaller groups of players." - Crystal

A short introduction, fitting for someone that gives off such a cold personality. Nevertheless, the more I observe her the more I feel like she is the same as Nina, expect she is most likely able to make certain decisions that Nina can not. While both of them look like strategists, Nina tends to still account for the opinions from the people around her, however, Crystal looks like she rules with an iron fist.

As if the direct opposite to a cold ice queen, wearing a floral light green summer dress, with straight hazelnut shoulder-length hair, is the leader of Eden. Her bright smile rivals that of Bleu, as if they were suns trying to warm and liven up the room.

"Good morning, everyone! My name is MoonPrismPower, but you can call me Moon. It is much simpler and shorter that way. I'm the leader of Eden, a guild consisting of primarily those who identify as a female, but we aren't shy to diversify. We are working with Lotus, and are proud to be one of the top 10 guilds. AND last but not least we have-" - Moon,

"SanShiGo, leader of Lotus Flower. I hope everyone is well." - SanShiGo

As if it was scripted, Moon and SanShiGo, play off each other, showing off their alliance more so than everyone else. Being here, I am starting to realize that there were alliances between each guild that weren't said. Spotting small glances between, Crystal and Devel, Helioc and Bleu, I was starting to feel like we were underestimating the strengths of our rivals, after all, Sam's village is still within raiding distance of Bones.

If we aren't careful, then there is a good chance that some guilds here will invade us, or try to find more information about us in game. With their already partnered natures, I can only be hopeful that we aren't on their radars just yet.

"Great, we have introduced each other, so let's get to the reason for why I have sent out an invitation to everyone here." - Helioc

"Finally~ I was getting bored of waiting." - SanShiGo

"Quiet, SanShiGo. Let Helioc speak." - Devel

Shrugging his shoulders, SanShiGo turns to Helioc with a bright smile, mirroring that of Moon who was next to him. Except this smile, felt more sinister than cheerful.

"Everyone should be aware of the new VR Capsules that was just released by Lotus, to all players that have been playing Settlement until today. This was a project that started at the same time as the development of Settlement, in order to 'beta' test the game. VR Capsule were always going to be the 'correct' way of experiencing Settlement. In conjunction to this, Aqua and Turquoise, were tasked to create the nutrient solution, N1, for players' health.

N1 is a solution that replaces eating and drinking, directly inserting nutrients into the body, similar to how IV drips are used for patients in hospitals. However, during the creation of N1 we were also able to create another variation of the solution, N2. N2, is a higher concentrate of N1, boosting faster recovery times as well as maintain the body at a healthier level. We at Aqua and Turquoise would like to auction the N2 solution.

Now, before you ask how, what, why, etc., let me inform you first, that we have gained some insider information on the patch of Settlement. They will be introducing an auction house function to all those who have created a village, meaning the auction will not take place in real-life but in game. As for the currency and what is bid, we do not know yet, but our team has theorized that the auction will be done via, items, rather than currency.

In light of this, Aqua will place up for auction 3 useless items, that will be placeholders for the N2 solution. We will be auctioning 100 vials of the solution 3 times, as this is all we have produced at the moment. Afterward, a general price range will be created, in which not only can everyone here buy but also the public.

Now this is just one of the two reasons for why I have gathered everyone. The second, is the territory given to us the moment we received the Altar of Life. I believe some of us has received it, and already used it, as specified by the game. My proposal is for a peace treaty, between everyone. Not a permanent one, but a temporary one. 1 month is my proposal, before we allow PVP. This way everyone has more than enough time to solidify their territory.

PVP is most likely one of the next big factors to Settlement, but at the same time, I believe there will be a big element of PVE. The Kings will definitely be moving, especially since we have wrecked havoc in the Glemt, the Reaper's home. Those were my reasons for everyone to be gathered. Thoughts?" - Helioc

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