
Chapter 337 337 - Forest Wardens

With the shops in place, there were still a couple of things we need to look out for and one of those is the players themselves. Therefore, Evan suggested creating a police force. Without some sort of symbol for justice and order, there was a high chance that a lot of different crimes would happen in a short period. Crimes like robbery, or player killing might become commonplace without a proper police force.

Out of everyone who I could think of to be the leader of the police force, I somehow envisioned Robin at the head. Telling Evan, Noah, and Nina my thoughts since they were nearby, and they also somewhat agreed with my thoughts of making Robin the Police Commissioner. This was due to the actions Robin has taken after losing Oscar on that fateful day.

Ever since then, she has not stopped training herself and others. Self-discipline came first, and she would exercise early in the morning as the sun rises. Noah had seen her a few times, running down the canyon to the cave and back, before shooting a quiver full of arrows at a still target and then at leaves falling from a tree. Every single day she would do that, even when they were busy fighting the hordes of skeletons and monsters.

It didn't stop then but instead inspired her students to do the same thing. Now every day in the morning the rhythmic sound of arrows thudding against a wooden plank would be the waking call for other citizens of HavenFall. This also meant that her social standing in HavenFall was quite high. A popular figure would help out in creating a stronger image for the Police Commissioner.

However, we couldn't decide without asking the one who we were planning to promote. Luckily for us, Robin was part of the crew that helped bring in some materials from HavenFall. Finding her was easier than I had thought as she was helping with the construction of the barriers around the Cafeteria. Walking over with Evan, as Noah and Nina separated from us to focus on other details for Everbloom.

"Robin! I got a question for you, are you free right now?" - Ian

"Oh! Ian, and Evan, how are you? I just finished setting up the barrier around the Cafeteria. Although, Maria says it ruins the atmosphere, I couldn't agree more. Are you sure we need this?" - Robin

"To be honest, I hope we don't need this, but it's better to be safe than sorry." - Ian

"That is true. You never know what might attack us…" - Robin

"Ahem, well. Robin, we have a question. No, more of a proposal." - Evan

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"What is it? I'll do anything that you both need if I can help." - Robin

"We were discussing having a group of people whose role is to protect and uphold justice and order. After a bit of thinking, we thought you would be an excellent candidate for this, and looking at how people in HavenFall view you, we feel like you are the only person we could be in this role." - Ian

"Sure! If you say so, Ian. What do I have to do? Is there anything specific?" - Robin

"Wow, that was a lot easier than I thought. You don't even want to think about it, Robin? Are you sure you just want to do it?" - Evan

"Hahaha. Please don't insult me. If both of you are sure I'm fit for the job then I will do it. Plus, I'm sure it wasn't just you two. Noah, Nina, maybe even Gobi and Howard, might have been part of this discussion and if you are still coming to me then, it must mean I'm one of the few people who can do this." - Robin

"Excellent mindset Robin. Now I'm more reassured that you will do a superb job. The role is called Police Commissioner, the head of the Police Force, that will take care of HavenFall, Everbloom, and the Krepost's safety. There will be a sudden influx of people coming soon, and we don't want them to mess with the current happy life that we have, whether it is the goblins, the demi-humans, or the humans. We all live here happily together.

I don't want to ruin that. So, I need you to construct a team, make it large enough to manage all three villages, and work with Stellar and Gewari. Their team, Shadow, will be working behind the scenes with you. Don't overthink the number, and keep increasing the team bit by bit. Situations will arise when you will need to have a larger number than the ones who are causing trouble." - Ian

"So, you want me to make a team of people, goblins, hobgoblins, demi-humans, and humans alike to manage our safety?" - Robin

"Precisely. Make a team, that will act immediately when a conflict happens. The team needs to be strong enough to handle most situations, and with you at the front, we will get support from the public. Everyone~ Loves a hero!" - Evan

"It isn't just when something happens. Your presence and your team's presence will act as a deterrent for those who want to commit crimes. Furthermore, it will act as a shield to those who wish for peace and want to just get along with everyone. The nicer and friendlier everyone appears the more likely there will be fewer crimes, right? At least, that's what I hope. I doubt that is what it is going to end up being, however, we can't be too safe." - Ian

"Alright. Don't worry Ian. I'll get a team ready, Since I'm called the Police Commissioner, does that mean the team is called the Police?" - Robin

"We can use that title, unless you had a different idea?" - Ian

"I've never heard of the world Police before until today, but I had heard of the term guard being used as terminology to describe a group of people protecting something. I'll be protecting HavenFall, Everbloom, and the Krepost, but that is just the start, isn't it? From the time we met, Ian, you have done nothing else but expand our home and brought more people under your wing.

I know this is still just the beginning of whatever you have planned, but eventually, just me protecting and being the leader of something will be too large of a responsibility. So, how about I make it easier for you? I'll be protecting HavenFall, Everbloom, the Krepost, as well as the surrounding forest, canyon, and grassland areas. It won't just be where we live but the surrounding space. The main area of protection is the forest, so how about the Forest Wardens?

I'll be Chief Warden of the Forest Wardens. I'll find a deputy and the rest will be called watchers. I know you had a name already sorted out for me, but I don't really understand what Police means or stands for, instead, I'll make a name for myself. Spread it from person to person and let it be known that from today onwards, protecting our peace and livelihood will be the Forest Wardens." - Robin

"She got us there, Ian. We never really asked about naming the force but hey, Forest Wardens has a nice ring to it." - Evan

"Hahaha. You're right. Robin, let's call it the Forest Wardens. Make sure there is a good amount of people underneath your banner, and make sure they can distinguish themselves from each other. Have Lime make you something simple for now, that represents the Forest Wardens and the Watcher." - Ian

"On it. Talk to you soon then." - Robin

Patting my shoulder, Robin swiftly heads toward Lime's blacksmithing shop, with a smile on her face. Maybe it was because she has always worn a serious expression on her face, but seeing her smile was like feeling something warm wrapping around me. Turning to Evan, I see that he was smirking mischievously at me.

"ANDDDDD that's a police force done. Hopefully, Robin will be able to control the insane amount of players that may be coming through the Altar of Life. You know, what if there are not a lot of players that choose our place as their starting location? Like hypothetically, what if there is only a small selection of players that decide on this place? Wouldn't that mean everything we have done will be a waste?

Like… I understand it will still be helpful for the ones that do come here, but what if we over-prepared things? There are a lot of resources put into this place and a lot of manpower that was moved from both HavenFall and the Krepost to quickly build what we have here. I don't want everyone's efforts to go to waste." - Evan

"Wow… Look at you being so sentimental, but I understand your concerns and I already thought about it as well. So what if there aren't a lot of players that decide to join us. Did that ever stop us from doing what we wanted? No. It didn't. So what if it feels like a waste of resources and manpower to start something new here? To be honest, Nina was right. We do need a buffer point between HavenFall and the Krepost.

Things to be able to be transported from one end to the other quickly and having this as a middle point will hasten that process. If there are just a few players that do join, then we focus our resources on them. Make them understand us and slowly gain their loyalty. Let them showcase their skills, whether it is in fighting or constructing. With fewer players, there will be less competition. Isn't that a plus in its own right?" - Ian

"Hmm… I get it. Maybe I'm just worrying too much." - Evan

"Maybe. Come on, we still need to sort out some other things before we run out of time." - Ian

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