Class Villainess

Chapter 108 - Preparation: Raiding The Drug Queen Of DarthMorth (1)

[Saturday Morning.]

"Wow, Em, why are you making cookies today? Are you making this for your Mom?" Mom joked while watching me baking bunny-shaped cookies in the early morning.

Honestly, I woke up at dawn and started cooking this stuff because I wanted to give it to Mason Hall. 

This was the least I could do for all the hassle I gave him. Mason agreed to accompany me to the club building as he had already obtained the school key from the security guard. 

Emmy: I'll give you something for your help before our date. Hopefully, you'll like it.

That was the last text I sent him before I went into this baking frenzy. I wanted to create goodwill between us. I had a feeling that I would be entangled with Mason for a lot more in the future, so I might as well make us a good acquaintance to one another.

"Don't eat it, Mom. It's for my date today. I already save yours there," I pointed at a bowl of cookies I made previously for my Mom. 

Mom chuckled as she snacked at her cookies, "Is this the same guy?"


"You two must've been compatible then," Mom giggled. "Tell me, is he still the same dreamy boy? You told me that he's good dreamy to describe."


"Hmm… Em, you don't seem to be nervous or expectant," Mom complained. 

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This time, I stopped decorating my baked bunny cookies. I looked at her, "Well, Mom, maybe because I'm not really expecting anything romantic with him."

"Then why are you going on a date if you don't want to be his girlfriend?"

"… I don't think he wants me to be his girlfriend and vice versa. I have something else to do, and I need his help, that's all. These cookies are like… my gift for him for all the trouble I gave."

"Hm~ Okay then, I just want to say that love can bloom based on habit. Who knows, you get used to him and then start developing feelings for him."

Honestly, I already developed a crush on him long ago. And I still had the same feeling right now, maybe even more than before, but that didn't mean that I would be willing to jump into the fiery pit just because of him.

Mason Hall was way too dangerous for me to date. I might as well stay single forever. 


I prepared myself and checked the clock, it was already 9 A.M, and I had already promised Mason to meet him in front of the school gate at 10. 

So I hurried and picked my backpack. I put the half box of crystal meth and the gloves that Logan gave me before inside my backpack. 

Meanwhile, I put the cookies in a small tote bag instead. I was afraid that the cookies might get mixed with the meth if I put it in the same backpack. 

I rode my bike as fast as possible. I arrived at 09.45 A.M. Unsurprisingly, Mason was already standing in front of the school gate.

He was wearing a navy sweater due to the cold autumn nowadays. I could see the collar of a black shirt that looked proper on him.

He was also wearing plaid trousers and didn't wear contact lenses today. His thick glasses really gave a different light of him in my eyes. 

I stopped my bike in front of him, and he greeted me first with a smile blooming on his handsome face, "Good morning, Em. Did you have a good sleep last night? You seem to be more energized than usual."

Ah, I wouldn't lie that Mason's blooming smile was like a breath of fresh air for me. He never showed his real smile in front of his fangirls. 

I bet his fangirls would die because of a heart attack if he saw this blooming smile. 

Now speaking of fangirls—

I looked around, trying to find if there were any hidden fangirls behind the bushes. I shit you not. There were cases in my previous life where the fangirls actually hide somewhere to follow Mason's daily life like a creepy, no-life desperate girl.

"Don't worry about them. I already created a fake schedule for the day. They'll not find us today," Mason interrupted. He seemed to already know my worry and took preemptive measures before things got out of control. 

I took a deep, relieved breath and commented, "Your fangirls are seriously rabid."

"Haha, they are, but I can't do much in this line of work…" Mason smiled thin and showed me the ring full of keys. "Let's go. You said you want to go to your club room, right?"

I nodded and then followed him as he unlocked the school gate. I parked my bike and headed straight to the club building. 

We were quietly walking in the corridor, and a fleeting curiosity got me, "Anyway, Mason, I've been dying to ask one thing."

"Hm? Yes, Em?"

"About your fangirls," I gulped as I thought it would be inappropriate. But my curiosity took control, "Do you really like them around you? The number of fangirls you have seems to increase every day."

"I want them to die," Mason replied with a smile on his face. 

I was shocked, especially since he didn't show that fake smile. He genuinely showed a light smile to me while saying that. 

"I hate them with all my fibers. I told you once that I prefer a company of one, right?"


"Good, now you know my answer. Never see them as a threat. They're nothing compared to you," Mason said ruthlessly. He opened his mouth slightly as if he wanted to say something more, but in the end, he just shook his head and kept his silence. 

I didn't dare to ask anymore though, I was actually scared that I might disturb him. I did feel a bit of pity for his fangirls though, they dedicated their life to Mason, but Mason didn't even see them as human. 

For some reason, I felt that Mason was a lot more open about his heart to me right now. I could see the real him, or at least a persona he never showed to other people.

He was… a lot colder than I expected. 

We stopped right in front of the club building. Mason unlocked the door and gave a key ring to me. But before I snatched it, he raised the key ring to make it unreachable and asked, "Do you need my help, Em? Don't worry, I won't mess up whatever errand you're doing."

"Y—You don't need to. It's just a simple errand. I can do it by myself," I replied, afraid that Mason might've seen through my lie. I dodged his dark gaze. 

A penetrating silence happened between us for a while until Mason sighed and gave the key ring to me. 

"Then I'll keep watch here. Remember, dear Em, don't make a mess, okay?"

"A mess? I will never! You know I just want to do an errand in my club room, right?"

Mason had a thin smile on his face as he nodded, "I believe you, now go because I want to have a long date with you after."

Mason stood at the door while watching me walk in the corridor, forcing me to act normal, and first unlocked the pottery club room. 

Since I was forced to stay inside my club room, I might as well prepare myself for the mission. 

I wore the gloves first to avoid any fingerprints and then prepared the crystal meth. 

For some meth, I put it in small ziplock plastic bags last night, while the rest, I planned to just smear it around to create that careless effect. 

I peeked from the door, and after I didn't see Mason standing at the door anymore, I sneaked out of the Pottery club room to the Boxing Club room. 

I unlocked the door and took the key ring with me, then closed the door from inside. I was afraid that Mason might check the corridor again and saw me entering another place instead. 

The Boxing club room was spacious as always, and nothing had changed since the last time I entered this place.

"Alright, it's time to play as the devil here."

I grabbed a handful of crystal meth from the box. I then spread it on the floor carelessly, making sure it looked messy enough so nobody would notice it was planned evidence. 

I also rubbed the crystal meth on the gym equipment, door handle, and also bench. 

After ensuring that I had spread enough, I took out the small ziplock plastic bags containing meth inside. 

I put one near the entrance, three bags under the ring, and two near the storage room.

I also intentionally opened some of the ziplock to make it as if it had been consumed a bit and just dropped there. 

After everything was done, I looked around to observe my work. I was confident enough that nobody would notice unless they really took their time looking around for the trace of meth, which the police would do.

I fished out my phone and then took a picture. I wanted to show my hardworking to one guy who kept taunting me because he thought I was too chicken to do this mission. 


"Okay, and… send."

Emmy: Yo, look what I did, you will be surprised at how efficient I am. How about your progress? Shouldn't you be in her house right now?

Emmy: Picture sent.

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