Class Villainess

Chapter 112 - Preparation: Raiding The Drug Queen Of DarthMorth (5)

"Then what are we waiting for? Do you want to watch a movie first or what? I'm ready, you know~."

"Actually, I have made some snacks and drinks for you. I think we should watch something first, and you must try this drink. It's my favorite."

"Oh? You made this for me?"

"Yeah, but be careful. It's very heavy in alcohol."

"Awww~ My handsome bad boy is so caring to me. Don't worry. I have a high tolerance for alcohol. I wonder if this is a bribe so you can touch me more later on, hm? Honestly, you don't even need to bribe me if you want more. You're definitely my type~."


I muted my microphone and then laughed, satisfied. Poor Logan was truly suffering right now, and I couldn't help but chuckle whenever I imagined the pain in his eyes. 

"Okay, okay, I'll drink it," Leah giggled. Then I could hear the back sound of some random movies in the background, so they were going to do their real Netflix & chill, Netflix first, then making out. 

This was the part when I got curious and nervous at the same time. Because I doubted Logan could ever escape without making out with Leah. 

"You can start touching me, you know…." Leah seduced and half demanded. Obviously, she was so thirsty for Logan, but Logan didn't seem to be making any move. 

"I'll prepare myself first. Where's the toilet?"

"Preparing yourself? Hm, if it's just condom, I have in few sizes, you know~" Leah chuckled. "Oh well, it's near the kitchen. I'll be waiting."

There was a long silence on the phone. I couldn't hear anything except the sound of a click. 

And then, I heard Logan whispering on the phone, "Yo, you there?"

"I am," I replied. 

"I'm going to lock myself in this bathroom because the effect would take a while."

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"Huh? What effect?"

"The drink, of course."

"What did you do with the drink?"

"I spiked it, of course."


"Ssh! I'm still waiting for the drug to kick in!" Logan said lightly. As if what he did wasn't illegal in the first place. 

He literally spiked the drink of a woman so easily. Now I wondered if he had done this to another woman before, and he was only 16!

I only saw that stuff in the movie, and he already did this so professionally!

After more than ten minutes, he finally unlocked the bathroom door and walked back to Leah. I could hear the back sound from the movie. 

Then I suddenly heard Logan speaking out loud, "Okay, the drug works. She's in a deep sleep right now."

"Wait, are you serious? You really spiked her drink?! That's a crime, you idiot!" 

"Oh, come on, do you think what we did isn't illegal? Both of us are trying to plant false evidence on someone's property. Both of us are trespassing if that's the lightest sentence you want to hear," Logan defended himself. "Besides, do you want me to really make out with her?"

"Well… no…"

"Then don't protest my method! I'm using the safest and most efficient method right now! If she's unconscious, I can plant the evidence freely!"

I hated to admit it, but he was correct. Logan really knew what he was doing. Despite his nefarious method, Logan really knew how to execute his mission clean and efficiently. 

Unlike me… who got caught by some random person whose identity was still unknown. 

"Okay, I've used my gloves. It's time to plant evidence," Logan said. 

I silently listened to his continuous humming as he was doing his mission to plant false evidence. He commented from time to time, though. 

"Oh, this girl is actually quite talented. There is a medal for an uh…. Volleyball competition in middle school, her team won first place, it seems."

"She had a lot of pictures with her parents when she was a kid, then it all turned into pictures of only her and her rich dad. I guess her parents were divorced."


Leah and I had similarities, but I went with my Mom while she went with her Dad. I didn't know what happened, but a broken marriage always led to a broken kid. That might be the reason why she turned to drugs.

But what she did was completely evil. She ruined the life of many promising youngsters. Those who got addicted would have their life robbed for a long time.

Okay, I sounded too righteous just now. But I still wouldn't justify her action just because she had a bad experience. So I steeled my heart and said, "Don't forget to put the crystal meth in some places easily discoverable by the police, especially in her room."

"Sure," Logan chuckled. 

He continued humming, and I couldn't help but ask, "Boss Logan, did you… spiked many girls drink before?"

"Huh? Why do you ask?"

"I've never seen someone at my age so brazenly spiked a girl's drink…." I said with honesty. 

"Well, what do you think?"

"… I think you did it plenty of times…."

"Hah! So what if I did?" Logan scoffed. "You know nothing about me, Emmelyn Jones. I have a lot to work for."

"As 16 years old?" 

"Yeah, there is stuff you don't need to know," Logan said. 

"Did you… use it to… ugh… do I really have to say this?"

"To knock girls up?" 

  "… I mean, it's possible…."

"Heh, I did it a lot, but I didn't do it to do anything to girls. Didn't I tell you many times that I hate women?"

"Do you like men?"

"I hate men too. I hate them all. The hatred is equal on both sides. They all disgust me" Logan chuckled in the end.

I felt a bit offended, thinking that Logan also hated me by default. I didn't want to be the one who looked like I needed him the most, "Heh, don't worry, I hate you too!" 

"… You… really don't like me?" Logan asked. 

"Yeah! The hatred is equal on both sides! Hah!" 

"W—Who would like a disingenuous and evil girl like you? Tch, I pity anyone who falls in love with someone like you! Don't worry. The hatred is equal on my side too!" Logan yelled out loud as if he didn't want to lose against me. 

But the silence in-between made me wonder what was in Logan's mind just now.

We continued talking until he was done with his mission to plant false evidence around Leah's house. He said that he put enough in Leah's room, at least enough to make sure that Leah couldn't get her way out even with her Daddy's help. 

"Do you want to see her right now? I can always open the cam," Logan asked. 

"Huh? You mean, her fainted-lingerie wearing-self? No thanks, I'm not into that," I refused. 

Logan only chuckled lightly and then took a pic of something before sending it to me. 

I was a bit afraid of opening it, but when I clicked on the picture, it was just a pic of a suction cup. 

"What are you going to do with this?" I asked. 

"A suction cup I bought in eBay. I need to make a fake kiss mark on her neck, so she thinks I at least gave her a souvenir before leaving."

"But she'll think that you did something to her while she was unconscious!" I tried to warn Logan, but Logan was definitely courageous enough, so he just chuckled upon hearing my response. 

"Don't you see, this is the way for her to be less suspicious the moment she wakes up. If she wakes up with me vanished, she will think that I tricked her and just want to rob something."

"It'll be dangerous if she starts searching around her house. This is my way to shift her attention," Logan explained. 

I was speechless, knowing how ingenious his idea was. It was immoral, nefarious, but it was totally effective! 

After making a fake hickey, Logan took a picture of something else, a handwritten note. 


You fainted after one drink? I thought you said you have a high tolerance for alcohol.

I will leave now. I gave you a souvenir before I left. We can do it next time.



That was the content of the note, "Alright, everything is set. I'm leaving. I'll hang up now. Remember, tomorrow is the only day we can execute our plan before someone discover the false evidence. I'll persuade Leah to tell me her secret base with her goons tonight, and we will raid it tomorrow morning when they're there."

"Understood," I agreed with his plan. What he said was aligned with my plan. There was no other day except tomorrow. 

Logan was quick and decisive on his mission. It made me wonder… what kind of 16 years old could do this without even hesitating, not even once. 

He looked like a professional, someone who had done this countless times.

"Logan Walker… who are you?" I pondered for the whole day.

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