Class Villainess

Chapter 117 - Leah Carpenter Finale: Raiding The Drug Queen Of Darthmorth (5)

"Sir, you should trust me. There is no such thing as drugs in this School. There might be few delinquents, but those who got caught using drugs will get punished severely!" The school principal said. 

The police, who seemed to be the leader, shook his head, "Let us inspect the club first, and then we can decide."

School Principal sighed before finally giving up and unlocking the door of the Boxing Club room. They all went inside the room to investigate. I didn't know how the investigation started inside the club room and got curious.

So I sneaked out of the Pottery Club room, tiptoed in the corridor, and stopped right in front of the Boxing club room. I crouched under the window so the police wouldn't see me, but I listened to their conversation with the School Principal.

"Sir, look at this?"

"What? What did you find?"

"It's… it seems to be crystal meth, sir…." 


Then I could hear the sound of things getting thrown, smashed to the floor, and also crushed. 

It sounded like the boxing club room had been thrashed into absolute menace. 

"Sir, I found one!"

"I found one as well, Sir!"

"There is one here, Sir!" 

More reports from the subordinates made me wonder if they actually found everything that I planted before. Because that'd be fantastic if they did. 

But I doubted it was enough to convict Leah. 

"S—Sir, that must've been a mistake, I would never—"

"Principal, do you see this crystal meth? This thing is destructive! And your students have this in their club room!"

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"We caught some of them in an abandoned building, and they got caught red-handed using drugs. They can't even resist when we read their secret hideout!" 

The School Principal finally shut up after that. The proof was crystal clear that Leah and Boxing club had consumed illegal drugs daily. It was almost impossible to avoid this conviction. 

"Sir, there is a call from the ones in Mr. John Carpenter's house."

"Okay, I'll pick it up," the captain said.



The leader's voice thundered in the club building. I bet everyone would hear this if they were here. 

Based on my prediction, the police must've already found out about the drugs in Leah's house. I bet Logan already informed them beforehand. 

"Yes, we found a lot here, but not enough to convict her if she has her Dad's backing. Mister John Carpenter is quite influential, and the fact that she's a minor—"

The moment I heard that Mr. John Carpenter, Leah's dad, was quite influential and Leah was a minor, I knew the police would have difficulty taking Leah down despite her crime.

This kind of crime was a truly dangerous one, too dangerous that nobody should rot in jail for this. Because we didn't know how many youths had been ruined by Leah at this point. 

I looked at the trash can in front of the boxing club that hadn't been inspected. I was worried that they might miss this one since it contained a lot of meths inside. 

So I peeked from the window, and after making sure I could do this without getting caught, I took a broom and then pushed the metal trashcan until it fell. 

Clank! Clank! Clank! Clank!

The sound of metal crashing and bouncing on the ground alerted everyone. I rushed to escape as quick as possible. And then hid behind the wall before I got caught. 

My chest was rising up and down out of nervousness, but I was satisfied when the police rushed to check on what had happened, and their conversation continued. 

"Oh god… Sir, there is a lot more crystal meth in this trashcan!"

"This is too much, Sir! It's crazy!" 

"What the—Go search around the club building as well! We cannot miss anything here!" The police captain ordered, and they rushed to inspect everything even more.

After some time, some of them returned with another evidence, "Sir! There are a lot outside, near the window! This club literally has a lot of drugs around! This is unbelievable! How could they get access to these!?"

"This is horrible. I've never seen something so evil like this in my whole career. How could fifteen years old have all of these drugs and probably share it with the club members."

"S—Sir, what are you going to do next?" I heard the School Principal sound so nervous.

It was understandable, though. If Leah's case went viral on social media or even got covered in the local newspaper, the School's reputation would be tainted. 

"We have enough proof that Leah Carpenter as the manager of this club, has a big role in this. And we will also hold a mass test for everyone in this Boxing club to see whether they've consumed these drugs or not," The police captain replied. "But there is definitely no way out in this one, Principal. Prepare for a wave of protests from the parents because it won't be pretty."


After ensuring that things went smoothly as I expected, I returned to the Pottery Club room and checked my phone. 

Turned out Logan had texted me a few minutes ago.

Logan: How's stuff going in the club building?

Logan: Everything went well here. The police had collected almost all the false evidence I had planted before. There is no way Leah wiggles out of this despite her daddy's money.

Oh, that was what I expected as well. 

Actually, Leah could be convicted with just the proof in her house. But the false evidence found in the club building would further strengthen the conviction. Because Leah Carpenter was the manager of the club. She must've known about everything happening inside. 

It wasn't difficult to connect the dots that she was the one who supplied the drugs because of the evidence found in both her house and the club building. 

Emmy: So everything is over? Leah is 100% convicted now? 

Emmy: I won't rest until Leah has fallen. She deserves that, for real.

Logan: It's over for us. There is no way for Leah to wiggle out if it's not some kind of miracle. 

Logan: I'll keep you updated with the case in the police station, don't worry.

I kept wondering what his connection with the police was. Because he seemed to be able to contact them easily and go in and out to see the progress of Leah's case. 

That was some next-level connection. 

Emmy: How about those who got involved? I mean, the druggies.

Logan: If they're tested positive, they'll be sent to a rehabilitation center. 

Logan: At this point, that boxing club should be disbanded for an indefinite time. Maybe it'll reform back after a few years because this is such a big case.

Logan: Emmelyn Jones, you're playing with fire here. You really have no fear.

Heh, I had no more fear because I've experienced torment and death in my previous life.

Death was painful, of course. But rather than being afraid of death, I was more afraid of living with regret.

I'd rather go and throw all my life to fight until I was all bones to get what I wanted than hiding, crying in the dark, and becoming the punching bag of everyone I met.

Because I've experienced that before, and I didn't want to experience it the second time. 

Emmy: Please keep me informed about what is happening in the police. I want to make sure that Leah got what she deserved. 

Logan: So vicious. 

Emmy: What? I don't care about your opinion, you know. I'm here to do what I want, and I will help you later.

Emmy: Remember, we're basically a partner in crime here.

Logan: Yes, yes, Miss Jones. It's not like I hate your vicious side. It's very interesting, actually.

Emmy: Interesting? What do you mean?

Logan: Nothing, don't mind me. I'll stop chatting with you now. I'm going to the police station to see what's happening. I'm still around Leah's house right now. 

I stopped chatting with Logan after that. I still hid inside the club room until the next class started. And when I came out of the club room, I got a picture sent by Logan on my phone.

It showed Leah, sitting alone in the investigation room. She leaned on the chair while crossing her arm like some sort of boss girl. 

Her face looked more annoyed than scared, which made me wonder if she knew that she couldn't get out of this easily. At least there was no free out-of-jail card now, despite her Daddy's help. 

I had a smirk on my face as I imagined the fate that awaited Leah. She might not be able to get a death sentence, and she was still a juvenile.

But she would definitely spend half of her life behind bars…

And I feel…


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