Class Villainess

Chapter 119 - Leah Carpenter Finale: Raiding The Drug Queen Of Darthmorth (7)

The school announced a day off the following day for an unknown reason on the school's official website and Instagram. Although I knew exactly what was the problem. 

I got news from Logan. He had been watching closely to Leah's case. His latest update was Leah's father, Mr. John Carpenter, who finally came to the police station where Leah was detained right now. 

He came with a convincing lawyer, at least convincing enough in my eyes. 

Logan: Leah is still in investigation. She's not as confident as she used to, though. That false evidence really worked out in our favor. 

Logan: She can't explain all those fake evidence, but she cannot deny her involvement. 

Emmy: That's good. Can you send me a video of some sort?

Logan: hold on.

It took a moment until Logan texted me back, sending two videos that were most likely taken consecutively.

I clicked on the first video, and it showed Leah with two police officers sitting face to face. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Their expressions were solemn, but Leah seemed to be confused more than scared. 

—Video 1__

One police officer slammed dozens of crystal meth ziplock small packs. It was so many even for adults to have, let alone a teenager like Leah. 

"Now tell me, Miss Leah Carpenter, how in hell you have the possession of this dangerous crystal meth? It's a high Quilty one as well. It's incredible someone at your age has this kind of drug."

"In a big batch!" the other police officer added. "Miss, you're in big trouble, you know that, right?"

"I don't know! Do you really think that I'm the one who owns all these drugs?! Do you think a high-school student like me would keep that much?" Leah tried to claim her innocence to no avail.

Of course, that didn't make sense because Leah never saved that amount in her house! That was a stupid move!

"But we found this in your house, Miss Leah. You seem to hide a lot in your bedroom because we found a lot there."

"We also found many hidden inside vases in your luxury house. As in how you can get your hands on these dangerous, illegal drugs, I think we both know the answer."

"You're the daughter of Mr. John Carpenter. Your Father is a successful businessman and a single father. I think it's fairly obvious that you're blessed with a lot of money to purchase these drugs somewhere."

Leah was speechless. What the police officers said must've been correct. She obtained those with her Daddy's allowance. She was uncontrolled and unmonitored. It wasn't difficult for her to connect with the dealers and buy a big batch, making her a VIP customer for them. 

Leah gritted her teeth out of frustration. She slammed the table as well and yelled out loud, "I don't know what this crap is! I never bought these crystal meths! Didn't you test me before? The result came out negative, right? I do not consume illegal substances!" 

"But your members do. We've tested everyone related to Boxing Club, and 90% of the ones active under your management as the manager has tested positive for the use of drugs."

"Miss Leah, do you think we will accuse you without proofs?"

"But those proofs are bogus! Fake! You guys are trying to trap me!" 

"Miss, we don't need to trap you because everything is right in front of our eyes. There is no need to deny the obvious!" The police officers seemed to start losing their patience at Leah's persistence. 

"I DID NOT DO IT! I DID NOT BUY THAT MUCH CRYSTAL METH!" Leah snapped out of fear and confusion. "I refuse to speak until I meet my Dad and the lawyer! You guys are just trying to frame me here!" 

__Video 1 ends__

I was a bit stunned by how persistent Leah was. She was obviously scared, but she was still strong enough to stand on her ground and refused to admit it until her Daddy and lawyer came. 

Though, it made me wonder if she was brave by default, or was it because she knew her Daddy would bail her out no matter how. 

I got curious since Logan said that her Daddy and lawyer had come, so that meant the second video must've shown the presence of Mr. John Carpenter.

__Video 2__

"Daddy!" Leah jumped from the chair and hugged her Daddy, who just came with a lawyer following them. She hugged him tightly and then complained, "Daddy, these people are trying to frame me for a grievous crime! They're trying to make me the mastermind! I was forced to join the people in my club because they said they'd beat me if I didn't join them. Even my drug test is negative!"

"I know, Leah. Let Dad handle this, okay? All you need to do is to answer honestly with all the questions, and you'll be alright," Mr. John Carpenter said. 

He glared at the police officers and sat on Leah's seat before, "Explain to me what the hell is happening here!"

I thought the police officers would falter before a man like Mr. John Carpenter, but they didn't.

In fact, they got even braver than before and took another seat for the lawyer to sit. 

"Mr. Carpenter, before you accuse us of framing your daughter, you should know the report that we got from our investigation yesterday."

One police officer put all the evidence of crystal meth packs in one box and then slammed it on the table, right in front of Mr. Carpenter's face. 

Both Mr. Carpenter and the lawyer were stunned when they saw the number of drugs on the table. Even someone like Mr. Carpenter knew how much was that. 

"As you can see, this amount of drugs is enough to pull an adult to life sentence, or even worse, death sentence," the police officer said.

"And this amount of high-quality crystal meth is expensive and difficult to get unless you have direct access to the highest dealer, the mafia," the other police officer added. 

"And apparently, your daughter owns all of these. We couldn't believe it at first because the fact that a 15 years old can get her hands on this was just unbelievable."

"O—Of course, it's unbelievable! Do you think my daughter has that much money to buy this? She's still underage and in high school!"

"Y—Yes! How could I get that much?!" Leah, who was standing behind Mr. Carpenter's seat, added. 

"We thought like that too at first, Mr. Carpenter," the police officer sighed. "But we searched in two different spots, the Boxing Club room, where your daughter becomes the manager of the club, and also your luxurious house."

"Apparently, there are dozens of crystal meth packed in small ziplock bags, scattered everywhere, including the trashcan and under the window. It's a shocking scene even for us."

"Well, it's because that boxing club is a bad influence on my daughter! She's tested negative, and she's a new manager to that boxing club! It must've been tainted way before my daughter joined!" Mr. Carpenter insisted. 

"We're not done yet, Mr. Carpenter," the police officer said solemnly. 

"We also thought it might be a mere coincidence that your daughter got involved in this. But when we searched through your house, we also found the exact same substance, mostly hidden under vases and a lot of them in her bedroom."

"Now you explain to me, how could a 15 years old hide that much high quality, dangerous crystal meth inside her room? Does it magically transported there?"

"Or do you, Mr. John Carpenter wants to admit that you're the one who put that amount of crystal meth inside your house. That amount is enough for a life sentence or even death sentence."

Mr. John Carpenter was stunned by the second report, he turned his head at Leah, and Leah shook her head fervently, "I SWEAR, IT'S NOT ME!"

"Stop denying it, Miss Leah Carpenter. We've interrogated all of the members of the Boxing Club separately. They all said the same thing, the manager of Boxing Club, Miss Leah Carpenter, is the one who has been supplying them with drugs known as chalk, another term for crystal meth."

"They also said that they shared the same syringe when injecting the drugs into their veins. All were taught by Miss Leah."

"Mr. John Carpenter, I know you love your daughter, but we have proofs enough to get an absolute guilty verdict from the judge later," the police officer said solemnly. "No matter what your renowned lawyer does, there is no way Miss Leah Carpenter can escape the guilty verdict. Her action has harmed the lives of many youths, alongside her possession of dangerous drugs enough to give someone a death sentence. Although, since she was a juvenile, she'd probably get a very long sentence instead."

Mr. John Carpenter stayed silent for a long time. He kept staring at the box of crystal meth on the table and nodded in silence.

"I'll try my best to cooperate, officer. But you know I'm a father. No matter how bad my daughter screwed up, I will not leave her."

"D—Daddy?! Why did you say that? Do you not believe me!?"

"Silence, Leah! What you did is beyond my expectation! I'll try my best to save you, but you can't expect to bail out easily!"

__Video 2 ends__

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