Class Villainess

Chapter 124 - A Gay Sissy (1)

Two months have passed since that Leah Carpenter incident. She was locked up in juvenile jail after and would serve in real jails after she was 18+.

The news about it finally died down, alongside the protests from the family whose sons were rehabilitated from drug addiction. 

The school's name was already tainted, though, but this was the only public school around. Unless they wanted to pay an exorbitant about of money for their children to move out and go to private school, they were stuck here with the rest of the people. 

Meanwhile, I was tasked to take care of the pottery club room alone. Logan said that he had paid for the ownership of the club room for three years straight, so there was no need to worry about getting kicked out. 

Truly, he was rich beyond my measure. It made me wonder if he was the son of a CEO or something. 

Oh, speaking about Logan Walker.

Yeah, that kid just disappeared after meeting me for the last time and took that can of cookies. 

He said that he had a mission somewhere else and told me that he would help me no matter what as long as I called him.

Truthfully, I was still hesitant about what I'd do next. Since I had taken down Leah and Kristen, that meant from the original DarthMorth Queens, there were only 6 left. 

Jessica Lambert as the leader, Cindy, Chrissy, and two more from the junior next year.

Honestly, I wanted to take down Chrissy. I thought she would succumb to obscurity after she got entangled with Leah's case. But she was thick-skinned enough to keep bootlicking Ashley and Jessica. 

She was like a leech that refused to let go. 

Funny enough, Jessica and Ashley still allowed her to hang around after. 

So I couldn't just take her down. I couldn't find any case or plan, at least not yet.

Meanwhile, Mason and I became sort of friends… at least from my point of view. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It might be my imagination. But I had a feeling that Mason wanted to be more than a friend with me… maybe… a good friend? 

I wasn't sure either, but he kept asking me for a date. I dared not think that he wanted to chase a romantic relationship with me. I thought we both knew in tacit understanding that we were basically heaven and earth. 

He was way too popular for his own good. I attended his match before and was surprised by how many fangirls flocked the seat and continuously cheered on him loudly. 

And that amount of fans continuously increased by days. 

And now, I just texted him as I sat alone outside of the abandoned Boxing club room, near the window.

Because of the case, nobody dared to come here. Maybe they were scared to get involved, or those spooky ghost stories about ghosts in the Boxing club room or whatever. 

I just found this place to be quite relaxing since I could rest without anyone disturbing me.

I read the text from Mason again and sighed deeply.

Mason: Em, I just finished the casting.

Emmy: So, how is it? Did you get the role?

Mason: I did, but not as the male lead. I… uh… I rejected the offer as the male lead.

Emmy: Huh? Why? You completely fit that male lead part!

Mason: I don't want to draw too much attention to myself. At least not now, so I asked to be the supporting cast instead. 

This was what caused me to feel annoyed at Mason. He had everything to get successful early on, but he didn't take it. This is also what happened in the previous life.

Mason also got cast as the male lead in this teen rom-com movie. But he refused and took the supporting cast role instead. 

That supporting cast turned to be the favorite character, more popular than the real male lead!

That was because the one who played it was Mason Hall! His charisma alone was enough to overshadow the rest of the cast!

I got curious and asked his reason.

Emmy: Why are you doing that, though? 

Emmy: You have the chance to make it big so early…

Mason: Hm? Did you forget that you're the one who pushed me to audition for this?

Mason: I didn't really want it… but since you're the one who asked me, so I auditioned. I don't want to be the male lead because he has a lot of scenes, and I'll be absent for a long time compared to being the supporting cast.

Mason: I don't want to go for months without seeing you.

My cheeks turned hot in an instant. The reddish hue didn't disappear for a long time until I evened my breath. 

Really, Mason could sound so sweet without him realizing it. No wonder he had a lot of fans.

Though, about that audition. It was indeed me who searched for it and gave it to Mason.

Because I got anxious when Mason suddenly became passive with his potential and didn't audition out of his free will. This small teen rom-com movie was the start of his career as a young actor in their previous life. 

If he missed this, I'm afraid he would continue living his secluded life.

So I helped him. I counted this as my way to help him since he also helped me a lot to take down Leah and Kristen. Though, I didn't think that he realized his involvement in those two cases. 

"You should thank me, Mr. Young Actor. You'll be popular soon and would often leave the school to do scenes for your movies. You'll be popular and get many endorsements, including real advertisement endorsement," I said while reading the text. 

I didn't know this feeling inside my heart. But I wanted Mason to soar high as he should like in the previous life. 

Maybe I was also his fangirl, although I didn't have any intention to claim him to be mine. But I wouldn't lie that I had an interest in his face, his gentlemanly demeanor, and his warm smile.

I sighed while rereading the chat. I was sitting on the ground and then folded my legs. I leaned on the wall behind me and continued rereading my chat with Mason.

Deep down, I knew my admiration and attraction towards him hadn't died down. 

I thought it would, but he just kept popping around me in this life and even treated me so kindly. I was an idiot anyway, and I couldn't control what my heart desired. 

I continued lamenting over my own feeling until I heard a whimper and footsteps approaching my position.

No, I wasn't scared of a ghost at all. I was literally dead and brought back to life. If there was a ghost in real life, I might as well be one of them right now. 

"Help… please help me…." 

That voice sounded so weak and pitiful, so I followed the source and was surprised…

Because I found a boy who looked so weak. He was wearing a tattered sweater during this winter season, and I saw blood seeping from his mouth. It seemed that he had been beaten badly since his face was all blue and bruised. 

I approached him carefully and crouched, "Hey, are you okay?" I asked. 

The man slowly raised his head and looked at me with his blurry eyes. The shock doubled when I actually recognized this man. 

Noah Jameson. 

This man was infamous in my second year of high school… because of one thing. 

Barbara 'Barbie' Cornwell outed his sexual orientation as gay. So he got called out by everyone as the gay sissy. 

He got so ashamed, and lonely and then… he killed himself when he was in his senior year. 

I got the story, and I saw his face once on the Instagram page.

Yes, he was a sophomore right now. The incident happened next year around the same month. From the rumor, he hung himself in his room, just like Helena did.

He did it out of depression after the endless taunt of being called Gay Sissy. 

At that time, I thought he was just weak ass sissy. 

I wouldn't lie that I also judged him because I also got bullied every single day, and I didn't even think of killing myself.

But after looking at his wounds, maybe the situation was a lot more complicated than I thought. 


Okay, now I felt guilty for being judgmental and bitchy at him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, pretending that I didn't know his name. 

Noah stared at me in a daze. He seemed too weak to get up, so I helped him sit and lean on the wall. 

I took out the tumbler in my bag, there was still warm water inside, and I gave it to him. 

"Here's warm water. You should at least drink," I patted his shoulder and helped him drink the warm water.

His hand was shaking for even holding a tumbler, "T—Thank you…" he said with a low voice. "I… I need to leave now…."

"Wait, just sit down and rest first, and also…." I stared at him deeply.. I also got curious about what happened. "What happened to you?"

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