Class Villainess

Chapter 144 - Boys' Secret (1)

Chapter 144 – Boys’ Secret (1)

But… what if Grandma genuinely knew what was best for me?

That idea flashed in my mind as I entered my room. I kept thinking about what Grandma said about this red rose guy. 

She seemed to be so ingrained about the idea of me marrying this creepy dude as if he was truly the savior I had been waiting for so long that I could save my and my family.

I got it, she was old, and maybe it was just her old, nonsensical dementia ramble…

"But I have 0 clue of what I want. I don't know what kind of boyfriend that I want either. And Mom's marriage… is not a good example."

I threw myself to the bed and buried my face in the pillow for a good while.

"Hrrgghh! Screw this! I'm only 16! Why do I think about fricking marriage!?" I yelled out of frustration and then calmed down soon after. 

I always had this frustration growing up. Maybe because my family was never financially secure when Dad wasn't around, and when he was around, we weren't physically and mentally secure instead.

Because he'd beat the hell out of Mom and me, although Mom suffered the most.

Now that we were free from his restraint, we had this severe financial problem. My life had never been secure, I guess. So I couldn't help but have this frustration budding and growing inside my heart.

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After venting by continuously cursing nonsensically, I calmed down and took a warm bath after a long day today. 

I had one thing in mind right now, to find the willing person to volunteer in this dangerous stunt to trap those three bastards, so they would be expelled, or even worse, jailed for assault. 

Of course, I couldn't use woman in this, no woman would be willing to be put in this dangerous stunt, and I refuse to use one as well.

So I would use a boy instead. Elise told me that we need something more scandalous, so scandalous that it would make those bastards get blind out of their own panic and start beating Miss Brittany Alba, later on, the involuntary witness.

And I just found one perfect person to do this because he would be a great stuntman. 

Now, I knew I couldn't just straight up ask him to do stuff like that. I doubted he would be willing. So I had to give him a small push.

I unlocked my phone and chatted with him;

Emmy: I heard from Elise that you're not what you portrayed yourself in front of me, Noah.

It took a while for him to reply to my text. 

Noah: W—What are you talking about, Emmy? Did I do something wrong? 

Emmy: Yes, you did. You didn't tell me exactly what happened between you and Thomas. You only told me that you came out, and he started beating you.

Noah: But that's what happened! Really!

Emmy: No, Noah, you're trying to hide what you did with Thomas. You're not the defenseless victim here. And I refuse to help you in any way before you come out clean to me. 

There was no answer from him after that. Honestly, I was also worried this might count as gaslighting. But at the same time, I knew Noah wouldn't admit anything unless I pressured him like this. 

I already asked him a few times what happened between him and Thomas, and his answer was simple—they were childhood best friends, and after he came out, he got beaten up.

After a good while, Noah suddenly called me. I readied myself and picked up the call.

__Phone call__

"So, you will explain this or not? I'll hang up the call if you say nothing to defend yourself," I said, inciting Noah so he could be open about it. 

"Em… I… I don't want to admit it. I'm also ashamed of myself…." Noah whimpered. I could hear that he was extremely distressed about this, which roused a question in my head.

Elise only heard the rumor, so her information was very vague about what Noah did with Thomas and his gang other than enabling them.

"What did you do exactly? Elise—and practically everyone in your batch thinks it's surprising you got bullied. What makes them think like that?"

"That's because of my past history with them…." Noah admitted. "I—It's true, Emmy. I'm not completely innocent… that's why I'm afraid to admit it to you, I'm afraid that you'll also push me away."

"I will push you away if you're trying to hide it. You asked me to keep your secret as gay and help you, so our first contact is based on trust," I said ruthlessly. "And now you're saying that you will be lying if it's for your convenience? Do you really think I'll take it kindly?"

I could sense that Noah was very nervous right now. Of course, because I pressured him greatly with this. 

"So tell me before I push you away for real," I gave him an ultimatum.

Noah went silent for a good while, probably prepared himself as well, "I'll tell you. But please don't hate me after this, okay?"

"Yeah, that depends on the severity. But as long as you come out clean, then I will consider that."

"Okay, so… back before I came out to Thomas about my sexuality, I was actually supplying them and helping them in whatever stunt they are doing, something like a helper…."

"That means you're an enabler, right? You encouraged Thomas, Jorge, and Jackson to do whatever stunt they're doing," I fixed it, so he would be more open.

"Y—Yeah, you can say that, Em…" Noah sighed, full of woe. "But I never participated directly in any of their activities. I just help them to cover up."

Dude, that was literally the same thing! You might say that you never participated, but by helping them and covering for them, you were basically a firsthand accomplice! You were as guilty as them!

That was what I wanted to say to Noah, but I restrained myself, knowing it might make Noah too scared to continue.

But now, I understood how Noah could get a video of those bastards beating up a man before, and also about the price and such. 

He seemed to know a lot more than he should be.

"What kind of cover-up and help did you do for them?" I asked.

"Uh… usually when they're doing a stunt or—or beating up someone, I keep watching outside. I know it's wrong! But… but Thomas said that he really needed my help…." Noah whimpered again. 

Now, this was the real Noah. I had a feeling that he wasn't a bad guy, but his relationship with Thomas must have been more complicated than I expected.

Just like what Elise said before, Noah was gossiped about being gay because Noah and Thomas had a strange relationship. They were too intimate to be a simple friend. 

"E—Emmy, please, believe me, I feel seriously guilty to be his helper. I was an idiot, okay?

"Then, why did you do that? If you know that it's not a good thing, why continue? Was it because of Thomas?" I asked.

"Yes, it's because of Thomas…." Noah sighed, full of pity once more. "Thomas and I have a complicated relationship, and it's not a simple him realizing that I'm gay, then decided to bully the heck out of me. If it's that easy, I don't think he will constantly pressure me…."

"Emmy, believe it or not… we were friends with benefit…." Noah confessed.


That confession was like thunder on a clear sky for me. That was seriously unexpected. In my mind, I expected Noah to be in love with Thomas. That was why he because Thomas' little helper and cover-up for many crazy stunts the three bastards did.

That'd be a logical answer to this.

But when Noah told me that he and Thomas were friends with benefit… I was left speechless for a good while, trying to process what just happened here. 

Noah realized my shock and continued with his story, "The fact that we were friends with benefit, there is no string attached between us… we went full homerun…."


No, this was just too unexpected for me to process right now. I seriously needed to calm myself down. This was one hell of a plot twist!

This was definitely a movie-worthy twist. Definitely deserve a goddamn Oscar for best screenwriting!

"Okay, give me time. I need to process this first," I said to Noah. "But seriously, what the fuck is this?!"

"I knoooow, that's why I don't want to tell you about it! It's too crazy and shameful!" Noah said. 

It took me more than ten minutes of calming myself down before I returned to the call and asked Noah, "Okay then, now that I'm all ready to listen.. Do explain. What the fuck is this?"

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