Class Villainess

Chapter 154 - Eavesdropping

Chapter 154 – Eavesdropping

__Phone call__

"I don't think we need to fake anything about him," I said. "I will ask it from the direct source instead, from Mason Hall."

"Wait, what?!" Elise sounded shocked. "Em, this is not the time to joke around. I know that you might be one of his fans. But seriously, we need to forge Mason's handwriting, autograph, or anything that would lure Miss Alba."

I wanted to say that I could obtain it easily. But I knew that Elise wouldn't believe me again. So I just played along. 

"Okay, okay, I won't play around. I will forge his handwriting and autograph. I will create a fake love letter," I told Elise. 

Of course, I had no way to forge handwriting and also autograph. That was some high-level shit. But I didn't need to forge anything. I'd just ask Mason directly. 

"You… you sure you can do it? I mean, I might be able to find another way…." Elise suggested. But finding another way would take more time. We had no time to delay here because Noah's life was on the line.

"We have no time. I will do it," I said assuringly. 

Elise sighed, "Alright, with that fake letter ready, then every prop will be ready."

"What's left is the execution," I said. 

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"Yep," Elise confirmed. "Well, I will be waiting for that fake letter. Once you have it, I will ask for Mona to go and put it in Miss Alba's bag or desk because she has access to the teachers' room."

"She has access to the teachers' room? How?" I asked. 

"You know, she got a lot of lenience because she's teacher's pet. That's why she can work in her parents' cafe. Some teachers favorited her and gave her lenience to do minimum homework. In exchange, she always helped the teachers to do stuff," Elise said. "And she is smart too, obviously."

Damn, what an overachiever. Noah was lucky to have Mona as his first girlfriend! 

__Phone call ends__

After a few more minutes of chatting, I finally hung up the phone call and immediately thought of a good way to talk to Mason about this. 

Of course, I couldn't just tell him to make me a love letter for Miss Alba because I wanted to lure her, so she could be beaten to near death, right?

I still didn't know where Mason stood right now. Although he had indirectly confessed to me, I still couldn't trust him enough about this. 

The way he acted and reacted about everything, I feel like… there was something else in Mason, something insidious and dangerous.

It was better to play safe for now. 

I watched some Youtube videos until it was quite late. Before the gate closed, I woke Noah up and said, "Noah, it's time to leave. It's almost dusk, and I'm sure that you will be safe."

"A—Ah, yeah, I don't think Thomas and his gang would stay this late," Noah nodded. He wore his jacket again and got up from the chair. "Can you accompany me to the parking lot? I'm just… scared, you know."


Noah and I walked to the parking lot for the car because he rode a car today. 

To our surprise, we saw Mason standing beside a parked car not far from Noah's car. 

He was standing in front of a white Porsche car, with a girl sitting in the car. I knew well whose girl owned this expensive car. 

And as expected, it was Jessica Lambert. 

"Em, isn't that Mason with… another girl?" Noah asked.

"Sshh!" I pulled him to hide behind a wall while eavesdropping on Mason and Jessica's conversation together. 

"So, how is it, handsome? I heard that you need money, right? I mean, if you just want money, I have tons. Don't worry about paying it back. As long as you date me, then I can give you all the money you want~" Jessica said.

Noah and I looked at each other, and he commented, "Wow, I wouldn't mind dating that girl if she can give me money every week."

"Oh, believe me, Noah. You do not want to date her. She is crazy," I said. The amount of torture I endured under the hand of that girl was tremendous to the point of death.

She was the epitome of neutral evil.

Mason's neutral expression turned ugly instantly. I didn't know that he could make such an expression. I thought he always had that lukewarm smile in default to everyone. 

"I can fend for myself. I have enough money to live," Mason said. "You shouldn't come to a random man and say something like that. It's weird."

Jessica chuckled as if she had just heard something funny. She grabbed Mason's collar and yanked him towards her, so their faces were so close to each other. 

"You know that you're the first one to ever reject me, right?" Jessica said. "Come on, Mason. You're definitely my type. There is just something in you that draws me in. Maybe because we are not so much different?"

"Not so much different? I'm not a bully like you. I know what kind of person you are, Jessica Lambert," Mason said ruthlessly. He didn't even try to hide anything. I had to give him applause for that. Nobody ever stood up against Jessica, so it was definitely a breath of fresh air. 

"You know what kind of person I am?"

"You're a bully. I know how bad you've been bullying, intimidating, and abusing other students."

"Oh, is that it?" Jessica scoffed. "Just because I'm a bully, you don't want to date me? Oh, Mason Hall, it takes one to understand another. We are the same kin, maybe you're not a bully, but I know something deep inside you," Jessica's eyes glared full of provocation at Mason Hall. "You're a monster, just like me. That's why we should be together."

Jessica gave Mason a light peck on his lips, which Mason reacted by pushing Jessica away from him. Mason wiped his lips full of disgust, "You're disgusting, Jessica. And I'm not like you. I will not hurt innocent people."

Jessica winced in pain when the back of her head smacked on the car's window. "You know that you just deny it, Mason. Let's just say that we will be together nonetheless. Besides, who can even take your heart, hm? Don't tell me that you suddenly have someone you like."

"I have had someone I like since the first time I met her," Mason said. 

"Oh, don't lie~ You always said that to anyone who asked you out. You're just trying to dodge it," Jessica chuckled mirthlessly. "You've been saying the same thing since middle school. Don't you think it's a bit ridiculous to be 'in love' with a girl for so long?"

"I've been in love with her for years, even in middle school or elementary school. I only have my heart for one girl," Mason uttered. He didn't even try to hide it, and it got me, and Noah shocked. 

Especially me, of course, I was utterly shocked. 

Mason hall said he liked me and wanted me to wait for him. 

But he said that he had been in love with the same girl since elementary. Did that mean he had been in love with his childhood sweetheart?

Then what about me?

I felt like when he hugged and kissed me, I could feel his heart was racing. I also could feel his sincerity.

Now he stated a different thing!

This was utterly confusing. At least, my choice not to be too open with him about my mission was the correct one. He was still extremely unpredictable. 

"You still want to keep that stupid lie," Jessica sighed. "Oh well, that's why I like you. You never showed anyone about your love. You keep that fake smile. It's really interesting, Babe~."

"Stop trying to make moves with me, Jessica. I already told you countless times, I will never like you," Mason said coldly. He turned away and walked from the scene. 

Jessica shrugged, "You know that I never take my eyes off my prey~."

Jessica got inside her car and drove away, while Mason went to the front gate by walking, supposedly using the bus instead. 

Noah and I looked at each other full of confusion, "That man, Mason Hall, he has someone he likes?"

"Well, you and I heard the same thing," I said. "It's surprising, right?"

"Yeah, but he is like the main lead character in a novel or romantic movie. He has been in love with one person since elementary? That stuff comes from some novel, haha!" 

Honestly, I didn't know how to react to this. I kept my silence until Noah and I were separated, and I went home. 

Grandma and Mom were already inside when I reached home because I returned home late today. I cooked for myself and then took a bath after dinner. 

My mind was filled with Mason Hall, who confessed to me, but also said that he had been in love with a girl long ago, since elementary.

"This damn thing is confusing. That man is an enigma!"

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