Class Villainess

Chapter 164 - Three Bastards Finale: Breaking The Big Boy In The Closet (2)

Chapter 164 – Three Bastards Finale: Breaking The Big Boy In The Closet (2)

"Indeed, Miss Alba would probably call 911 as soon as possible. And I think you both already know what's going to happen with Miss Alba."

"They will start chasing Miss Alba and beat the hell out of her, especially Thomas, right?" Noah suspected.

"Correct, that's our goal," I said, basically cementing the fate that Miss Alba would face soon. 

Elise and Noah looked at each other. They seemed to have a similar understanding or a shared opinion by communicating with their eyes. 

I asked out of curiosity, "What are you guys thinking about? How's the plan? If you have something to say or revise, just say it, and we can communicate. This is teamwork, after all."

"I mean, the plan is great. We're just surprised at how well you can create this plan, Em," Elise replied. "No matter how many times I keep saying it, I just—I can't imagine how you could make this…."

"Yeah, as if… you are the one with a grudge against those bastards," Noah added again.

Well, they didn't know my story anyway, so I wouldn't tell them the real reason.

"I just don't want people to suffer such injustice, like you two," I replied, trying to cover the truth that I was as evil as all of them. My interest was also as malicious. I just knew how to cover it well.

It seemed that Noah and Elise trusted me, so I wouldn't need to tell the truth. 

Telling too much always ended up in failure.

"Oh, about the sexual assault trap. I will make sure to replace the real request with the fake one, complete with extra money to make it believable. Thomas, Jorge, and Jackson had 'successfully' raping the target, which happened to be Miss Alba, their English teacher."

"Though, I doubted they'd do that amidst the chaos. I think Thomas would just beat Miss Alba good until she was unrecognizable and ran away," I replied. "And when they got caught, you know they'll try to lighten their sentence by reporting their business, so they're not the mastermind of the whole thing."

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"Then it will turn worse for them, right?" Elise asked.


Noah and Elise nodded at the same time.

"There is no flaw in this plan except for the timing. So for this one, let's just hope Miss Alba really come in time."


Noah and Elise stayed with me until lunch break was over. I allowed them to stay in the room as they were hiding until dusk while I returned to class.

When the last class ended, I got a text from Elise, telling me that Mona had successfully delivered the fake love letter to Miss Alba.

Elise: Mona told her that Mason Hall is too embarrassed to give it directly. So he asked Mona to do it. She didn't seem to care much and was over the moon when she got the letter.

Elise: Mona already told Miss Alba that she should come at around 6.15 to the schoolyard because there will be a big surprise.


That was the perfect time frame. Now, we had to wait until dusk and then prepare ourselves.


05.40 P.M

Elise and I tiptoed around the school, wanting to make sure there was nobody but us, Miss Alba, and three bastards who would come in around 20 minutes.

After ensuring that it was empty and the gate was still open, I texted Noah.

Emmy: Stay in the middle of the schoolyard and wear your mask, don't worry about lighting. The school lamp and the one near the schoolyard would be enough.

Emmy: Don't be scared. We are hiding nearby, so we can get good footage. 

Noah: At this point, there is no turning back, right?

Emmy: Indeed.

Yep, there was no turning back at this point. We were already at the end of the mission anyway. 

Elise and I camped in the bush not far from Noah but safe enough for us if we made a blunder and made noises. 

"Don't forget your phone with flash off. We need to record everything," I instructed Elise, just to make sure there wouldn't be any terrible blunder. 

Right at 06.00 P.M, where the sky was already dark, and only the light from the school lamps could make everything barely visible, we could hear the sound of heavy footsteps coming to the schoolyard.

Noah followed my instruction to turn his back, so Thomas couldn't see his face first. 

"Haha, so this is our target. What are you doing this evening, kid?" Thomas said. He looked eager to beat the hell out of his target like it was his daily job.

We finally saw Thomas, Jorge, and Jackson again a few days ago. They were a bunch of big jocks that could really beat a weaker man easily, and they used it to their full extent.

I turned my head towards Elise and saw that her face turned red as she gritted her teeth. Elise seemed to be holding a lot of anger in her heart, and the phone we would use to record was trembling in her hand.

I snatched the phone instead, then whispered to Elise, 'This is the finale, calm yourself, Elise. Getting angry at them right now wouldn't change anything."

Elise shook her head a few times and clenched my arm, trying to get some assurance. Thus, I pressed the red button on the phone and recorded what was happening right now. 

__Third person POV__

"Hey, turn around, let me see your face before I make it unrecognizable, Hahaha!"

"HAHAHAHAH!" Jorge and Jackson also laughed at the same time. They seemed to be enjoying this as well, as expected from a bunch of degenerates without any remorse. 

Noah turned around to face Thomas and his gang with the mask on. He had a sly smirk on his face, "Good evening, Jorge, Jackson, and… Thomas. You guys are searching for me?"

Thomas' eyes widened the moment he saw that mask. Of course, he knew that mask clearly, because there was only one person who could wear that. 

Thomas wanted to speak the name of the person behind the mask, but there was Jackson and Jorge here, so he had to be careful. 

Thus, Thomas acted as if he didn't know who was behind the mask and cracked his fingers, "Yeah, we're here because someone wants you beaten bloody, haha! How pitiful. Someone paid us 2 grands to beat you up! And I will rough you up real good."

Thomas was trying to scare Noah, and he thought it would succeed because Noah was always a submissive wimp in front of him. No matter what Thomas did to him, Noah would always do it.

He was just a bit disobedient these days. That was why Thomas continuously bullied him, to make sure that he knew his place. 

But to his shock, Noah's smirk grew wider, and he replied, "Someone sends you all to beat me up? But you don't need any request to do that, do you?" Noah turned his gaze at Thomas and his gaze chilled. "Especially for you, Thomas. I think we know each other pretty well, right?"


Jackson and Jorge to curious, "Huh? You know this guy, boss?" They asked Thomas. 

"Well, it doesn't matter, right, boss? We are doing this for the money anyway.

"Boss?" Jorge and Jackson were confused with Thomas' sudden silence. But Thomas' gaze hadn't left their victim at all. "Is there something wrong, boss?"

"Yeah, is there something wrong, Thomas?" Noah asked. "I think Thomas knows really well what am I talking about here, right?" 

"I mean, if you guys want to beat me up, then just do it. But I wonder if your boss will allow it. He and I have… a history together."

"A history?" Jorge frowned. He looked at Thomas whose was looked so nervous, and he got confused instead. "Is there something wrong between you two? I mean, the tension here is a bit weird, right?"

"Yeah," Jackson added. "Why don't we just do our job, beating the hell out of this kid, and get the hell out? It's freezing cold today, and my jacket isn't warm enough."

Thomas didn't move an inch like usual. He kept staring at Noah behind the mask and said, "I will give you one chance to leave now before I blow your brains out."

Jackson and Jorge were shocked. They didn't expect their Boss to suddenly give this random man a leeway. It was unlike his usual self, "Boss? Are you okay? Why would you give him a chance to run?! We got paid to beat him up!"

"Shut up!" Thomas shouted at Jorge and Jackson, and the two zipped their lips instantly. They were also scared of Thomas.

"I give you one last chance, leave now before it's too late," Thomas said. 

Noah stared at Thomas, the boy he had been in love with for years. Thomas was his first love, and that feeling… stayed in his heart.

But there was no turning back now. There was no future with Thomas.

"Why would you want me to leave? Is it because you're afraid your friends will know your secret?"

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