Class Villainess

Chapter 175 - A Bloody Fist Of A Rich Boy (1)

Chapter 175 – A Bloody Fist Of A Rich Boy (1)

"I want to thank you two for helping me, especially you, Emmelyn Jones. You're an amazing girl, and I hope we can still be friends even after I transfer school," Noah said. 

At this rate, I didn't even know what to say anymore. I was happy that Noah could finally break free from the abuse that Thomas created for him, and I was thinking about recruiting him to be my partner as well. 

But now he was about to move out?

It was definitely out of my expectation. 

Elise might not have the same attachment as I did to Noah because they said they weren't that close despite both being related to Mona. One was her best friend. One was her ex-boyfriend, that was still on a good term with each other.

Noah seemed to understand the shock. He smiled and shrugged, "It's not like we're going to totally cut off our friendship. We can always contact each other online, right?"

"But it'd be different," I sighed. But I didn't want Noah to leave with a grievance in his heart. So I patted his shoulder and said, "Don't forget that you always have me as your friend here. If you need any help, or whether you want to talk about something, don't hesitate to call me."

"And me too, we might not be too close, Noah. But that doesn't mean I don't see you as my friend," Elise added. "It's too bad that you have to leave, though."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I elbowed Elise, signalling her not to say something like that because it would burden Noah when he moved there, thinking he wouldn't find a good friend there.

"Don't worry about us. We will always be your friend. Also, if you get a good friend there, don't forget to tell us about them, because we also want to make new friends, right, Elise?"

"A—Ah, yep!" 


No, I hated being friends with someone because I knew this guy from this guy kind of stuff. It was so perfunctorily useless most of the time and would be a waste of contact in my phone.

But I seriously didn't want Noah to feel that I had kicked him out after he moved out. I just hoped that he wouldn't struggle there. He had experienced enough, so if he could leave this wretched school with peace in his heart, I knew that he would be more open to befriending other students in his new school. 

"You guys…" Noah hugged Elise and me, and when he hugged me, he whispered something in my ear.

'Don't forget, Em. LLE means Logan Loves Emmy. Your club president is definitely whipped for you. Good luck with your love life, Em, hihi~.'

I jolted instantly because I thought what Noah said was utterly ridiculous. That guy didn't seem to be someone that could be romantic or actually falling in love. 

Besides, Logan Walker fell in love with me…

Brrr… that was atrocious, that kind of guy wouldn't even think of liking someone cunning and vindictive like me. Bet he loved that cutie, innocent-looking kind of girl that needed protection 24/7, just looking at how he kept asking me to act cute like a cat.

He really should've asked an innocent looking girl to fulfil his fetish rather than asking me. He had everything anyway, wealth, looks, and… well, that was it. 

But those two were the most important!


Noah and Elise finally left after our small but heartfelt separation. I was all alone again in the pottery club room because I was waiting for someone to come.

I checked the food that I brought, hoping it hadn't lost the crispiness and warmth because I had been trying to keep it warm for that rich brat.,

I waited until it was almost 5.30, and I silently packed up the food that I had brought and picked my bag. It seemed that Logan wouldn't come anytime soon, so I guess today wasn't the day for him. 

But the moment I was about to leave, Logan suddenly opened the door and stood there, with his chest rising up and down as if he was in a hurry. 

"Am I too late?" Logan asked, still trying to catch his breath. 

"Why do you look like you've been running a marathon to reach here?" I asked. 

"I had to do something before I could go to school and meet you. Sorry to keep you waiting for long," Logan said. 

I sighed and put down my bag, "It's okay, at least you're here now because the food would be a waste if you don't come." 

I took out the special lunchbox that I made for him. Logan said that he wanted something from my heart, something that didn't need to be valued with money because he was rich as heck already.

So I made something very special for him.

Logan quietly watched me arrange the food for him. I cooked a lot and would probably be able to feed at least two people. I also made my own creamy cheesecake for him as a dessert. 

"Okay, all set, this is what I want to give you. You said that you don't need something that can be valued with money, right?"

Logan nodded quietly. 

"I made all this by myself, and don't worry about the taste. I make sure that every food here is very much tasty, oh and not poisonous, unfortunately."

Logan chuckled and sat on a chair. He stared at all the food I'd just prepared and asked, "Did you cook all this every day in your home?"

"No, that's too much work. Honestly, I never cook this much except during Thanksgiving because I have limited ingredients. A feast like this would probably be something I'd cook when I get married, probably with kids as well, haha!" I laughed at my own joke. I couldn't even imagine myself getting married. I already expected to die at old age alone, probably with cats and dogs around me.

Logan smiled mysteriously and mumbled something inaudible for me, but I could hear the word 'wife' in his mumble there. 

"What did you say?"

"Nothing," Logan quickly grabbed the spoon and was about to taste the asparagus soup I made as an appetizer, but he was still using his black gloves. So I told him;

"Take off your gloves first, it's not ethical, and it looks dirty as heck," I said. 

Logan looked at his gloves and shook his head, "Heh, do you think I care about table manners and stuff? Who do you think I am? Mason Hall?"

I paused for a second when he mentioned Mason, it was out of the blue, but I didn't want to react much because it might be creating unnecessary drama, especially since I was close with Mason right now. 

"Just took it off, or I will not give the rest of the food for you," I threatened. 

Logan looked at me as if he was wronged and sighed, "You're so annoying. It's just a pair of gloves anyway. And I can assure you it's as clean as it could be, don't worry about watching germs."

"… Logan."

Logan sighed again, "Fine, fine, I will take it off."

Logan took off the glove in his left hand, but he didn't take the right one somehow. 

I eyed his right hand and suspected something, "Take off the right one too."

"… that's not needed," Logan said, but he seemed to be hiding something from me. So I grabbed his right wrist and then forced him to drop the spoon and pulled the gloves himself.

"What the—" I was shocked when I saw what happened with Logan's right hand.

Because it was bruised, bloodied, and definitely had been through some tragedy. 

Logan's right hand trembled as it got exposed to the air. He winced in pain and pulled his hand, "Satisfied now?"

"What happened?" I asked out of curiosity and concern. I didn't really care if something happened to him, but if he died, then who would be my absolutely reliable partner?

"It's none of your business, and I'm fine—"

I grabbed his wrist again and pointed at the bloodied knuckles, "This is what you call as fine? Come on now, Logan Walker, do you take me as an idiot or what?"

Logan stared at me straight in the eyes. He seemed to be holding something in his heart, as if he wanted to say it but decided to keep quiet in the end. 

I sighed. It must've been part of his super-secret work that I wasn't allowed to know. No matter how much I tried to pressure him, I didn't think I could get anything out of his mouth. 

"Fine, if you don't want to tell me, then it's your problem, but…." I released his wrist and took out the first aid box from the club drawer. "Eat with your left hand. Let me treat you first.. It might get worse and turn into an infection if left untreated."

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