Class Villainess

Chapter 83 - Sunday Investigation (2)

"Maybe you want to go to your club room? That keyring has all the keys of the clubs here. You can use it to unlock your club room. Just be sure not to make a mess, okay?" 

I was stunned, silly, thinking that I might've misheard it. 

"You… you want me to take that keyring?" I asked. 

"Yes," Mason gave me a gentle smile and added, "Just make sure not to make a mess."

"Thank you," I turned around and grabbed the key ring. Of course, I wasn't stupid to use this keyring only to go to my club room. I didn't know if Mason was deliberate or not, but there was no way in hell I would miss this chance. 

I quickened my pace through the corridor until I arrived in front of a big room with the sign on top of the door;

- Boxing Club -

I grinned and started checking the key one by one. It was pretty convenient for me because the keys had numbers on them, so it was easy to find the key. 

I put the key in and twisted it.


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It worked! 

Damn, I really should thank Mason for giving me the key. I didn't know if he was just an oblivious guy or a scheming one, but one thing for sure, he helped me in this mission to defeat Leah. 

I opened the Boxing club room, and nothing changed much since I entered and got kicked out on Friday. 

The room smelled like sweat and something funny. It was definitely what I expected from a club full of high school boys. I didn't need to worry that someone might enter because this was Sunday. But I still couldn't make a mess because I didn't want Mason to get in trouble. 

I checked on few things, like the sandbags, the boxing ring, and other gym equipment that were definitely bought with Leah's money. Because these looked brand new and expensive. 

I touched one of the bench presses and smelled my finger, then I retched immediately. 

"What the fuck is wrong with these boys?! Do they ever take a shower!?" I complained. I thought I could find any lead for my investigation, but it just smelled like a very terrible dried sweat. I couldn't even describe the smell.

After realizing that I couldn't find anything even by examining all this sweat-drenched stuff in this club, I decided to go to the storage of this club room. 

Butt when I tried to open the door, I realized that it was locked. 

I tried to find the key for it, then I realized, "Oh fuck, I forgot the key of club storage is held by the leader of each club…."

For example, the pottery club room had storage with only one key, and Logan was the owner right now. So I didn't know what the heck he saved inside. It might be some guns or something since he was quite shady. 

I realized that all clubs have secrets and important stuff that nobody could access other than the leader/manager/president or whatever you called them. 

I sighed, full of disappointment. I didn't expect I might be so close to the truth, only to be stopped by a single door. 

I turned around and was about to check on other places until I felt that I had stepped on something on the floor near the door. 

"What is this?" I frowned and looked down, then I saw a syringe. I was about to touch it, then realized it looked like it had been used before.

So I crouched down and observed it. It was definitely a used syringe because it had a trace of dried blood at the tip of the needle, and there was a leftover liquid inside the syringe tube. 

I didn't want to touch it directly with my hand, so I went to my club room and took a small paper bag and tissue I left in the pottery club room. 

I returned to the boxing club room to pick up the syringe and put it in the paper bag. 

I had a strong feeling that I knew what kind of secret Leah kept inside this club, but without proper evidence, there was no way I could accuse her. 

Thus I kept the syringe for further investigation and left the boxing room immediately. 

After locking the Boxing club room, I headed back to the American Football Club. I saw Mason wiping the sweat on his forehead. The box he carried before had been emptied, and when he saw me, he smiled and asked, "Done with your business?"

"Y—Yes," I replied. I gave the keyring back to him. "Thank you, it's a big help."

"It's not a big problem," Mason accepted the key from me. "Just make sure to do it cleanly because we might get in trouble if the school guard knew that I've allowed someone else to come with me."

I nodded.

Honestly, I was still unsure about Mason's intention. I felt like he knew what I was doing, but at the same time, he sounded oblivious enough that I couldn't accuse him. 

So, for now, I would just pretend in front of him. I still didn't know if he was an ally or an enemy, so I better be careful. 

After Mason was done with his task, we left the club building, and he locked the main door. 

As we walked back to the front gate, he asked, "Em, what's inside your paper bag?"

"Ah—this—" I opened the paper bag for him. "Just some pottery tool. My president told me to bring it because these are the old ones in need to throw."

"Ah, I see…."

Of course, I wouldn't be stupid enough not to do some cover-up for the syringe at the bottom of the paper bag, just in case Mason asked. 

"Ah, I see…." 

Mason went silent for a moment, then I could see with my eyes how his mood changed in less than five seconds. 

"About this president of yours… it seems that you two are close enough to do his errand."

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