Classless Ascension

Chapter 198: Why The Dumplings?!

Chapter 198: Why The Dumplings?!

[Please select two: Iron Elemental Soul | True Iron Pickaxe | Iron Sacrificial Manual | Shattered Sapphire]

Honestly, the one that piqued his interest the most was the Iron Sacrificial Manual. It had to be about that astounding attack that the Boss kept using over and over. He could picture himself using the skill (while laughing, arms crossed) and sending countless fools to their death.

Then again, would he even have the required mana to cast such a phenomenal ability? The skill could also be a watered-down version. For now, he'd go with what he felt he'd definitely be able to handle.

"Let's go with Iron Elemental Soul and True Iron Pickaxe!" Josh decisively picked.

The pickaxe was easily recognizable, but one thing was peculiar: it was entirely made of metal, even the handle.

<E+ True Iron Pickaxe>

- Increases damage dealt against ores. Ineffective against anything else.

Josh could only stare at the item description in disbelief. There was no way a tool that was so heavy couldn't be used as a weapon. This thing was bound to shatter skulls as if fragile eggs.

He then turned to the other item. It looked like a ball of iron, but this one was surprisingly light. He had the feeling that the interior of it was hollowed. He couldn't help but chuckle, thinking that maybe, just maybe, there would be a surprise inside.

<Iron Elemental Soul>

- ?!? Dropped by the Iron Giant.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Talk about a great description! Who cared about how to use it or its true nature anyway, right? That's when he was brought back to reality by the sound of his stomach rumbling. Josh carried his new weapon over his shoulder like a Boss and teleported out.

As he appeared at the Tower plaza, there were many journalists that had been expectantly awaiting his return. Some had given up but even more had joined the party. He calmly observed the situation.

The scene sure looked peculiar. There were many reporters that could be seen waiting by the side with portable heaters and food. Meanwhile, there were some of their colleagues busy ridiculizing them.

"I can't believe how unprofessional those guys are. Do they think this is a barbecue or something?"

"Tch, some people are really putting our job to shame. They are setting a bad image for all of us."

"Talk about a waste of time! We are closer to the Tower than them. As soon as the target appears, we will be the first ones to ask— oh my god, he's here!"

These prideful people rushed at him and showered him with a barrage of questions. Contrary to these impatient guys, others were diligently and patiently bringing food over. Some even went to the length of bringing plates along with clean and resplendent cutlery.

They began shouting over the noisy empty-handed people that endlessly kept asking questions:

"Sir, I've got pizza!"

"Sir, I've got kebabs!"

"Sir, I have a whole bag full D-Ranked magical food that will undoubtedly help you recuperate. You'll feel so full of energy that you'd be able to instantly Climb again!" One triumphantly proclaimed.

At that point, there were many reactions. The empty-handed ones were beginning to realize their mistake. Sure, no one had told them about it, but they should have guessed it. As for the better-prepared ones, they clearly hadn't aimed high enough.

They looked at the smug man with the D-Rank food. There was no way they could compete with that. But that is when another voice was heard. It came from a youngster with a gentle look and oil on his hands and around his mouth.

He seemed to unconsciously shoot the line he had probably been repeating in his head over and over. "Sir, here is a whole cart of dumplings with all kinds of flavors and—"

That is when he realized that his whole sales pitch was nowhere near comparable to D-Rank food. He turned red from embarrassment as he nervously wriggled his fingers. He didn't seem to know what to do with his hands either.

But to the stupefaction of all, Josh just went: "Sold to the guy with the dumplings! As for all the others, please shut up, thank you!" They could only stare wide-eyed as they made conjectures. Perhaps they knew each other?

But then they saw the lucky winner and he seemed even more confused than them. He had to snap out of it as Josh was already requesting a plate of everything on the cart menu while drolling in expectation.

"Hmm, Sir. Did you hear my offer about the D-Rank food?" The rich guy asked gently. The crowd felt that this would make sense, as no one sane would reject such a gift and pick a street vendor instead.

"Heard you loud and clear, but please keep quiet. I'm trying to enjoy my meal over here." Josh didn't care one bit about the weird looks the crowd was sending him.

He began completely stuffing his face with delicious dumplings. Apparently, these ones were Mandu dumplings, and they came with all kinds of fillings. He now had a dilemma: which was better between chicken, beef, and pork? He loved them all!

The youngster was slaving away cooking. He was expertly manipulating a frying pan and even sending the dumplings in the air to flip them. The guy definitely had a talent for cooking or, most probably, lots of practice.

As he busied himself, he kept glancing at Josh, evidently wondering why he had chosen him over the others. In fact, everyone there desired to know it. Josh eventually stopped eating for a second.

"Do you want to know why I picked you over the magical food guy?" He asked him.

"Yes!" The young man replied instantly.

"Do you really want to know?" Josh asked for confirmation once more.


"Magical Food has two advantages. The first is the Buff and the second is that it is seen as high-class. I really don't care about how such a ridiculous concept. The important part is that it tastes good, and you clearly have that aspect covered."

Josh took a few more bites while pointing at the man cooking. Even as they talked, he was doing it like a champion. Then he resumed his explanation.

"Now, for the Buff. I've just cleared a Floor, and I'm about to farm it a few times more. I'm confident I just don't need it. But what really sealed the deal is that you brought the whole cart. I just came back from an arduous fight that made me hungry as Hell!"

The crowd was finally enlightened. They had been trying to wrap their heads around his decision, but they had been overthinking all this. He had been hungry, and that was it! Some couldn't help but chuckle while looking at the rich man's face: talk about a waste of his efforts.

A few minutes later, Josh finally finished his meal as he sighed in satisfaction. He obviously still had room for more, but it would suffice for this round. "Thanks for the meal."

He rose up and backtracked toward the Tower. As he did, he began to hear agitated whispers behind his back. When he was about to teleport in, the dumpling youngster finally spoke up.

"Sir, what about my question?" He seemed to be thinking Josh had forgotten about it.

"Oh! Do you mean the one question I said I'd answer in exchange for a meal?" Josh patiently inquired.


"I already answered it. I told you why I picked your stall." Josh waved him goodbye as he graciously entered Floor 18 again.

The crowd was left stupefied, especially the youngster. But that is when they realized that he wasn't wrong…but he wasn't right either! He did ask the kid to repeat his desire for an answer, but still! How sneaky!

The young man's face changed drastically. He had just wasted such a good opportunity! He could have had privileged information on a phenomenal meeting, and he had blown it up! Sadly, it was too late for regret.

The others looked at him with pity. He had already shown more perspicacity than them with choosing what to bring. It was truly a pity that he had failed at what they all assumed would have been the easiest step.

Meanwhile, Josh couldn't help but chuckle to himself. He had seen a glimpse of all the confusion outside. Honestly, it was a bit of a dick move, but he still felt proud of himself. Maybe he should have given even more peculiar requests.

Part of him wanted to know how far they would go for answers. He could only imagine the attention that Bennett was receiving too. He was sure that they wouldn't have the guts to harass Markus or Allistair for answers.

There was still Michael that was reporter friendly, but he wouldn't disclose information recklessly either. Somehow, the Dimensional Legion bluff had convinced him not to mess with Josh under any circumstances.

Part of him wondered how he would feel if the man understood how much the guild lacked on the concrete aspect. As far as the world was concerned, the D.L. members were the younglings from the tournament and the Draconic Team 7.

Then again, perhaps he wouldn't mind. This was the guy that hadn't resented him at all for the beating in D-23. He had even laughed it off, saying it didn't matter since no one but them saw. How heroic was such a stance?!

Yes, Michael wouldn't rat, Bennett would probably hide, and the other two would directly send to jail anyone bothering them. This meant he currently had a monopoly over the information from the meeting.

He couldn't help but grin as this realization sank in. He happily began walking toward the Golems. It was time to test his new pickaxe!...

Creator's Thought

One needs to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. For instance dumplings and messing with people. This was a great way to combine the agreeable to the useful. I would make progress in the Tower while leaving them hanging. Life truly simply was back then.

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