Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge

Chapter 59 Act 11: Scene 4

"Well? How about it, sensei? If you say no, then we can forget this conversation ever happened. I'll go back to the classroom and continue to live my high school life. But what about you? Can you move on from that dream of yours?"

Sae was stuck at a crossroads after that question. Obviously, there's nothing she would want more than to put her past failures to rest and work with Kiyotaka, but his damn condition was something she wasn't fine with.

"Okay, think. You've been through worse, Sae. You can handle a kid and his perverted mind," she said to herself in hopes of calming down.

Hmm... Ayanokouji said that he would help her and lead the class himself, but he wasn't satisfied with only her support. He wanted her, in a literal sense. It's scary that the young man knew what he wanted and how he was completely serious about it.

Well, it's not like she would give herself up to him if he was successful. After all, he only said that if he manages to do it before the end of their first year, then he would get to have her.

He didn't say anything about accomplishing it after.

A smile slowly formed on her face as Sae realized the loophole within his words.

She'll still be able to get what she wants and as long as Kiyotaka doesn't do it in record time, her chastity would be safe. Besides, there's no way he could actually make the defective class into the top one in the span of a year. And he's just one guy. As much as she believed in his abilities, she couldn't see any possibility of Kiyotaka pulling off the impossible within the ten remaining months.

In her case, it took three years for her former class to even get a chance at beating Class A, and that's why it hurt so much when they blew it.

Becoming Class A in a year... was simply impossible.

"Fine," she scoffed. "If... If you manage to get our class to become the new Class A before the end of the school year, I'll... I'll be y-yours."

Damn, it's already humiliating and degrading by simply saying it! To think that this boy punched through her defenses and made her feel this way... this was definitely something she won't be able to forget for a long time.

"It's just until the year ends, just until the year ends..." Sae took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She can get through this, she has dealt with bigger problems in the past. A boy being controlled by his libido is nothing.

Kiyotaka only smirked, thoroughly pleased with the outcome of this situation. It couldn't have gone any better than this.

"I knew you'd make the right decision, sensei."

[Special Event 'The Teacherslayer' has been cleared! You gained 10 Affection Points with Chabashira Sae!]

[Sae Route has been Unlocked! You can now see 'Heroine Status' with Chabashira Sae!]

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[Your current status with Sae has changed to 'Never Too Old for Love'!]

[Congratulations! You have unlocked the Achievement: 'Older than You'! You gained +5 in Charm!]

Kiyotaka ignored the barrage of notifications he had received and brought out his phone, before showing it to his teacher.

Apparently, he had recorded the whole conversation about their 'deal' on his phone and only stopped it just now. The look of horror on Chabashira-sensei's face afterwards was priceless and it made him laugh.

"Everything that you said has been recorded, sensei. Just to make sure nothing goes wrong," he said, which was also a warning to his own teacher about any possible intentions of selling him under the bus.

"Why do I feel like you've been preparing for this moment for a long time?" she asked after calming down from that shock he gave her with the recording. "Don't tell me you were planning to ask me that question from the start?"

"Who knows? I'll let you think about it, Sae-chan-sensei~" he shrugged, even using the nickname that the perverts use for her.

"You little shit..." A tick mark appeared on her head as Kiyotaka continued with his assault. This boy was really getting on her nerves!

"You might want to think twice about the insults, sensei. After all, I'm all you have left when it comes to your dream."

"Just like that? You're going to stop holding back now, just to get... j-just to make me yours?"

Sae felt extremely uncomfortable with getting that out of her mouth. It still left a sour taste in her mouth that she was at the mercy of a boy, her student no less.

"I think of myself as a man of my word, sensei. You can be assured that I'll get to work as soon as I have to."

With that, he finally removed his hands from the fence behind her and moved away, allowing the woman to breathe freely again.

Sae felt relieved that he finally left her alone, yet there was also a tiny part of her that felt mildly disappointed that he didn't do anything further. She was too frustrated with Kiyotaka to notice it, though.

"You sound confident... are you sure you can do this?" she grumbled while trying to regain her bearings.

"As I said earlier, sensei... the prize is too good to ignore," he teased, making her face turn red again. "And what happened to your faith in me? Earlier, you were preaching about me being your only hope of putting your insecurities to rest. Did I overwhelm you?"

"Don't push your luck, Ayanokouji. You're not going to get me that easily. According to your terms, you only have until the end of the school year to reach Class A. That's 10 months left for you to work with," she shot back with a smirk of her own.

Oh, if only she knew...

"We shall see, sensei. We shall see," he chuckled.


After their classes were done for the day, Kiyotaka made a slight detour to Keyaki Mall, particularly the new ice cream shop that he and his heroines tried out the other day.

"To think that I have to get used to something like that in the future..." he thought.

The young man grimaced as he remembered what happened during that. What was supposed to be a little detour with Karuizawa and Sakura ended up being a trip with Kushida and Horikita tagging along. It was definitely a drag that he had to be with four girls at the time, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

It did serve as a little reminder that he would be dealing with more than just those four girls, though. Plus, he had three more heroines in Matsushita, Ichinose, and Shiina...

And then, Sakayanagi had to show up.

That was when things started to take a turn, especially when the lilac-haired girl began mentioning their first meeting, which she definitely did on purpose in order to get the attention of the other girls.

Unwilling to deal with the impending disaster that would have happened, he quickly snuck away while his classmates weren't looking, which was something that his companions didn't appreciate...

And it ended up in him getting smacked in the head by both Horikita and Karuizawa the moment they saw him in the classroom the next day.

"As much as possible, I don't want to go through that again," he thought as he ordered a vanilla sugarcone. In the end, only one person was to blame for his sudden departure that time. "The next time I see Sakayanagi, she'll be begging me on her knees to stop."

It was obvious that the girl only pulled off that stunt to get back at him for what he did to her. How else can he respond to that other than doing the same thing?

Today was a pretty eventful day, if he had to give his opinion. First, the results of their midterms were announced and he was pleased to see Kei and Airi passing with flying colors. Those two deserved it after studying hard for several weeks. Afterwards, his teacher made him follow her to the rooftop where she tried, and failed, to get him to do what she wanted.


With the help of his eroge superpower, of course.

Despite the crazy yet enticing encounter with his homeroom teacher, he had no regrets about his actions at the time. As a matter of fact, he actually enjoyed making the woman into a blushing mess who couldn't fight back against him.

Chabashira-sensei tried to manipulate him into working for her, and that's something that did not sit well with him.

Besides, it's what his broken superpower would have wanted. Ever since the first day of school, he had known that Sae was going to be one of his heroines.

Still, as much as he hated it, he now had to work in order.

It's not all bad, though... considering the prize he would get when (not if, when) he leads their class in overtaking all the other ones to become the new Class A. Plus, this would also be another way of getting revenge on Sakayanagi, since she's a student of the current Class A.

"I guess I now have a reason to take a more active role in the class," he mentally shrugged. "Horikita will no doubt be happy about this."

Speaking of Horikita, the girl had asked him for details on what happened between him and Chabashira-sensei as soon as he returned from the rooftop earlier, but he didn't say anything specific. All he told her is that their teacher talked to him about his grades, leaving the girl confused and wishing for more answers, but their next teacher had already arrived by that time.

As he left the shop with the ice cream that he bought, the young man was about to head home to his dorm unit when he felt his phone vibrating.

Bringing it out of his pocket, Kiyotaka saw that it was a message from Kikyo.

Kushida: Come to my dorm room. We're going to celebrate today's accomplishment, Ayanokouji-kun. ;)

She wants him to go to her dorm unit and celebrate today's accomplishment? The girl was most likely referring to their midterms. But what the hell is with that wink at the end? Was it to send a secret message to him or something?

"Hmm... it probably means she's planning something during this celebration she's inviting me to," he said in his thoughts as he tried to think of a possible answer to his question. "Come to think of it, am I the only one that she invited or are there gonna be other people there?"

That wink she sent with that message gave off a mischievous vibe more than anything, so this 'invitation' likely involved only him and nobody else... which means that he will be alone with the girl in her own unit.

...oh god, is this it?

Will this be the moment for him to lose his virginity? This must be what she meant with that message, right?!

Nah, it can't be. There's absolutely no chance. Perhaps she was just being vague about the details, or she's only messing with him. After all, Kikyo was still a little pissed from the stunt he pulled off at the ice cream parlor a few days ago.

Either way, he should go and head to Kikyo's dorm unit. Whatever this is about has his attention now and besides, if he didn't show up, he was certain that he would have to deal with an angry Kikyo afterwards, and he was in no mood for that.

After reaching the dorms, he stood outside of Kikyo's unit and knocked on the door a few times.

It didn't even take a few seconds for someone to open the door for him, and the one who greeted him was the person who sent him the earlier message.

"Oh, Ayanokouji-kun! You're finally here," Kikyo smiled and stepped out of her dorm so she could greet him properly.

Kiyotaka gave her a nod of acknowledgement. "So what's the message about? What did you mean by 'celebrating our accomplishment'?" he asked.

"Hmm... what do you think~?"

Kikyo flashed him a smirk and leaned closer to him, their bodies nearly touching as a result. She didn't stop there and gave him a half-lidded look, before altering her smile into a seductive one.

Kiyotaka kept a calm look on the outside, but he was completely surprised and taken aback on the inside.

Was he wrong then? Was Kushida really planning to do the other thing?! Should he just let her? Roll along with it? How would his other heroines react? There were so many questions going through his mind at the moment that he couldn't do anything in response to her actions.

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