Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 280 Hello... Grandpa.... Grandma

"Raphael! Gabriel! Don't run!" Sarah shouted, reminding her two kids who were running in front of her when she heard they were going to have a race to see who got there first.

However, the two kids completely ignored Sarah and ran around the park, leaving Sarah to just sigh.

Michael, who was walking beside Sarah, smiled at his sons' super active behavior. He then turned to Sarah.

"Thank you for letting the kids see mom and dad," Michael said sincerely.

They are currently on their way to the hospital to see Mr and Mrs Collins.

Since it was Saturday, Sarah took the initiative to do that today so Michael could be with them.

Although she was sure Mrs Collins wouldn't bother her again after what had happened a few days ago. However, Sarah wanted to be more careful.

At least, with Michael in there, she hoped Mrs. Collins wouldn't comment on her kids' behavior.

"No problem. The sooner we do it, the better," Sarah answered briefly and then looked for her sons.

She then sighed and immediately approached her kids who seemed to be arguing.

"I'm the winner!" said Raphael looking at his brother in annoyance.

"No, I arrived first!" Gabriel said not wanting to lose.

"Alright, both of you are the winner!" Sarah said mediating the argument before they started fighting.

To be honest, she could see the two of them reaching the finish line almost simultaneously. She didn't know who arrived first because she saw it from behind. However, to her, they are both winners.

"But…" Raphael wanted to protest. He felt he was the winner.

"You can race again later after we get home, okay? Mommy will be the judge," said Sarah trying to come up with a solution when she saw her son was not satisfied.

The two still looked dissatisfied with that answer.

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Sarah sighed. Why do the kids look stubborn? Who are they after?

Meanwhile, Michael, who was beside Sarah, chose to remain silent and didn't say anything.

Right now it was better to let Sarah deal with it. He can also while learning if one day the same thing will happen.

"Do you remember where we are going now?" Sarah asked, trying to distract her kids.

The two nodded.

"We're going to meet uncle's parents," replied Raphael.

Actually, he was a little confused as to why they had to meet Uncle Michael's parents. However, there doesn't seem to be a problem with that.

"Then uncle's daddy is sick, and we can't touch anything," Gabriel continued, repeating what his mother had said.

Sarah nodded at the answers given by her kids.

"What are you going to call uncle's parents?" Sarah asked, repeating what she had said earlier.

"Grandpa and Grandma," they both answered in unison.

Sarah nodded again with satisfaction when she heard that answer. Her kids are really very smart.

"Then what is the secret code you have to say if you want to go home soon?" Sarah asked again to make sure the kids understood her explanation before they got home.

"We want to meet Batman!" answered both happily. When they first heard they had a secret code and it had to do with Batman, they got really excited.

"Alright, let's go. You can't run around in the hospital," Sarah said then held her sons' hands to enter the hospital.

"By the way, I still can't understand why you need a secret code like that," said Michael who walked right behind Sarah and looked at whose hand he had to let go of so he could hold Sarah's hand.

Sarah immediately turned when she heard that, before her expression changed when she realized that her hand that was holding Gabriel's was now held by Michael.

"So what's the reason?" Michael asked, acting as if nothing had happened. Even though Raphael was close to him, his eldest son loves his Mommy very much and he was sure the puppy would not be happy if he let go of his hand that was holding Sarah's hand.

So the only choice was Gabriel, who certainly wouldn't have a problem with that.

"They will definitely be disappointed if the kids actually want to go home. So it's better if we just use a secret code," said Sarah.

Michael just opened his mouth when he heard that. He didn't really understand why it was necessary, but he would follow Sarah.


The grandparents, who had been waiting for their grandkids' arrival, immediately turned their heads when the door to the room finally opened. To be honest, Mr. Collins preferred to meet them outside, because he knew that hospitals weren't good for kids.

However, his doctor did not allow him to go out. Luckily the kids were allowed to come see him.

Raphael and Gabriel stared at the room which they thought was very spacious. They even asked if this was a hospital because compared to Sarah's practice, this room was nothing at all.

"Let's say hello to grandpa and grandma first," said Sarah when she saw her kids starting to focus in other directions.

The Twins finally came to their senses and turned to the two old men who were currently looking at them curiously.

"Hello… grandpa… grandma," said Raphael first who was still standing beside Sarah and hiding a little there.

Seeing that his brother had greeted them, Gabriel then followed and greeted them behind Sarah's body.

Mr and Mrs Collins' eyes slightly glazed over when they heard that. They had been told that the Twins didn't know about Michael yet, and that they couldn't play their real grandparents right now, but hearing grandpa and grandma speak from their tiny lips touched them.

They have two grandkids!

"Is grandpa sick?" asked Gabriel who was the first to approach Mr. Collins' bed when he saw the old man staring at him gently.

"I…yes." Mr. Collins then immediately cleared his throat, he didn't expect the little boy to approach him first. "Grandpa is sick."

Gabriel nodded then looked at the body of the old man who was sitting and looking weak while wearing an unknown device. The little boy then immediately turned to Sarah.

"Mommy, can't it be removed? Looks like it hurts a lot," Gabriel pointed at Mr Collins' hand that was on the IV.

Before Sarah could answer, Gabriel turned back to Mr Collins.

"My mommy is a great doctor. She can heal grandpa! Grandpa don't worry!" he said in a soothing tone.

The people who were there were slightly touched by Gabriel's words.

"Right, Mommy?" asked Gabriel who turned back to his Mommy. His face looked proud when he said that.

"Unfortunately, Grandpa is not Mommy's patient," Sarah replied with a smile. "It's called an IV and must be used by grandpa because grandpa is sick," he continued.

Gabriel's facial expression immediately changed to one of disappointment upon hearing those words.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt at all," said Mr Collins, trying to comfort the boy. "If Gabriel wants Grandpa to feel better, how about Gabriel join Grandpa here and hug Grandpa?" asked Mr Collins, trying to take the chance.

"Grandpa knows my name?" asked Gabriel in surprise.

"Of course," replied Mr Collins happily. He then leaned his body closer to the boy. "Uncle said Gabriel was the coolest. Aren't you Gabriel?" whispered Mr Collins so Raphael wouldn't hear them.

"Hmmm…" Gabriel seemed to think for a while, before finally smiling broadly.

"Yes, Grandpa is right!" answered Gabriel with satisfaction. He is cooler than his brother.

The little boy then turned to Sarah. "Mommy, can I join Grandpa?"

Sarah was slightly surprised when Gabriel had opened his heart to Mr Collins. He then immediately nodded, and Michael who had seen their interaction immediately helped Gabriel to join Mr. Collins.

Meanwhile, Mrs Collins looked at her husband with envy because she was instantly able to get close to their grandson. She also wanted to be closer to their grandson.

However, Mrs Collins had absolutely no intention of grabbing Gabriel's attention. After all, they have two grandkids. They don't have to scramble to get their grandkids' attention.

"Hi, what is your name?" asked Mrs Collins looking at Raphael with a friendly smile.

"Raphael Smith," Raphael answered quietly and still held his mother's hand.

Mrs Collins looked at Sarah when she heard that. He wasn't happy at all, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it right now.

"Would you like some fruit?" asked Mrs Collins.


"What about candy?"


Mrs Collins sighed at how hard it was to persuade the little boy. She turned back to Sarah, trying to ask her for help.

"Raphael, you can take the candies offered by grandma," said Sarah who understood the woman's gaze.

"No, I don't want to."

Sarah then turned to her son, trying to look at his eyes so that her son could give Mrs Collins a chance. However, how surprised Sarah was when she saw her son's expression.

"Raphael? Why are you looking at grandma like that?" Sarah asked confusedly.

Hearing Sarah's question, all adults immediately focused on Raphael.

"That old woman looked at Mommy in annoyance. She's bad!"

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