Confess System: Picking Up Girls After Girls, Try Not to Get Killed!

Chapter 179 Granny Conquering Master

Having evaluated the circumstances, Tyler discerned four crucial pieces of information:

1. The draconic silhouette that utilized the rift teleportation skill to arrive at Sunny Town this evening was the "Singular Demon God - The Unutterable Name". The same entity had previously sought to assassinate Tyler in Ira Village.

2. Despite the "Singular Demon God - The Unutterable Name" standing as the apex power within the Prison Star world, the Divine Eye of Transcendence could still identify her.

3. The "Singular Demon God - The Unutterable Name" was female, a fact of utmost significance to Tyler.

Even though Tyler was well-versed in psychology, he had not delved into the intricacies of same-sex attraction.

Knowing that the Singular Demon God was female relieved a great burden from his mind.

4. The final point, a conjecture, was based on the Singular Demon God's actions that evening:

Tyler believed that her teleportation ability had limitations. She couldn't linger long at the destination and couldn't use the ability continuously.

Otherwise, there would have been no need for her to depart so hastily, nor wait so long before attempting to assassinate him again.

Though the information was limited, it marked Tyler's first step towards his ultimate goal in the Prison Star world after nearly two months.

Ironically, Tyler had never anticipated that his final target, who attracted his attention on the first day in Prison Star, was not there to express affection, but to take his life.

As for why the "Singular Demon God" targeted Mayor Gideon's residence instead of assassinating Tyler.... he owed his thanks to two masterful grannies, Nevina, the Divination Rabbit, and Granny Kasi, the Mercenary Sage.


On June 25th, the night before Tyler's purple trial, he paid a visit to Nevina, the divination rabbit who referred to herself as "Nana".

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Under Tyler's cunning mind-reading tactics, the elderly divination rabbit was overpowered.

Everything concerning the divination and the Scarlet Family's pursuit was brought to light by Tyler, leaving no secrets.

Having heard of Nevina's infallible divination, meeting her in person was an unexpected pleasure for Tyler.

With the advantages provided by his mind-reading and identification skills, Tyler quickly confused Nevina's speculations about him.

He subtly informed her that he sometimes had prescient dreams, uncontrollably seeing snippets of his future.

Upon hearing this, Nevina had a revelation. She finally understood why she couldn't divine this young man's future. Besides his handsome looks, he possessed an unusual ability.


After this "mutual exchange", Tyler began discussing the "main business".

Firstly, he told Nevina that he could help resolve her "misunderstanding" with the Scarlet Family.

"I have a good relationship with Viviana from the Scarlet Family. You know Viviana, right? The prodigy girl known as the 'Silver Wasp Queen'."

Nevina, of course, knew Viviana. However, to be safe, she divined first to confirm that Banning was not lying.

Tyler explained that the Scarlet Family was pursuing Nevina because they believed she had swindled their wealth.

To resolve the misunderstanding, two things were needed:

1. Tyler would explain the situation to the Scarlet Family.

2. The true location of the item the Scarlet Family was seeking should be revealed to them, or the money they paid should be returned.

"May I ask, Granny Rabbit, how much money did you take from them?" Tyler casually inquired.

Nevina simply held up one finger with a smile.

"One... gold coin?"

Nevina shook her head with a smile, then revealed the answer: "It's one thousand gold coins, my dear."

Tyler almost fainted upon hearing this.

Granny Rabbit's slaughter was indeed brutal!

A thousand gold coins equated to the purchasing power of ten million dollars. In the Prison Star world, where most people only earned about twenty thousand a year, this was a huge sum.

Initially, Tyler thought the Scarlet Family was petty for not letting go over a small matter. But now, he sympathized with them.

Given the same situation, he too would pursue the overcharging Granny Rabbit to the ends of the earth.


The divination rabbit revealed that she had only received five hundred gold coins of the thousand, with the remaining half intended as a final payment once the Scarlet Family validated her divinatory results.

Now that matters had gone awry, she was unable to secure the balance.

As for the five hundred she had already received, they were generously donated to the rabbitkin tribe, making it impossible to return them to the Scarlet Family.

Therefore, to lift the veil of misunderstanding, it was imperative to divulge the true location of the "Pigeon Blood Ruby" to the Scarlet Family.

"Banning, you must have some connection with the 'Pigeon Blood Ruby,' don't you? Don't even think about deceiving me," she warned.

Regarding his involvement with the "Pigeon Blood Ruby," Tyler found it difficult to prevaricate in front of the divination rabbit.

Nevertheless, it was no major concern, for it was the bargaining chip he intended to trade with her.

Tyler proposed his willingness to help the divination rabbit resolve the misunderstanding with the Scarlet Family.

In return, the divination rabbit had to assist a friend of his, namely Granny Kasi.


The divination rabbit's fee was always contingent on the client's circumstances.

If they belonged to a wealthy family, she would charge a higher fee. If they were in dire straits, she might not charge at all.

Therefore, she readily agreed to Tyler's proposition, pledging on the spot to assist Granny Kasi in divining the whereabouts of her family.

Tyler, of course, wasn't providing this advantage to Granny Kasi free of charge.

He first revealed his hand to Granny Kasi, letting her know that he had discovered her identity as a spy.

Then he played his "divination rabbit" card, enticing Granny Kasi to abandon her covert role.

Granny Kasi was a straightforward person and agreed to Tyler's proposal that very night.

As a token of gratitude for Tyler's assistance, Granny Kasi would feed false information to the Earth Ghost, informing them that Banning had infiltrated Mayor Gideon's residence and was now part of his retinue.

Each time she reported Tyler's location to the Earth Ghost, she would simply provide the location of the Mayor's estate.

Thus, the tripartite mutual aid relationship between Tyler, the Divination Rabbit, and Granny Kasi was firmly established.

This resulted in tonight's spectacle where the "Singular Demon God" headed directly to the Mayor's estate, offering a door-to-door crematory service.


Since the Singular Demon God had performed his duties for him, Tyler could call it a night.

Although Mayor Gideon's residence was engulfed in flames, bystanders merely looked on, with none willing to assist in extinguishing the fire—a testament to the Mayor's abysmal popularity among his constituents.

Subsequently, Tyler made a brief visit to The Quest Guild, only to find it deserted.

Upon inquiring with a passerby, he discovered that the bounty hunters and guild staff had all rushed to the scene after witnessing the pillar of fire that descended from the sky.

Shaking his head, Tyler turned to follow after Emilia, but he had barely taken a few steps when a red warning light emanating from behind him stretched out in front of his eyes…!

An ambush from the rear!!!

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