Confess System: Picking Up Girls After Girls, Try Not to Get Killed!

Chapter 188 Murderous Phantom: Elle

Omar's weighty fist pulverized the floor, a punch intended for the devilish girl's cranium, yet she evaded with a light leap, stepping effortlessly onto Omar's arm. 

Before Omar could react, the girl used his arm as a launchpad, darting to the top of his head.

As Omar saw the curved blade in the girl's hands descending towards his arm, he rolled abruptly on the spot, barely escaping the lethal strike.

— (Damn, she's no simple foe!)

Omar swiftly rose, glancing at the wound on his arm. It wasn't too deep, a testament to his daily muscle-building regimen. 

But he feared that if he continued to sustain injuries, the blood loss might become too severe for him to bear — he must bring this battle to a swift conclusion!

Combat Occupations, such as fighters, encompass numerous styles. Omar was of the strength type, focusing on powerful attacks and disregarding speed, which left him at a disadvantage when engaging in close-quarters combat with the girl. 

Moreover, Omar had left his usual metallic gauntlets at home that day, depriving him of the courage to confront the girl's weapon head-on.

— (I only have one option left...!)

"Steel · Bound!"

With a furious roar, Omar charged. Now, his entire body was significantly hardened, this Tier 2 skill of a fighter allowed him to turn all his exposed body parts into weapons for three minutes.

The devilish girl sidestepped, avoiding Omar's charge, then drew the kitchen knife from Charles' head and hurled it at him as if it were a throwing lancet! 

Omar didn't give the knife a second thought, easily blocking it, and it fell to the ground, leaving him unscathed.

"Hmph! Trifling tricks!"

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Looking around, Omar noticed a conveniently sized long table nearby, exactly what he needed. 

Using his brute strength, Omar lifted the table, using it as a weapon and swung it around the room.

Under the onslaught of these wide-ranging attacks, the devilish girl struggled to keep up, not only unable to counterattack but also being cornered by Omar. 

Sensing victory within his grasp, Omar grinned ferociously as he hurled the table and lunged at the girl!

Unexpectedly, the girl, leveraging her petite stature, rolled on the spot and slipped past Omar's feet, then, with a backhand stroke, managed to slash open his left heel!


Omar dropped to one knee in pain, incredulous that the girl could cut through his "Steel Bound"?! 

As Omar turned to look, the devilish girl was already swinging her strange curved blade, severing the anterior tibiofibular ligament of his right leg!

This was a disaster; both of Omar's legs were now incapacitated. 

With his legs useless, Omar crumbled to the ground in agony.

Only then did Omar notice the eerie green glow emanating from the girl's curved blade, unsure whether it was the result of her skill or an innate ability of the weapon. 

But even if Omar had deciphered the secret, it was already too late.

"...I heard you enjoy the screams of young girls."

The devilish girl spoke for the first time, her voice young but her tone utterly inconsistent with her teenage appearance. In the voice that should've been innocent and pure, there was a chilling, bone-piercing indifference.

Omar sensed a ruthless intent to kill in the girl's voice. He struggled to stand and flee, but his legs wouldn't obey. 

Omar assumed he couldn't stand due to his injuries, but even if he hadn't been injured, his legs would have been weak from the fear induced by the murderous aura emanating from the girl. 

At this moment, to Omar, this devilish girl was even more terrifying than Mayor Gideon!

"No, no... Miss, I-I... I bear no grudge against you. Wh-why are you... meddling in this... muddled water?"

With trembling hands, Omar begged for mercy, hoping the girl would spare him. Omar knew that since even his most powerful "Steel Bound" could be cut, he had no chance of defeating the girl.

However, his pleas for mercy were too late.

The girl slowly walked up to Omar and with a swing of her blade, severed his right hand.

"Don't be modest. I just heard you say that you 'love hearing the screams of young girls'."

As the girl spoke, Omar wailed and rolled on the ground. He had never endured such excruciating pain in his life, and what was worse, a significant amount of blood was pouring from his amputated wrist. It wouldn't be long before he bled out.

"Ah... Ah... You... I... Ahh!!"

Omar trembled on the ground, crying out helplessly for help, he wrapped his wound in his clothes and crawled towards the exit like a worm, but no matter what he did, it was all in vain.

The devilish girl watched with a beaming smile, her face expressing utter enjoyment.

"Weren't you asking why I stepped into this murky water? Well, let me tell you, it's because I love the screams of you big, strong men, hahaha!"

In the laughter of the girl, Omar, now incapacitated, became her plaything for amusement. 

Until Omar breathed his last, he was slashed seventeen times by the girl, eventually succumbing to excessive blood loss.


"Oh my, quite the eventful evening stroll. Who would've thought I'd stumble upon such an opportune encounter."

The devilish girl sheathed her curved blade, intending to clean it before departure. 

This alien blade, which could assemble into a giant pair of scissors, was a spoils of war from a previous encounter in Ira Village where she dispatched a man harboring ill intentions. 

As it proved rather handy, she had been using it ever since.

— (Elle, the girl who was attacked... something seems off, should we check on her?)

Another girl's voice resonated in the devilish girl's mind. This was the rightful owner of her body, Avril.

"Ah, I'm not very good with such matters, Avril. How about we switch? It's safe now anyway."

— (Alright, I'll take over then. You've worked hard, Elle!)

In the blink of an eye, the devilish girl's demeanor underwent a drastic transformation. 

The terrifying aura of malice dissipated, replaced by an affable, sisterly kindness akin to the girl-next-door.

This girl named Avril set down the curved blade, then squatted in front of the foxkin girl. While inquiring about her condition, she examined the wounds on her leg.

— (The injuries aren't severe... It might be a temporary inability to walk due to psychological factors...)

"Miss, my name is Avril. Can you hear me? Could you tell me your name?"

The fox girl was flushed, a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, her brows furrowed in distress. Between labored breaths, she managed to answer Avril's question.

"My name is... Emilia... I feel... My body so hot... I need water..."


Avril placed her hand on Emilia's forehead and found that her temperature was scalding hot.

"How can you be this hot? This won't do, we need to cool you down right away. Just hang in there!"

Avril immediately fetched a glass of water from the kitchen for Emilia, helping her to sip it slowly. Then, she fetched a damp towel to place on Emilia's forehead to reduce her temperature.

However, Emilia's fever showed no signs of subsiding, instead, it intensified.

"I... My... Inside my body... So hot...", Emilia clung to Avril's hand tightly.

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