Cosmic Peak

Chapter 138 - Fortuna-Infortunium (Not Edited Yet)

"A greater opportunity? How?" Tarrox asked with a confused expression.

"You will not understand," Lord shook her head, "It's related to his path. However, he can't use that thing recklessly, or he will die for sure. Let's just observe for now and see what decisions he makes."

Tarrox scratched the back of his head and asked with a smile, "I am really curious now. Can you please tell me about it? Cough...It's fine if Lord doesn't want to tell me, but I was just curious after hearing how our clan's Bloodline orb would instead cause Aren to lose a bigger opportunity by using it."

Lord glanced at Tarros, causing him to sweat a bit. However, after a second, she spoke, "he acquired an Innate gear of his path from his path ascendency reward. That's very powerful if he managed to use it. One trait of the main trait of that item is that, if Aren succeeded, then he can have two bloodlines and that too at highest transfusion level."

"Two bloodlines in him at highest transfusion level!!" Tarrox was startled, "A hybrid?"

Lord shook her head, "natural Hybrids with top-tier bloodlines in them are still superior even if Athan used that item; however...his path is a tricky one. I can't say what he can do in the future if the mortal realm he lives in managed to survive and ascend to our place."

"I see...," Tarrox nodded with curiosity in his eyes. He really wanted to know what would happen in the future. However, for now, he focused on Aren's current situation.


Aren rested and slept for five hours before waking up. Now that he was fully recovered except for his spirit energy and meridians. After that, he first destroyed the Nucleus at the end of the cave.

[Power Nucleus destroyed.]

Afterward, He left the cave and arrived back in the hall.

Entering the hall, he Indeed saw a portal near the statue at the hall's center.

"Sigh...I wanted to complete this dungeon fully," Aren muttered while walking towards the portal.

Looking at the portal, he walked towards it with a depressed expression and hesitation.

After arriving at the portal, he...suddenly stopped and didn't enter as he remembered something and opened the quest panel.



->1) Kill ten Ancient Monsters. (Completed)

->2) Find and destroy four power nucleus. (3/4)

->3) Destroy the Ruin Bringer Weapon. (0/1)



This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

->100,000 path and normal exp.

->A skill box containing a random skill related to the dungeon. (A-SS)

->An ancient key with unknown use.

->A Skill Fusion Stone.

->A box containing a random grade force level 2 spirit stone.


"I have already killed ten Ancient Monsters," Aren muttered as he looked at the only door left in the hall, "the quest mentioned that I will have two opportunities to leave midway after completing each objective."

Aren looked at the Note in the quest panel to confirm.


->You will get a chance to leave the dungeon after completing each objective.

->However, you will not receive any rewards if you fail to complete even one objective. You must achieve all three objectives to get the rewards.

"Sigh...leaving now means no rewards," Aren sighed, but then he focused on the first Note, "after completing each objective. Hmm..."

Looking at the last door, Aren thought, 'there should be only one thing behind that door: Either it's the last power nucleus or the Ruin Bringer Weapon.'

But then Aren shook his head wryly, 'even if there is a power nucleus behind that door and I leave after completing it, I won't get any rewards.'

Aren sat down and fell into thought, 'However, destroying that Ruin Bringer Weapon might not require me to fight as well. It might be a puzzle, a certain type of mechanic, or doing something else to destroy that Ruin Bringer might be this kind of thing as well...'

"Urgh...what should I should?" Aren muttered. He didn't want to leave empty-handed after doing this much in this dungeon.

"Oh yeah, my talent point!" Aren suddenly remembered that he had yet to use his latest talent point from when he leveled up his path after coming out of the Ghost Demon Ship's Hunt event.

He looked at his path tree panel and saw three blinking grey orbs.

One of them was that [Emporio Heart] talent.

The second one was obviously [Armalist Drive+6], and after reading the third talent, he shook his head.

"Since this upgrade of Armalist Drive also gives me a lot of Armalist Force capacity, I should be able to finally transform that Revolver," Aren muttered as he used the talent point on the [Armalist Drive+6] talent.

[Armalist Force capacity increased by 700. Gear slots increased to a total of 14. The recovery speed of your Armalist Force has risen to 0.5 Armalist force per second. <Gear Upgrade> path skill levels up to become <Gear Upgrade+>.]

The path skill <Gear Upgrade+> was actually the same as the first one, but now, he should be able to upgrade the gears that he couldn't before, like that hammer [Destructo], his Armor [Weimbus], and other items that are above gold-grade.

Naturally, there was also written that the upgrade boost that gears get would increase.

"Let's see now..."

Aren took out the [Miss-Fortune Revolver] and first tried to use <Gear Enchantment> on it. Previously, he failed, but now that he has 2000 Armalist force total, he might succeed.

He went through the process, and after a while, the inner process started as his Armalist drive started to consume. He then connected the dots and filled up its inner vein structure as the [Miss-Fortune Revolver] finally transformed into an Articule Gear.

"It's not exactly an item to attack or defend, so how would it have transformed?" Aren muttered as he took out the revolver from his inner space.

Naturally, now he could manipulate it without touching.

"Eh? It got name change automatically?" Aren was surprised because the information panel of the item had a different name.



-Cost: 1000 Armalist force per shot.

<Effect 1>

-Generates a Dream Infortunium bullet by consuming 1000 Armalist force.

-The Dream Infortunium bullet has the effect of increasing or decreasing your luck randomly.

-Using the Dream Infortunium bullet on another person will give you two options. Option 1: The usual effect of randomly increasing or decreasing that target's luck. Option 2: You can randomly steal that person's luck, whether good luck or bad luck.

<Effect 2>

-Consume two years of your lifespan to produce a Neo Fortuna bullet that increases your luck by a random amount between 5-100 for ten seconds. (The lifespan cost multiplies by two after every use of Dream Fortuna Bullet.)

<Effect 3>

-Pointing the revolver at your target or yourself will show the current luck stat of that person in your mind. However, luck is an ethereal thing. It changes constantly. You can also see your lifespan or target's lifespan.


"Holy...," Aren was shocked at the drastic changes of the revolver, "no wonder it took whole 1900 Armalist force to enchant this item and turn it into an Armalist gear."

However, this made Aren very happy.

"Let's see my current luck and lifespan."

This time, Aren didn't hold the revolver but manipulated it and pointed it at himself.

After two seconds, the info appeared in his mind.



-Current Luck: 43+

-Lifespan: 150 years.


Aren turned silent after looking at it and started recovering his Armalist force. While meditating, he could slightly increase his recovery speed, so he entered meditation.

After a bit more than half an hour, he finished recovering his Armalist force to the full and opened his eyes.

Without hesitation, he consumed 1000 Armalist force to produce Dream Infortinum bullet and shot himself.

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