Cosmic Peak

Chapter 150 - Sagely Phenomenon (not Edited Yet)

Chapter 150 – Sagely Phenomenon (not Edited Yet)

The scenery changed in front of Aren's eyes as he suddenly appeared in a heavenly place.

Just appearing here caused all of Athan's pores to open as they absorbed the pure air in the atmosphere.

The environment was peaceful, and the shade of a tree on him was giving him a strange feeling.

[Sit down under the tree, close your eyes and enter into meditation. After five minutes, you will enter into the Sage state and will have your senses, perception, comprehension, and such aspects heightened to a very high level.]

[You will also be branded with a temporary bloodline skill so you can understand the execution process of bloodline skills.]

Aren sat down under the tree and looked around in this greenery lady. Despite their usual appearance, the plants, flowers, and everything felt mysterious to him.

Every blade of grass, every twig, every chirp of a bird, every slight flowing breeze, the sound of flowing water in the river behind, the hollow sound of mountains, everything felt mysterious and seemed to have something deep within them.

After taking a breath of mysterious fresh air of this atmosphere, Aren closed his eyes and entered into meditation.

Aren forgot the passage of time as he felt a mysterious aura covering him and entering inside his body, mind, and soul.


A golden aura appeared around him after five minutes as Aren opened his eyes. His eyes were now completely indifferent and clean with a tiny golden sheen in them.

After a second, Aren activated his bloodline as his body transformed into a humanoid draconic form with wings and tail behind his back and two horns on his forehead.

Scales of different patterns sizes appeared over his body as red aember sparks glossed over his entire body.

Aren first used the temporary bloodline skill that he could feel and executed it.


<Burning Vigor>

-Type: Bloodline skill

-Rank: S,-Level: 1

-Cost: 50% of Blood essence. -Duration: 20 minutes.

-1st Effect: Increase all of your physical stats by 50%.

-2nd Effect: Fire-related skills' effectiveness and damage increased by 20%, and all of your attacks deal true fire damage that ignores 500 fire resistance of your target. Your attacks reduce your targets' fire resistance, wood resistance, dark resistance, and ice resistance by 500.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

-Note: This additional resistance ignoring and resistance reducing effects are only possible due to your mutated bloodline's power.


Just as Aren activated this bloodline skill, Aren felt the amount of blood essence stored in his body reduced by 50% with full clarity and observed the entire process of the bloodline essence spread to his entire body and boosted his physical strength.

'I can see every single minuscule process of my body, blood essence, the condensation of bloodline power in every fiber of my body…'

Aren stood with his eyes closed, but his senses were capturing every single process happening within his body.

After five minutes, Aren opened his eyes and thought of an idea.

'I should try to use all other skills and abilities I have since I will be able to understand them better in this state. Based on their execution process, I should be able to understand the skill creation process as well,' Aren thought as he unhurriedly executed each skill and ability in his possession.

Aren felt that this insight would be useful in creating his bloodline skills as well.

Time passed as seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days…

Each second was like an hour to Aren because of how much information he processed in his brain to understand all things and to structurize his skill creation according to his imagination and visualization.

Aren wanted to create impactful bloodline skills with extra impactful effects.

In the blinking of an eye…(blink your eyes)

Two days passed!

After two days, Aren was standing with his eyes closed, and his body was hot and sweaty…literally.

There were still craters around him that were scorched, but those damaged ground and other things started to return to normal in seconds after a few seconds.

Naturally, in this atmosphere or due to this sage state, he could recover his soul energy, Armalist force, mutant magic energy, spirit energy in a matter of seconds.

After five minutes of standing still with his eyes closed, Aren sat down crossed-legged.

His comprehension speed had reached a certain profound level, and so far, he created three bloodline skills. However, he wanted to spend the rest of the day visualizing, constructing, and branding a bloodline ability.

But he didn't know how to create bloodline ability. Even in the notification, he was told that he might be granted a bloodline ability by CHANCE.

He didn't want it by chance but wanted it for SURE. As such, he decided to tackle this problem himself while he could still be in this sage-state.

First, he used the abilities in his possession and tried to understand their activation process.

After five minutes, Aren fell into deep thought for ten minutes.

'Hmmm…I can use Armalist force as well. It's the power that I am most comfortable with and can manipulate it better than any other powers inside me,' Aren thought before taking out the [Ring of Lightning] weapon.

He then used <Gear Enchantment> on the Ring of Lightning and started the process.


This time, he was shocked to see so many complicated processes in this transformation.

For instance, how those dots and linings came out in the ethereal space when he used that skill. He could understand before as well since the knowledge of that skill was entered inside his brain.

But this time, he could actually see a deeper structure within it.

'Fascinating…so this Armalist force had such a mysterious effect of invoking a potential of an item. Items…even though they are dead objects, they are not dead. Hmmm..'

'Trees are alive in away, but if we cut them and turn them into furniture, they are dead objects…in our world. However, they are actually still alive, in a profound way, but we couldn't see them.'

'The rocks, mountains, water…everything have profound meanings in them that can be invoked, and this Armalist force….or better, this skill usage process of <Gear Enchantment> enchant the item to show its potential, and then I can work on it to realize that potential, baptize it with additional Armalist force, which is basically the dot-connecting process and finally transform it after connecting those dots to the core perfectly.'

'So that's why it's called <Gear Enchantment> and not <Gear Transformation> or anything literal like that…,' Aren was amazed as he observed the entire process of <Gear Enchantment> in a deeper perceptive in this sage-state.

Next, Aren spent half a day absorbing the knowledge and coming up with an idea to create an ability before finally coming up with a solution.

To create a bloodline ability or any ability, he needs to have a full-proof understanding of a certain effect or multiple effects that were surely to activate once he thought about it by consuming his blood essence or any energy.

To understand those effects, create them, brand them, and activate them when the time comes, he had to interwind the blood essence's structure or any other energy's structure according to them.

As such, he came up with a "rune" of a sort.

This "rune" thing was what Aren came up with after understanding his Armalist force and <Skill Enchantment> process in a more profound way.

This sage-state, where his comprehension, understanding, perception, and everything were very high, played a big role, and Aren felt that he wouldn't get this chance again in the next three years, so he decided to take extra steps right now.

Currently, his eyes were slightly red, and exhaustion oozed out from him because he was working beyond his limit even in this sage-state.

However, he finally perfected and created "Runes" after working over-hard for twelve hours straight in peak performance.

The rune was actually created by a mixture of his Armalist force and soul energy. He could manipulate Armalist energy way better than any energy in his posses, and he also had a profound understanding of transforming his gear, which was a complicated process.

'Now, the final step. However, since I managed to create one rune, then I should create a few more and then start structuring the bloodline ability. With this experience, I can do more experiments with those runes later…,'

Afterward, Aren created five more runes in the next hour before finally visualizing and constructing his bloodline ability. Naturally, he first comprehended the effects and visualized them from his bloodline power, which had powerful fire elemental effects and the power of his unique flame borne from this mutation.

Even though he could manipulate and naturally produce those flames since he didn't have fire affinity core, the flame's profound powers were branded in his bloodline, and he could clearly see and sense them in this sage state.

As such, Aren lost passage of time once again as he went into full dive to create his bloodline ability. His idea was to PRINT the entire construct of this ability, which included the activation of effects and how they would appear inside the RUNE.

This rune was created to absorb a particular set of instructions and activate it when he thought about it. So if he thought about activating an ability printed in the rune, it would activate, absorb the required energy, and display it instantly like other abilities he has in his arsenal.

Naturally, he needed to build an ability with functioning and proper effects first before printing the entire thing in the rune, and he was doing that right now.

"Geez…this Aren, he just went a step ahead of my expectation. I never thought that he would create that rune system based on Armalist force's nature and his <Gear Enchantment> skill, hahaha, very interesting," Lord Kylie chuckled.

"What happened, Lord Kylie? You told me about the three bloodline skills he created last two days, but what about today? Did he do anything today?" Tarrox asked with curiosity.

"Well, he did," Lord Kylie said with a faint smile, "and he exceeded my expectation. It's good that he thought bigger picture and decided to use his Armalist force and skills in that sage state, which allowed him to realize a few percentages of a profound use of his path."

Tarrox was started hearing such praise as he got a bit excited, "what did he exactly do?"

"Well, he decided to create and brand an ability of his choice inside him but in a different way," Lord Kylie said with a grin, "you will see when he comes out of the Enlightenment Space."

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