Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 138 - The Ladys Official Name

Chapter 138 - The Lady's Official Name

Albios is not that big of a city. Most of Kyre's population stays in small villages shattered in the countryside.

Alexander visits the villages quite often, and he's always informed on what happens. He asks about the problems people have and works to solve them.

However, he doesn't like cities as much. Maybe, it's because there are many people all close. Or the houses glued to one another. Or the constant smell of ash in the air.

Well, I do like cities. I was born in one, I grew up ruling over a city.

Stepping on the paved road, I fix my skirts while Olly jumps down from the carriage, ready to serve.

?Give me your hand,? I say.

He observes my glove for a moment, and then he looks up in fear. Who knows what Alexander told him.

?I'm afraid I'll get lost,? I pout. Immediately, the boy grabs my hand with a solemn expression.

Losing the Lady would surely be worse than touching her hand. The Lord ought to understand.

?Do not follow strangers, Olly. Cities are dangerous.?

He nods, and we start walking in what seems to be the main street of Albios. Lady Lyana reaches us a minute later, after giving precise orders to the coachman. The guards are following more closely than in Stoneyard, but not so close as to be in my way.

The weather is nice, even though cold like death.

Before getting out, I've wrapped Olly in a navy blue jacket and a woollen scarf. Now, he's happily strolling by my side and looking around the same way I did the first time I saw a small village. His hand squeezes mine so naturally; it seems he forgot his initial reluctance at touching me.

?The place isn't far from here, my Lady. It's just next to the Cathedral, so many people pass in front of it. It's currently hosting a painter's atelier, but he'll go to the capital very soon. It's up for sale or rent. Both are fine, just the rent needs to be paid in advance and yearly.?

?Do I have enough funds to buy it??

?Yes, my Lady.?

?Then, we don't need to complicate our lives and future accounts. Also, I don't know how much money I'll have in the future. This investment might become important.?

Also, I haven't spent much for months. I accumulated riches like a dwarf. Now, I can afford to spend.

And Alexander needs to see the funds being drawn away. He has to understand that I was being very conservative as a wife! He won't find another one like me in the entire Empire.

?Even if buying means that we'll have to postpone the costs of the machinery for the next year, I'm not in any hurry. I'm staying here for a long time,? I say.

My kind smile charms little Olly that looks at me in a daze.

Lady Lyana is already used to it, she's seen it so many times. She knows it's just my working expression.

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?Let's go look for food,? I exclaim, and Olly nods automatically.

I leave lady Lyana to settle boring matters like price and ownership while I walk in the central square and observe the Cathedral. It's imposing. I have to admit we don't have anything similar in Polis.

It's so tall that it touches the clouds. There are numerous domes, the central one makes a shadow on the whole square.

The windows have coloured glass, just like in Polis. The scent of incense comes from the gate and mixes with the odours of the road.

Nearby, an old man fries crumpets.

When we're close enough, I analyse the overall state of the stand and find it satisfying. It's not as clean as Stoneyard's kitchens, but Olly will do with this.

Ah, I don't really know how the kitchens are at home. I haven't been there yet.

I give a few copper coins to the elder who now stares at me dumbfounded. It's not an everyday scene: a well-dressed noblewoman buying fried buns on the road. He packs two buns in a hurry and passes them to me.

Olly is almost drooling, and his eyes follow the food with more attention than when he's working. I understand him. I must be like that too sometimes.

?Your son is very well-behaved, madam,? the man comments when he sees that Olly accepts the package diligently and doesn't crave for it like a spoiled little brat.

?He's not my son,? I chuckle. We're only twelve years apart, how could he be? Indeed, he's short and looks younger, while I must look slightly older than my actual... Ah?

Do I look older?

I can't ask lady Lyana. She will tell me only what I want to hear. Kate also isn't accurate. We've passed years together, she's biased.

Alexander is angry.

?Olly, how old do I look?? I ask.

I blink uninterested and look around in search of inspiration. I don't want to pressure the child with my gaze.

?My Lady looks young,? he replies. Oh, that was fast. Even Alexander would have needed a moment to figure out the best answer.

?Be more precise. How old do you think I am??

?Young,? he repeats and bites the first bun. What is this hurry? Does he fear I'll take away his food if I don't like the answer?

?How many years?? I ask.

His shoulders drop, and his eyes tear up. Oh, not again!

?Just tell me your mind. I'm trying to understand...?

?I don't know how many years,? he sobs.

?Oh, just tell me a number!?

?Four?? he mumbles.



?I only know one, two, three, four and fifty-seven.?

?What is fifty-seven??

?My grandma once said she was fifty-seven. But my Lady isn't like grandma. My Lady is pretty, like village girls. Not like grandma...?

They taught a little boy to talk like a perfect gentleman, but they forgot to teach him how to count?

?Olly, how old are you??

?I don't know. Once grandma said two.?

?And you remember??

?Yes, my Lady. It was when some people came from outside.?

Oh, she lied. She didn't want them to take away her grandson. I heard it happens in the countryside. Nobles or bandits pretending to be lords pick up children to use them as servants. They didn't have any use of one too little, though. He would have just eaten their food without much utility.

This one's grandma was quick-witted, indeed.

?From now on, you'll need to study,? I exclaim.

His eyes widen in fear.

?What does that mean?? he whispers. Then, he remembers etiquette and adds: ?my Lady.?

?You will learn numbers,? I start, looking for a fast way to explain.

This can be a good opportunity to test the teacher. But I need a few other children for this. Working with only one is easier, especially when he's as well-behaved as Olly.

?Also, you need an official name.?

He widens his eyes again.

?I already heard official,? he adds before I can open my mouth. ?It's something not good...?

?When have you heard it??

?The Lord said it.?

?What was the sentence? The situation??

?If they don't answer, I'll have to pay them a visit... Make it look official...? the child says with the same tone Alexander would have used.

Oh my, how cute!

?He said that to Pericle, didn't he??

?Yes, my Lady.?

?Official means... mhm... It means that it's written down, or said out loud in front of many people so that everyone can know it.?

?Everyone will know my name??

?No, but you will have one. You will use it to sign documents and buy properties, find a job, get married...?

?Sign documents like my Lady??

?Maybe, who knows?? I shrug.

?What will happen to my Olly name??

?You will keep it for the people you like. Your friends can continue to call you Olly. I certainly will.?

As the Lady of Kyre, I can't adopt children just like that. Probably, I can figure like his godmother or something. I'll ask lady Lyana or, better, Pericle.

This way, Alexander will be informed too.

I could tell him in person, but I want him to suffer some more. Maybe, he'll open his heart to me.

Or maybe, he'll just get further.

?How is an official name?? Olly asks, seeing my troubled expression.

?Oh? Ah, yours would be Oliver.? I've read it in one of the books. It means it's an acceptable name in Kyre.

?I like Oliver,? he nods. ?What is my Lady's official name??

?You don't know?? I chuckle.

He thinks very hard, then he seems to remember.

?Duchess!? he exclaims.

Well, Alexander calls me that. He's the only person around.

?No, it's Theodora.?

?Oh, so pretty...?

Certainly better than Duchess. What am I, a pet cat?

?Let's go, we're running late,? I say when I spot my lady in waiting approaching.

?Here is the act, my Lady,? she says, patting on her pouch.

?Good. Now, we can look around some more. Who knows when we'll be allowed to visit the city again??

She narrows her eyebrows, confused. Then, she brushes off worries and walks with us.

?Has my Lady already visited the Cathedral??

?Not yet, we were heading there.?

?Oh, I can show around.?

?Mhm, let's go...?

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