Crazy Duke and Fallen Queen

Chapter 197 - Long Term Goals

Chapter 197 - Long Term Goals

The morning after, I woke up hearing my wife's songs.

I just lied in bed, listening to her in silence, until she noticed me. I smirked at her, in secret displeased that she stopped singing for the shock.

We spent the day together.

I observed her morning routine and counselled her about the dress to choose; I drank her bitter tea and observed the way she applied some makeup on her face; I talked with her about serious matters, like her lady in waiting and official duties.

The day before, I instructed her maid to find a spot on her schedule for a stroll around lunchtime. I would have passed in the gardens at that hour and incidentally meet my wife.

In the end, she invited me to walk with her on her own.

I was so happy with that small detail that I didn't think about the consequences. I hadn't had time to talk with Martia, but I was sure she would have helped my wife.

If for nothing else, because stories about my Thea were her childhood myths.

To my delight, Thea stopped shaking and replied to me rather heartlessly a couple of times. She wasn't as scared as before. Hence, her stubbornness and strong character came to light.

That change made me happier than any night spent caressing her, as it showed me that there was hope.

When we met my sister, I introduced the two most important women in my life to each other.

Theodora smiled in her sweet and shy way, curtseying with elegance. Martia replied with a nod of her head and a smirk.

?I'm glad to make your acquaintance.?

I reached out for Thea's hand and prepared to walk away when my sister opened her mouth again. Her angelic expression hadn't faded away when she added words that froze the blood in my veins.

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?And I'm relieved that my brother finally has you by his side. Not everyone is as lucky as him, to wed the woman he's been admiring for many years.?

Then, high and proud of her deed, Martia turned on her feet and left without further ado.

?You damn brat!? I whispered.

Thea turned to me, asking me a thousand questions with her azure eyes.

?Listening to the Princess, one would think that you conquered Polis just to have me in your bed,? she commented, chuckling as if she was amused.

My heart started racing, and my brains forgot about its functions for a few seconds. All I could think about was how Thea would fear me from then on, how she would hate me forever.

?That's not true, is it?? she inquired with a slight trace of hope. Yet, my Queen was a rational person.

She wouldn't have believed me if I denied it. And it was damn clear how much I wanted her by my side.

?It's not how it looks,? I said. I was too shaken to realise that it was the wrong choice.

I should have lied.

?Is that so? Is it worth it? Destroying a kingdom just for me... Am I at least good enough for your grace?? she burst out. Her eyes filled with tears, and she moved back by instinct when I tried to hold her hand. ?Was it necessary??

?The war has been going on for years. I didn't start it, you know that!? I replied, convincing myself that I didn't have any other chance. That I needed to proceed like that to ensure our future.

?You were the one that convinced the Emperor to put you in charge of the war when he succeeded his father two years ago. You could have stopped it, but you didn't. You refused every peace offer we made. You crushed our hopes that the new Emperor wouldn't follow the old one's steps,? she cried. Her voice firm and furious.

My heart sunk as I realised that she was right. It was my fault if she was unhappy, and I was whining because I didn't want her to know.

Yet, how could I tell her?

I was crazy. My wife wouldn't have believed my story, and she would have run away even faster.

I spent the following days trying to get closer to Thea. I started calling her my Duchess to remind her that we were already linked even when she tried to stay far.

She stopped eating for a couple of days, which made me realise that she was plotting something. She either had been so busy that she had forgotten to eat, or she was despairing so much that she couldn't chew down any food.

I hoped it was the former option, as it would have been easier to fix any trouble she would cause than make her will to life return.

I got various cold remarks, a slap, and even a jug thrown in my direction in less than a week.

But then, she unexpectedly found a strategy.

She would hint me that I could embrace or kiss her, and then she would run away. She showed me herself and then retreated, leaving me alone in a cold room.

Seven days after the incident, I decided to try a wicked strategy.

I waited for her in her chamber and didn't get out even to let her bathe. I just offered to help her, and she accepted.

I knew she would, as she had been playing with my feelings for a whole week. And she was going to reject my attention during the night, it was obvious.

When rubbing her back with the sponge became boring, I slipped my hand under the water and rubbed the part over her bottom with a rough touch.

Just as expected, Thea sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. I leaned my chin on her shoulder and started cleaning her arm.

She voiced her concerns, that she could do it by herself, with a low voice, but she didn't move a finger to stop me. It gave me the courage to try kissing her, which ended with my shirt drenched and my wife hot of steam and passion.

I pulled back and looked at her with calm while murmuring to finish the bath. Was she going to tempt me and then step back?

I just made her realise how it felt to be rejected in such a wicked fashion.

Contrarily to how I planned it, though, she resisted my caresses and showed me her teary eyes. I couldn't continue her own game, as it made me suffer more than her.

?I will sleep on the couch,? I offered, but she agreed to make me stay in bed.

I hugged her tightly and slept like that, glad that I could have at least her body in my clutch. Her heart was still conflicted, but there was a ray of hope.

I could conquer her love if I spent the rest of my life working on that.

When I woke up, to my surprise earlier than my Duchess, I released her carefully. I would have pecked her forehead if not for the fear to disturb her.

She was sleeping so peacefully. She must have been exhausted and worrying.

I let her sleep and took care of the fire. I accepted the tray from the maids without letting them walk into the room, and I sipped my cup while reading a paper I found on the dressing table.

It was written with Thea's code, which was proof enough that it contained dangerous information.

She had written her plans and organised her thoughts in the same way as always. So much that it was easy for me to read and understand.

What attracted my attention the most was the column with the title Infidelity. What made her think I had any interest in any other woman?

Yet, the set of actions related to that case were so interesting.

At the top of the page, there was a line common to all scenarios.

?Call by name more often,? I read. I liked that part. I didn't approve the last column with the tag Escape route. Yet the rest was interesting.

She had designed to act, as she said, like a bitch as long as I stayed clingy. She would make the first step if I became detached to bring me back and return to behave evilly.

I would have gone mad by the end of the month like that.

Her only fear was other women. She was so convinced that I had flocks of mistresses, or at least that I would build a harem if she didn't pay enough attention.

I was looking forward to seeing a jealous-acting Thea, but I had to do my part for that to happen.

?Greet every day. Kiss at least once per day. Initiate intimacy during the weekly meeting,? I continued to read. Every line was better than the previous. ?Hint that the agreement is at least once a week, and not at most...?

My favourite ploy was to feed me once in a while. I would have added wine to that meal from a single shared cup.

?Leave nightgown's ribbon untied. Experiment with perfume scents until finding the right one,? I murmured, amused. ?Pretending to like bedtime activities... Pretending??

My lips curled down, but my heart started beating in hope.

I had a chance. I just needed to play my cards right, and my wife would have thrown herself into my arms. From then, it would have been my obligation to make her forget about our discussion. And to make her stop pretending.

Even though I was quite sure her reactions were natural. I knew her body and preferences well enough to distinguish fake moans from ecstatic cries.

?Seducing if intimacy isn't assured,? was among the last lines. Oh, nice. A proactive wife. That would have made me forget any other lover. ?Convincing that a single wife is better than several mistresses.?

When she woke up and sat next to me, already setting her plan into motion, my will to make her act seductive raised up to the sky.

I couldn't help but grin when she greeted me, as part of what I've just read was already turning out useful.

?Good morning, Alexander.?

Oh, I would have done it. Even if it meant losing my last bit of sanity.

And, after succeeding, I would have passed the rest of my life spoiling her until surrender.

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