Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 148 The Events After

As Poul and Jonathan delved into investment deals with John Morgan, the elegant ladies of the Axelsen & Nielsen Company, Amelia and Caroline, made their approach. Draped in gorgeous formal dresses, they sauntered over to the trio, their eyes fixed on Morgan's every move as they sipped their drinks.

"Look who we have here," Poul exclaimed, gesturing to the two ladies.

The women gracefully obliged and stood beside them, radiating poise and sophistication.

"So, what were you gentlemen discussing?" Caroline inquired, wrapping her arm around Jonathan's, her eyes flickering with curiosity.

"Morgan was expressing his interest in investing in our electric enterprise. We believe that we would require an investment for our expansion," Jonathan answered.

Caroline pursed her lips, nodding in comprehension. "Ah, I see. Mr. Morgan, you are leaping onto the success train of these illustrious industrialists."

"Absolutely, Lady Dupont. When I see an opportunity to make more money, I don't hesitate to seize it, even if it means going against the interest of the other party," Morgan responded, his eyes glinting with ambition.

"And the other party you mean is James Russell?" Caroline asked with a knowing smile.

Morgan simply nodded, and Caroline understood. After all, business is business and personal interest always reigns supreme.

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Meanwhile, Poul and Amelia caught up.

"How are you doing today?" Poul inquired, his eyes twinkling with warmth.

"I'm doing quite well, Mr. Nielsen. I've been greeting a lot of people who've asked many questions about this building," Amelia chuckled.

"Do let me know if you're exhausted or need anything," Poul offered kindly.

"Even if I were Mr. Nielsen, I wouldn't tell you. I know you take care of your workers well," Amelia replied, a hint of admiration in her voice.

Amelia smiled politely and took a sip of her drink before responding in a formal tone, "Thank you for asking, Mr. Nielsen. I am doing well, albeit busy with work these past few weeks."

"You know, you have been working with us for three years, why don't you drop the formalities of calling me by my surname and go with Poul, just like Caroline here," Poul suggested, his eyes flickering to Caroline, then back to her.

When Poul suggested that, there was a subtle sparkle in Amelia's eyes. It was like, it rekindled with life.

"Truly? May I drop the formalities?" Amelia queried, her voice shedding its usual stiffness.

Poul's smile broadened. "Absolutely. Of course, this is applicable only outside of business settings, such as meetings with new investors or clients. Morgan is an exception since he's been with us for so long. Would you agree, Mr. Morgan?"

"I couldn't care less how you address each other, as long as our investments yield profits," Morgan interjected with a chuckle.

As the conversation between the four of them continued, the music shifted to a lively tune, and the couples on the dance floor beckoned them to join.

"Come on, let's have some fun!" Caroline exclaimed, tugging at Jonathan's arm as she led him to the dance floor.

Poul followed suit, extending his hand towards Amelia. "May I have this dance?"

Amelia hesitated for a moment, but then her eyes flickered with excitement as she placed her hand in his. Poul twirled her around, and the two of them swayed to the rhythm of the music.

Jonathan and Caroline were already in full swing, twirling and spinning around each other in perfect harmony. The dance floor was now filled with other couples, all of them lost in the music and their own movements.

As the night wore on, the four of them danced, laughed, and chatted, enjoying each other's company. It was a much-needed break from the pressures of work, and they savored every moment of it.

Eventually, the music slowed, and the couples began to disperse. Poul and Amelia found themselves alone on the dance floor, looking into each other's eyes.

"Thank you for the dance," Poul said softly.

Amelia smiled, her eyes still twinkling with joy. "Thank you for asking me."

They walked back to the rest of the group, all of them feeling refreshed and energized after the dance. As they said their goodbyes, Poul made a mental note to organize more company events like this, events that could bring them all closer together and allow them to unwind.

Outside the building, they watched as the guests who attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony got into their carriage. One by one, they left, the hooves of the horses making pleasant noises as they made contact with the ground.

Morgan was one of them. He shook the hands of the industrialist duo and the ladies that are with them for the last time

"Thank you for this evening, Mr. Nielsen and Mr. Axelsen," Morgan spoke with a professional tone. "I must say, it has been a delightful night, and I am thoroughly impressed with the buildings. Rest assured, I will dispatch my team to finalize the investment deal we discussed earlier. I look forward to continuing this relationship and cultivating a mutually beneficial partnership."

"Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Morgan. It's been a pleasure discussing business with you," Poul responded in a confident, professional tone. "We look forward to working with you and your team to finalize the investment deal and move forward with our expansion plans."

"Indeed, we are excited to have you on board again, Mr. Morgan," Jonathan added, his tone serious but friendly. "We are confident that this partnership will benefit both our companies, and we are committed to making it a success."

Morgan nodded, a satisfied expression on his face. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, and I have no doubt that this will be a fruitful partnership for both our companies. Thank you again for the wonderful evening and for your hospitality. I look forward to seeing you all soon." With that, he turned and hopped into his carriage.

As the carriage pulled away, Poul turned to Jonathan and Caroline, a look of satisfaction on his face. "That went well," he said with a nod. "Morgan seems interested and enthusiastic about our electric enterprise."

"Well, there goes my monopoly over you," Caroline said. "It's hard to decline when he offers a huge sum of money right?"

"Don't feel bad about it, it's just business," Jonathan said. "With your connections and his, the expansion of our electric enterprise would be so easy than a piece of a cake."

"This concludes the evening, everyone," Poul said. "Perhaps we can rest now tonight. There are bedrooms on the eighth floor, would you like me to show you around?"

"That would be great," Caroline said.

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