Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 188 Hard Decision

"I can only stay here for a week, Penelope," Poul replied. "After that, I'll have to return to the United States and get back to work. I'm sorry if my suggestions were a shock to you, but I believe this is the only way that we can be together."

Penelope's expression softened as she listened. "I understand," she said. "It's just that... I am shocked…to think that you would suggest such a thing."

For Poul, coming out and telling the public the truth about the relationship is a no-go. One is that it could cause a huge scandal that can affect the image of the company and hers, and two is that the obsessive Crown Prince might do something that Poul might not like. Death is the only way where he can bring Penelope back to the States.

Of course, he is not going to force her as she still has a life here in London. She has her own life and family in this country, and taking that away from her simply because he wanted her to be with him is not an option. Poul knew that he had to find a compromise that would allow them to continue their relationship without causing any harm to Penelope's life.

As he was lost in thought, Penelope spoke.

"How do you plan it? How are you going to make my death believable?"

Poul rubbed his chin as he contemplated an answer. But seeing her eyes filled with anticipation, he came up with one easy option.

"Well I haven't gotten to that point yet Penelope but if I were to come up with one. I'm thinking of stabbing you with a knife in a safe spot. Somewhere between the lower abdomen or upper part of your belly. You will bleed but the wound wouldn't be serious enough to endanger your life. And then as you fall to the ground, I will take you with me to the carriage, tend to your wounds, and head over to the port where the ship is waiting for us to take you to the United States. There you will have to assume a new name and identity."

"You haven't gotten to the point and yet you already planned it out. You have been thinking of this idea, Poul for a while haven't you?" Penelope asked, her expression neutral.

"Yes. Trust me, if there's another way, I would take it. But if you are thinking of making our relationship public, that's a no-go. As I said before, you don't have to decide now. This decision is hard and I know it. I'll see you in a week."

As Poul stood up from the chair and headed over to the door to leave, Penelope spoke.

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"I'll do it!"

Poul stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Penelope. His eyes widened in surprise.

"What?" he asked, almost unable to believe what he had just heard.

"I said I'll do it," Penelope repeated, her voice firm. "I'll go with you to the United States and assume a new identity. It's not like I have much to lose here anyway."

Poul shook his head. "I can't ask you to give up your life here, Penelope. This is a huge decision, and it's not one that you should make lightly."

Poul said it to make her reconsider her decision. There are times when a person would make a decision out of a whim and this is one of them. He wanted to make sure that both of them are in mutual understanding, aware of the consequences and the risk.

"I know what I'm getting into," Penelope said, standing up from the chair. "I've thought about this a lot, and I've come to the conclusion that I want to be with you. I'm willing to take the risk."

Poul walked over to Penelope and took her hands in his. "I love you, Penelope," he said. "And I promise you that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe."

Penelope smiled. "I love you too, Poul," she said. "And I trust you."

Poul leaned in and kissed Penelope, and for a moment, everything else faded away. They were lost in each other, and the world outside didn't matter.

But Poul knew that he had a lot of work to do. He had to make sure that everything was planned out perfectly so that they could leave London without anyone suspecting a thing.

As he pulled away from Penelope, Poul tenderly stroked her cheek for one last time before leaving. "I suggest that you see your family here one last time as I prepare for the plan."


A day later, in the Ascart residence. Penelope was walking down the gilded hallway and into the kitchen hall where her family was waiting for her.

Upon arriving at the kitchen hall, she was met with a question that she hated to hear every day.

"Penelope, is there really no way for us to change your mind? The offer still stands for you to become the future Queen of the British Empire. You really don't want to take it?"

"Father, I thought we have finished discussing it? It's been almost three years," Penelope said as she leaned for a kiss on his father's cheek. She did the same gesture to her mother before taking her seat.

"Penelope, we just want what's best for you," her mother said, taking her hand. "Are you sure that you're making the right decision?"

Penelope took a deep breath and looked at her parents. "I know it's hard for you to understand, but I won't marry a man that I don't love. Please, Mother, Father, let's stop talking about this and enjoy our breakfast."

Her family nodded in agreement, and they continued with their breakfast, but there was a sense of sadness and tension in the air. Penelope knew that her decision was not an easy one, but she couldn't imagine living her life with anyone other than Poul.

After breakfast, Penelope stood up and kissed her parent's cheek for one last time.

Her parents found Penelope's behavior to be odd.

"Penelope, is there a problem? You have kissed us on the cheek two times. You rarely do that."

"No, everything is fine," she said, forcing a smile. "I just wanted to show you both some extra affection today."

Her parents seemed to buy her explanation, and they hugged her tightly.

"Be safe on your way to the hospital," her mother said.  "We'll see you later tonight."

Penelope felt a lump form in her throat as she hugged her parents. She knew that this might be the last time she would see them for a while. But she couldn't let her emotions show, not now, not when she had to be strong.

As she left the house, she felt a sense of freedom and excitement mixed with fear and uncertainty. She was leaving everything she had ever known behind to be with the man she loved.

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