Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 193 Almost!


"I'm asking you, Poul. What are you doing a week before Penelope's disappearance in the Royal Hospital where she works?"

Upon asking that question twice, Alexander stared daggers at Poul who were unfazed at the glare. But deep inside, every cell on his body is blaring an alarm, that the prince might have uncovered the truth. But how much truth did he learn? Did he just learn that he visited Penelope in the hospital or did he find out the whole plan?

Poul has to gamble on whether to answer Alexander, as one wrong answer could indict him. Well, he could have avoided this from happening if he never attended the state funeral, but he had done this to make this visit to make sure that their suspicion won't be directed to him.

Looking back, Sara mentioned his name to the receptionist at the hospital, could it be that the Prince interrogated the hospital staff prior to Penelope's disappearance. In that case, he can still do some maneuvering. Lying to the Crown Prince is a death sentence, so he has to choose his words very carefully.

"Well, I did visit the Royal Hospital of London a week before Penelope's disappearance. I came to her because I want to get checked up by her, given her status as the best doctor in the British Empire."

"Is that so?" Alexander narrowed his brows. "Then what about Penelope saying that you were her patient a year ago? That doesn't make sense, you never came to London at that time. Meaning, either one of you is lying or not."

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"Excuse me, Your Highness, but am I being interrogated here? Because your line of questioning suggests otherwise," Poul replied, maintaining a calm and composed demeanor.

Alexander's lips curled into a faint smile as he regarded Poul. "I must say, Mr. Nielsen, your attempts to dance around our main point are quite clever. Unfortunately for you, such tactics won't bear fruit. Given that you were in contact with Penelope during the time in question, we have no choice but to bring you in for questioning."

Poul's eyes glinted with a hint of amusement, his cool demeanor never faltering. "Your Highness, I assure you that my intentions were never to deceive or manipulate. I simply wished to clarify any misunderstandings and offer an explanation for my presence at the hospital. Speaking of which, why would Lady Ascart lie in the first place? It must be a form of courtesy as I came to her hospital suddenly and she had to admit me immediately."

"Hmm…you are good at your words, Mr. Nielsen. But we still have to take you in for questioning. This death brings a calamity to the British Empire and the people living under it demand an answer to this mysterious murder."

With a flick of the finger, armed guards suddenly appeared behind Poul and Alexander, ready to take Poul away for questioning. Poul remained calm, which irked Alexander a little. What kind of a man who can remain calm despite the situation?

"Your Highness, you are making a huge mistake. Let me remind you that I'm an Avalonian visiting the British Empire. I have no intentions of causing any trouble, let alone being involved in any criminal activity. I am more than willing to cooperate and clear my name, but I demand to know my rights as a foreigner in this country," Poul stated firmly, his eyes not leaving Alexander's.

Alexander paused for a moment, considering Poul's words. He couldn't deny that the man had a point. Taking an Avalonian citizen for questioning is a clear violation of international law. However.

"This murder case is important to the British Empire. We are willing to bend the law a little in order to solve this mystery. So your immunity won't apply here. But rest assured, you will have your rights. Just cooperate, Mr. Nielsen. And after that, you can walk away."

"I don't want to, Your Highness. This is a clear violation of international law and you know that. You can't just bend the law as it suits you.  I won't be intimidated or coerced. If you really want me badly, why not write a letter to the Judiciary and request my extradition? That is the proper and legal way to do it," Poul said firmly, not backing down.

Alexander sighed heavily, he was not getting anywhere at this point. Poul cleverly used the law against him, stopping him from getting what he wanted out of him. This infuriates and humiliates him.

"Your Highness, should we round him up or not?" One of the armed guards asked.

Alexander clenched his teeth. "Poul Nielsen, I'll be watching you. Stand down, everyone."

Poul gave a small nod of acknowledgment before turning on his heel and walking away, leaving Alexander seething with anger and frustration.

Moments later, Poul stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Your Highness, I say this one last time. I share my deepest condolences to Penelope. I understand your feelings, you are devastated but it doesn't mean you can just…accuse anyone without proper evidence. And if I may add, you should be more careful about who you trust. Lady Ascart was a remarkable doctor, but she had enemies as well. And I'm not just talking about the murderer. Good day, Your Highness."

With that, Poul resumed his steady pace and left the cemetery. He hopped onto the carriage waiting for him and was driven away.

As the carriage drove through the busy streets of London, Poul tried to calm his beating heart. Alexander nearly got him there. If not for Sara coming up with the lies about their encounter, this wouldn't happen. But he can't take any chances here, he has to leave London before they find out what truly happened.

Meanwhile, at the cemetery, Alexander was still standing in front of the grave of Penelope.

"Your Highness, what should we do? Should I spy on him?" Reid asked.

"There's more than meets the eye," Alexander replied cryptically. "That man is truly a mysterious one. To think that an Albian is capable of making me feel like this is…I don't even know what to say. You spied on him for me years ago, so there's no need to waste your time there. What I want you is to look for Penelope's enemies, within the British Empire. She was a threat to the conservative faction in the Parliament, one of them might be behind her murder."

"Understood, Your Highness."

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