Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 75 The Formal Evening

Poul Nielsen and Jonathan Axelsen approached the grand entrance of the Hotel Schenley, their eyes widening in awe as they took in the magnificent sight before them. The magnificent structure loomed before them, its towering pillars and ornate detailing a testament to the opulence of the era. As they made their way towards the entrance, they noticed men and women in fine dresses and suits strolling together, their laughter and chatter filling the air with jovial energy.

Upon entering the hotel, the two men found themselves in the grand foyer, where a sparkling chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a warm and inviting glow over the space. The plush carpets underfoot were a deep crimson, and the walls were adorned with intricate wallpaper and elegant artwork. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of fresh flowers, which had been artfully arranged in large vases, throughout the space.

As they made their way towards the ballroom, Poul and Jonathan were still basking in the afterglow of their successful rifle demonstration earlier that morning. They had spent months tirelessly developing and perfecting the revolutionary new rifle, and now they were ready to celebrate their success of landing a huge contract with the United States Army with the military staffers who attended the demonstration.

Approaching the doors to the ballroom, they could hear the hum of voices and the sound of music filtering through the crack in the door, the energy in the room palpable. Jonathan turned to Poul with a wide grin, the excitement of the moment written all over his face. "Can you feel it, Jonathan?" he asked, gesturing towards the doors. "Tonight, things will change for both of us."

"I know, the rifle is just the first step towards our goal," Jonathan said.

"We still have a long way to go," Poul said. "We should get inside, they are probably waiting for us."

With a nod of mutual agreement, the two men pushed open the grand doors to the ballroom and were greeted with a sight of pure extravagance. The air was filled with the sounds of music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses, as elegantly-dressed guests mingled and conversed. Poul and Jonathan were welcomed with congratulations and compliments as they made their way to the center of the room, already holding champagne glasses.

Approaching the duo were two distinguished gentlemen, recognized instantly by Poul and Jonathan as General William Sherman from the United States Military and John Morgan, a prominent financier.

"I must say, I'm still impressed by the weapons you showed me earlier. It was worth the journey from Washington," Sherman complimented.

"Thank you, General Sherman. We were delighted to have the opportunity to create a new rifle for our soldiers," Jonathan responded.

"It's fortunate that James Russell declined our offer. If he had accepted, it would have resulted in rifles similar to what the world already possesses," Morgan added.

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"James Russell is an esteemed inventor with a plethora of patents to his name. I'm sure he could create an impressive weapon like ours," Poul humbly stated.

"Don't sell yourselves short, Mr. Nielsen and Mr. Axelsen. I can see your potential rivaling that of James Russell," Morgan praised.

"What are your plans now that you have received ten million dollars?" Sherman inquired.

"Well, we intend to use the funds to acquire a failing arms company. We will refurbish their factories and retain their employees," Jonathan explained.

"I understand. Do you have a particular company in mind?" Morgan asked.

"We are still searching, but we won't take long," Jonathan responded.

"Mr. Morgan can assist you with that. He has invested heavily in arms manufacturers and can identify companies that are struggling. Isn't that correct, Mr. Morgan?" Sherman inquired.

"Absolutely. I could buy their company now and offer it to you at a reduced price," Morgan proposed to the industrious duo.

"That would be greatly appreciated, Mr. Morgan. It will save us a lot of time," Jonathan acknowledged.

"No problem. Just allow me to invest in the subsidiary you create for arms manufacturing. Speaking of which, have you decided on a name?" Morgan inquired.

Jonathan and Poul exchanged glances and nodded in agreement.

"We have. It's called the Axelsen & Nielsen Arms Manufacturing Company," Jonathan declared.

"I see what you did there," Morgan chuckled, recognizing the name's similarity to their current enterprises.

"With that, you will each have three affiliated companies. What are your thoughts?" Morgan asked again.

"For us, it's still not enough," Poul declared. "We will seize any opportunity that arises, whether it be in electricity, oil mining, or steel manufacturing. We will diversify our portfolio, as you know, Mr. Morgan. You cannot rely on one enterprise because if it fails, so does your fortune."

Morgan smiled. "You two are certainly ambitious individuals. I heard that Miss Dupont assisted you with the rifle's development, particularly with the propellants. Is that accurate?"

"Yes, she played a significant role in that aspect. Without her formula, the weapon would not have been viable. Speaking of which," Jonathan searched the ballroom for a specific person. "Where is she?"

"She is dressing with Miss Weiss, Jonathan," Poul informed him.

"Ah, I cannot wait to express my gratitude to her properly," Jonathan responded.

And as they were speaking Caroline, the doors opened. Poul and Jonathan turned their heads towards the door, and they saw who they were looking for.

As Caroline Dupont and Amelia Weiss entered the grand ballroom, a sudden hush fell over the room. Caroline, Adorned in a beautiful black dress with a bob hairstyle that framed her angelic face. Even with her shorter hair, she looked like a vision from a dream. She moved with the elegance of a swan, her slender form envied by every woman in the room.

Amelia, Caroline's former secretary, was equally striking. She wore a flowing white dress that complimented her navy-blue hair, which was tied in a half-up half-down style. Her features were equally beautiful, yet possessed a subtle touch of sophistication that was uniquely hers. Together, the two women made an unforgettable impression that left the entire room entranced.

The guests couldn't help but stare in awe as Caroline and Amelia walked through the ballroom. It was as though the air around them shimmered with their beauty, their mere presence lighting up the room. Everyone's eyes were on them, from the most distinguished guests to the lowliest servants. Even Poul and Jonathan, the primary guests of the evening, were struck speechless by the women's beauty.

As they moved through the room, gracefully navigating the crowd of guests Caroline and Amelia left a trail of gasps and whispers in their wake. It was as if they had brought a touch of magic with them, bewitching everyone who caught a glimpse of them. Their grace was unmatched, their beauty incomparable, and they seemed to glow with a radiance that was both natural and otherworldly.

And then, they arrived in front of Poul and Jonathan, whose eyes were still widened in amazement, completely lost in the beauty of the women before them. Caroline, noticing their expressions, giggled softly, finding it endearing.

​ "When are you going to stare at me, Mr. Axelsen?" she teased, breaking the spell that had fallen over the men.

Jonathan shook his head, snapping out of his trance. "I apologize, Caroline. It's just that you are so incredibly beautiful. Your face is like a work of art, and I could stare at it for a lifetime and never get bored."

Caroline's cheeks flushed at Jonathan's words, and she returned his compliment with a warm smile. "Thank you. You, too, are dashingly handsome," she said, scanning Jonathan's appearance from head to toe.

His finely tailored three-piece black suit hugged his toned and muscular physique in all the right places. The tailored garment emphasized his broad shoulders, trim waist, and long legs, while his golden hair was styled to perfection. His sapphire eyes sparkled in the warm glow of the chandeliers, and his full lips were turned up in a small, but confident smile.

Amidst the swirling music and chatter, Poul and Amelia finally noticed each other and exchanged greetings. Poul couldn't help but compliment Amelia on her stunning outfit, his eyes lingering on her with admiration.

"Miss Weiss, you look absolutely stunning in that outfit," he said, a warm smile spreading across his face.

Amelia, blushing slightly, thanked him for the compliment. "Thank you, Mr. Nielsen. That's very kind of you to say."

Morgan, who had been observing their exchange, interjected with a comment of his own. "You two look like polished gems, if I may say so. Any man would be lucky to have such radiant and accomplished women in his life."

The group laughed and chatted for a while, but Jonathan and Caroline were lost in their own world. They gazed deeply into each other's eyes, the rest of the room fading away into nothingness.

Finally, Caroline spoke, her voice filled with teasing mischief. "Well, Mr. Morgan, I'm afraid I'm not an easy woman to win over. Any man who wants to have me as his wife will have to work harder than most."

Jonathan couldn't help but smile at her words, his heart beating a little faster with each passing moment. "I'll keep that in mind," he said, his eyes fixed on hers.

Sherman, who had been listening intently to the conversation, finally interjected as he noticed the tone of the music changing. "Excuse me, but perhaps the four of you would like to take a turn on the dance floor?" he suggested, his eyes glinting with amusement.

He then turned to Poul and Jonathan, addressing them with a serious tone. "Mr. Axelsen, I must remind you that we will be signing the contract tomorrow. But for tonight, please enjoy yourselves and make the most of your time here tonight."

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