Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 90 A Minor Problem During Voyage

As the ship sailed further out to sea, the three travelers settled into the rhythm of life on board. They enjoyed delicious meals in the dining room, attended elegant balls and concerts, and relaxed on deck chairs, watching the endless expanse of ocean stretching out before them.

It had been five days since they left the port and the sun had set, casting a serene glow over the ocean. The three looked up at the night sky, the ethereal scene of stars blanketing the night mesmerizing them.

Poul spoke up, breaking the peaceful silence, "It's kind of odd that I'm not being treated differently here due to my background as an Albian. Normally, I would be segregated, but it doesn't seem to be the case."

Jonathan shook his head, "They might be lenient towards Albians as you are white, but towards colored people, they are segregated."

"It's truly heartbreaking how society can be so unfair to people just because of something as inherent and unchangeable as their physical appearance," Amelia said with a heavy heart.

Poul and Jonathan nodded in agreement, their expressions serious. "Yes, it's a terrible thing," Poul said. "But I'm hopeful that things will change someday."

Meanwhile, as the vessel traversed the vast expanse of the ocean, the intricate electrical networks that enabled its operation buzzed with a relentless stream of energy. However, without warning, the luminosity within one of the cabins began to falter, until eventually, it expired completely. And then, in an alarming turn of events, the entire luminous infrastructure of the ship was abruptly extinguished, plunging it into darkness.

The passengers of the ship gasped in horror as the darkness completely enveloped the entire vessel. Poul remained calm, unfazed by the sudden events. Amelia's heart pounded as she gazed around the pitch-black cabin, her eyes darting back and forth in a desperate search for light. The sudden loss of power had left her disoriented and vulnerable, her breaths shallow and rapid. Without even realizing it, she had instinctively clung to Poul's arm, seeking a sense of safety and reassurance in his solid presence. Her fingers trembled as they dug into the fabric of his shirt, her body trembling with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

"What's happening?" she whispered, her voice barely above a quiver as she tried to steady herself. Every nerve in her body was on edge, alert for any sign of danger or chaos that might be lurking in the darkness.

Poul took hold of Amelia's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "It's alright, Amelia. It's probably just a minor electrical issue. Let's make our way to the deck and see what's happening."

Jonathan nodded in agreement, and the three of them slowly made their way through the darkened corridors of the ship, guided by the dim glow of candlelights. As they emerged onto the deck, they were met with a chaotic scene. The crew members were scrambling to fix the issues while passengers huddled together in groups, their expressions a mix of confusion and fear. Poul, Jonathan, and Amelia made their way to the captain's quarters, hoping to get some answers, but the crew blocked their way.

"Sorry sirs, but this is as far as you can go," said the crew.

"I'm looking for the captain. We would like to know what happened?" Poul asked.

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The crew member hesitated, his eyes flickering uncertainly before he finally spoke. "As you can see, the power went out, and we are investigating the cause," he replied, his tone clipped and professional.

"How long would it take?" Jonathan interjected, his voice laced with concern.

"We don't know," the crew member replied. "But we will update you once we know more."

Poul exchanged a worried glance with Jonathan and Amelia. The uncertainty of the situation weighed heavily on them, and they felt the chill of the ocean air seeping into their bones. As they retreated, they noticed that the darkness seemed to be spreading, affecting more and more areas of the ship. It was an eerie feeling, surrounded by complete darkness. The three of them huddled together on the deck, watching as the crew worked feverishly to restore the ship's power. But as time ticked by, their anxiety only grew, and they couldn't help but wonder if they would ever make it to their destination.

One hour later, Poul, Amelia, and Jonathan heard disgruntled murmurs growing louder around them. The passengers were growing increasingly frustrated at the lack of information and the extended blackout.

"I demand to know what's happening!" shouted a man, his voice laced with anger.

"We paid good money for this trip, and we deserve to be informed!" added a woman, her arms crossed tightly across her chest.

"I can't take this anymore," said another passenger, his tone desperate. "We're stuck out here in the middle of nowhere with no power and no answers. This is unacceptable!"

The complaints continued to mount, and the three travelers could feel the tension in the air thickening. They exchanged concerned glances, realizing that the situation was growing more precarious by the minute.

"We need to do something," Jonathan whispered urgently. "If this is an electrical issue, I'm sure Poul can fix it."

Poul nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "Yeah, I can probably find the cause but I don't think I'm the right person to ask the issue. So Jonathan, go ask them."

"Okay, stay here," Jonathan nodded, before making his way toward the crew members. He could hear the angry murmurs of the passengers behind him, but he focused on the task at hand. When he reached the crew, he cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Excuse me, we understand that there is an electrical issue on the ship. Is there anything we can do to help? We have someone on board who may be able to assist," Jonathan said, hoping that his words would be well received.

The captain of the ship was with the crew and looked at Jonathan skeptically. But after a moment of consideration, he nodded.

"Very well, who is the person you are referring to?" Wilheim asked.

"He is my business partner, and he is a mechanic and an electrician. Perhaps he can ascertain the situation and hopefully fix it," Jonathan said.

"What's your name sir?"

"Jonathan Axelsen."

"Uhm…Mr. Axelsen, we thank you for the offer. To be honest we don't have an electrician or a mechanic on onboard with us. We didn't know that this could happen. If we can have that man here right now, it would be extremely helpful," the captain said with a hint of desperation in his voice.

"I'll get him," Jonathan said firmly. He turned to Poul, who was waiting with Amelia. "Poul, they need you. There's an electrical issue on the ship, and they need your help to fix it."

Poul nodded, his expression determined. "Alright, let's go."

Together, Jonathan and Poul made their way back to the crews, and upon arriving. The captain scanned Poul's appearance.

"Is this the person?" Wilheim asked

"I am. Just like you captain, we would very much like to arrive at our destination. We can't miss our appointment," Poul said.

"Very well, , follow me," Wilheim led Poul to the engine room, where the crew had been trying to fix the problem for hours. The room was filled with the low hum of the ship's engines, and the sound of various tools and machines being used to try to diagnose the issue.

Poul took a deep breath, surveying the room and analyzing the situation. He quickly got to work, examining the wiring and the machinery with practiced ease. After a few moments of intense concentration, he finally spoke up.

"I think I found the problem," he said, pointing to a blown fuse on the fuse holder. "This fuse is blown. We need to replace it. Do you have a spare fuse in your inventories?"

"Yes, we have," Wilheim confirmed while his crew was holding out a gas lamp to light out the electric panels. "What else do you need?"

"I need needle-nose pliers, a multimeter, and some friction tape," Poul replied.

The crew members quickly gathered the requested tools, and Poul got to work replacing the fuse.

Poul carefully extracted the blown fuse from its holder with the needle-nose pliers, taking care not to damage any of the surrounding wirings. He then used the multimeter to check the circuit for any other faults before replacing the fuse with a new one. With the fuse in place, he used friction tape to securely fasten it to the holder, ensuring that it wouldn't come loose or cause any issues in the future.

As Poul worked, the crew members watched in amazement, their eyes widening with each deft movement of his hands. They had never seen someone with such expertise and skill in their field, and they knew that they were in the presence of a skilled electrician. Even the captain himself was impressed, his stern expression softening as he watched Poul work.

After a few moments of intense focus, Poul finally stood up, dusting off his hands with a sense of satisfaction. He then turned to the crew members and the captain, a smile spreading across his face.

"Alright, I think we're good to go. The fuse has been replaced, and the electrical system should be fully functional now," he announced.

"Let's turn on the light," the captain ordered.

With a flick of a switch, the lights on the ship suddenly burst to life, illuminating the previously darkened corridors and cabins. The passengers erupted into cheers and applause, their relief palpable as they realized that their nightmare was finally over.

Poul smiled triumphantly and muttered under his breath. "I still got it."

"Thank you for your service, Mr?"

"Poul Nielsen," Poul introduced himself.

"Mr. Nielsen, thanks to you we will be able to continue our journey. Is there something that you would like in return?"

"No need for any rewards, Captain. I'm just glad to have been able to help," Poul replied, his voice humble but grateful. "I'm just happy that we can all continue our journey safely."

The captain nodded, a look of appreciation in his eyes. "I understand. But please, if you need anything during the rest of the voyage, don't hesitate to let us know."

Poul thanked the captain and returned to Jonathan and Amelia who were waiting for him on the deck.

"You fixed it! Thank you!" Amelia jumped out to her and embraced him. "I was scared…"

She then realized her mistake, and immediately released him from her embrace.

"Ahh…I'm so sorry Mr. Nielsen, I got carried away," Amelia said, her voice soft with a hint of embarrassment. She took a step back from Poul, her cheeks flushing with color. The relief of having the power restored mixed with the rush of emotions had caused her to forget herself for a moment.

Poul smiled reassuringly at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's alright, Amelia. I understand. It was a stressful situation for all of us. I'm just glad that everything is back to normal now."

Jonathan chimed in, his tone light with humor. "Don't worry, Poul is used to women throwing themselves at him. He's just that good at fixing things."

Poul rolled his eyes good-naturedly, a smile playing at the corner of his lips. "Oh, stop it. You'll give her the wrong impression again."

Amelia chuckled, feeling the tension and fear of earlier dissipate as they shared a lighthearted moment. The ship continued on its journey, the passengers chatting and mingling as they enjoyed the rest of the voyage.

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