Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 95 Prospect In The Axelsen & Nielsen Arms Manufacturing Company

The train rumbled along the tracks, the wheels grinding against the metal rails. Inside the first-class car, the plush seats were a deep burgundy, the velvet cushions soft to the touch. The cabin was adorned with elegant lamps that cast a warm, inviting glow throughout the space.

Jonathan sat in one of the seats, his eyes scanning the newspaper in front of him. He wore a sharp black suit that complemented his blonde hair and angular features. Despite the calm expression on his face, he was deep in thought, contemplating the upcoming agenda once he returned to Pittsburgh.

Amelia, on the other hand, was slouched in her seat, her head tilted to the side as she tried to catch some sleep. Her navy blue hair was tied back in a neat bun, and her blue eyes were closed in peaceful slumber. Poul Nielsen, sat next to her, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window.

Amelia stirred, her eyes opening wide as she realized that she had fallen asleep on Poul's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Mr. Nielsen, I didn't mean to," she whispered softly.

"It's quite alright, Ms. Weiss," Poul replied with a gentle smile. "You may rest your head on my shoulder if you like."

Amelia felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She had always found Poul to be an attractive and charismatic boss, but she never imagined that he would offer her such a kind and intimate gesture. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do.

But as she looked into Poul's warm golden eyes, she found herself nodding in agreement. Slowly, she leaned her head back onto his shoulder, feeling the soft fabric of his suit jacket against her cheek.

Meanwhile, Jonathan peeked over the newspaper he was reading, watching as the two had their intimate moments. He sighed, rolling his eyes. The fact that Poul told Amelia last year that their relationship was only a professional one kind of betrays what he was seeing in front of him.

"You know that you could have misled her by offering that kind of gesture," Jonathan said.

"Misled?" Poul repeated and tilted his head to the side. "What are you talking about Jonathan?"

"I'm saying that kind of gesture was exclusive only for couples right? And you two are not a couple."

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Poul's expression turned serious as he listened to Jonathan's words.

"I understand your concern, Jonathan," he said. "But I assure you that my intentions were purely platonic. Amelia was exhausted, and I simply wanted to offer her some comfort on the journey."

Jonathan raised an eyebrow skeptically. "I don't know about that Poul," he said. "You confessed to me that you had a crush on her."

"Jonathan you idiot," Poul hissed back in the corner of his lips and continued in a whisper. "You do realize that she's in front of you right?"

"If you really don't have feelings for her, then why are you reacting so defensively?" Jonathan asked.

Poul glanced to his right and looked at Amelia's face who was sleeping soundly on his shoulder. It seems like she is an easy sleeper, he hoped that she hadn't heard their conversation just now.

"Can we talk about something more related to work?" Poul suggested, trying to change the topic of the conversation.

"Well we have discussed pretty much everything related to work while we are in Berlin, but I do have one interesting topic I read in the newspaper," Jonathan said.

Poul heaved a sigh of relief inwardly, knowing that they wouldn't talk about personal matters from this point onward.

"Okay, what is it?" Poul asked.

"There is this article in the East about a possible war that might erupt between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, do you want me to read it?"

"Go on," Poul prompted him to continue.

"The threat of a new war looms over Europe as tensions rise between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Rumors of impending conflict have been circulating for months, and now it appears that the situation may be coming to a head.

The roots of this conflict can be traced back to a long-standing rivalry between the two empires, as well as the desire of the Russian Empire to expand its influence in the region. The Ottoman Empire, meanwhile, seeks to maintain its own territorial integrity and to protect the interests of its people.

The spark that ignited this potential conflict was a dispute over control of the holy places in Jerusalem, which are sacred to both Christians and Muslims. The Ottoman Empire, which controlled the city, had granted certain rights to the Russian Orthodox Church, but tensions began to rise when the Russian Empire sought to expand these rights.

The situation worsened when Russian troops began to mass on the Ottoman border, causing concern and alarm among the Ottoman leadership. Diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis have so far been unsuccessful, and now there is a real possibility that war may break out.

The international community has been closely watching the situation, with many expressing concern about the potential consequences of a new conflict. Some fear that a wider war could erupt, drawing in other powers and plunging Europe into chaos and turmoil.

For now, the situation remains tense and uncertain. The leaders of both empires must navigate carefully to avoid a conflict that could have devastating consequences for all involved. The world watches and waits to see how events will unfold in this latest chapter of the long-standing rivalry between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire," Jonathan finished reading the newspaper.

Poul propped up his chin as he hummed in thought. Based on the article Jonathan just read, he remembered something familiar from it. In his original world. The Crimean War. It was a conflict that occurred in the mid-nineteenth century between the Russian Empire and an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, Great Britain, and Sardinia.

He learned it from his history class when he was in elementary school. But it's odd, this world is already in the late nineteenth century compared to their original world. Is there something that had happened before that could have delayed the start of the war? Or maybe, the history of this new world and his former world were not exactly the same.

"Is there any more in the article?" Poul asked, intrigued by the possibility of learning more about this potential conflict.

Jonathan scanned the article again. "Not much else, just speculation about what might happen if war does break out," he replied. "But it's clear that tensions are high, and the situation is volatile."

Poul nodded thoughtfully. "It's certainly a concerning development," he said. "We'll need to keep a close eye on how things unfold in the coming weeks and months."

Amelia stirred again, her eyes fluttering open. "What are you two talking about?" she asked sleepily.

Jonathan and Poul exchanged a quick glance before Jonathan replied, "Just discussing some current events in the news, Ms. Weiss."

Amelia nodded, still groggy from her nap. "I see," she said, before settling back into her seat.

As the train continued on its journey, the three of them fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Moments later, the two locked gaze, realizing the prospect of this war on their business, especially in their Arms Manufacturing Company.

The corners of their lips curled into a smile. If a war breaks out, it means contracts will flood into their arms company.

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