Creating The Manga Of Naruto On Naruto World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 353 - 353: Madara On The Move!

Chapter 353: Madara on the move!

The new comic book brings a lot of income to Akabane.

Although the three major villages and the small villages only brought a small number of people to the state camp in the Land of River, most of them were routed along the remaining borders, but this part alone was enough to bring tens of thousands of points.

But the income plummeted the next day.

Akabane guessed that it was most likely that the leaders of those villages had imposed restrictions, and the power of cultural output was terrible, and it was normal for these ninja villages to exercise control.

So today, the soaring points finally slowed down.

This is so, in just over a day, he has already gained nearly 40,000 points, which is enough to make his mental power reach 300 points!

This is a very scary number!

Akabane didn't even dare to exchange it all directly, but first exchanged five points and increased slowly, otherwise, if he suddenly increased 30 mental power points in one go, he was afraid that he could not control it for a while…

Although it's not dangerous, it will become uncontrollable if that happens.

That's why Akabane only exchanges five points every few hours, and this is even harder even for him.

But after his mental power is increased, he can show his Sharingan appropriately.

The Third Hokage and Uchiha Yuan said, "awakening of his eyes" is only a matter of time, so of course he wouldn't let them wait...

And after showing that he 'awakened' his eyes, he could find a suitable opportunity for "emotional stimulation", and suddenly opened his Mangekyo Sharingan or something along the line.

As for the question of Eternal Mangekyo...

Akabane buried the question early in the morning.

His own eyes are stimulated by the transformation of spiritual energy, not Uchiha's eye-opening and emotional stimulation, and his powerful mental power makes people unable to find a reason to refute. A "return to ancestor" is enough to explain everything.

Comics in the Konoha and the Land of River were updated almost simultaneously.

This is due to Akabane's arrangement for the caravan, this time the comics are given priority to the front line. And Yamano Izumi was able to deliver it on time at noon.

Since the formalization, the efficiency of the factory has become higher and higher.

Akabane gave a secret compliment in his heart.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Unfortunately, there are not many Jonins in the village nowadays, and even Chunin is mostly taken away by the security department to deal with Cultists.

The Jashinists are too rampant.

So knowing that he couldn't get many points in the village, he brought his attention to the front line.

However, the content of the comics is still wonderful, and there are also a lot of people who have read them. The update has only been released for less than an hour, and the comment board is already full of comment notes.

And the most popular character right now is the Fourth Raikage, of course, not in a favourable way.

Here is Konoha. So everyone has a good impression of the sunny guy "Naruto", so when the Fourth Raikage A insists to kill Naruto so that "Madara" can't resurrect the Ten-Tails, it is undoubtedly very upsetting for everyone.

And the comment board was full of cursing and of course, the target of their cursing is the Fourth Raikage.

But the latest plot is not all about the Fourth Raikage, because the readers once again saw the power of Sharingan and Rinnegan.

Killer B and Naruto are already strong enough, but they are still being beaten in front of the Reincarnated Nagato.

At the same time, the truth about Uchiha Shisui's death and Kotoamatsukami's appearance put Danzo in the bad guy role again.

But Danzo is used to it.

No one knows Akabane better than him. He understands that Shisui's plot is definitely not the end, and there are still a lot of villain roles waiting for 'Danzo'.

Who made him the darkness of the Ninja World?

But it doesn't matter. Great titles always need someone to inherit. Sooner or later these will be returned, and he is not in a hurry.

not to mention...

With Danzo's character, if Uchiha really got there, maybe he would really do such a thing.

He is indeed bad, and he does not deny this, but now Uchiha is very honest, and actively contributes to the village while cooperating with Konoha, and the family problem has been properly resolved.

Under such circumstances, he would not break his arm.

Most people in Uchiha didn't read the latest update. Most elites are involved in the Jashinists' arrest. Most of the people who stay in the village are brats that can't even be counted as a genin.

Among these children, Fugaku is the one who is proud of himself.

In the past, he also bought comics at Akabane's shop.

However, since the title "Second Danzo" spread, he dared not go to the Akabane store to read comics. Every time he asked a friend to help bring a copy, or simply read the one that his father had finished reading.

Since the children in the clan are more afraid of Akabane, it was not until late in the afternoon that Uchiha's children came quietly to buy books- as they knew that Akabane was mostly not in the store at this time.

So, it was close to mealtime that Fugaku read today's update.

For him, this comic is quite exciting.

Regardless of Itachi's thoughts and methods, this child was deeply fascinated by him. He felt that ninjas should be like this, and Uchiha Shisui is undoubtedly a great ninja.

Unfortunately, there is no "Danzo" in the world...

Akabane didn't care about it.

With the Preparatory Department in his hands, this little boy will fall into his own hands sooner or later and let him see the dark methods of the new generation of Ninja World.

As for the plot of Gaara, probably nobody cares about it except for the Hidden Sand Village, and the Sand Ninjas in Land-of-Rivers have no time to care about comics at this moment.

They have been busy during this period of time, collecting intelligence, exploring the Land of the Wind, and finally came to the conclusion that most of the people who stayed in the village may have been controlled.

This is a desperate answer.

Even if they fight back, those Jonin will probably still suffer serious injury and death. People in other villages will not hold back just because Hidden Sand Village is being controlled and they are even happy to see it.

As for the weakness of Hidden Sand Village, no one is worried about whether it will lead to an imbalance in Ninja World.

If one abdicates, new substitutes will naturally come up.

For example, the Hidden Rain Village with the epithet "Demi-God" as their leader.

This made Chiyo even more grateful that she didn't negotiate further terms with Danzo but decisively agreed to the decision to give up half of the benefits.

of course.

Danzo is not a good charity man, he will agree because it is good for Konoha.

As for the news that Hidden Mist Village did not bring their Jinchuuriki, Konoha has been relatively slow to get it, but the Third Hokage attaches great importance to it, and immediately consulted Akabane if he received the news.

It is the responsibility of the head of the dark department and adviser to advise Hokage and share the pressure.

Danzo is not there, Utatane Koharu is busy with the medical department, and Mitokado Homura is now just a normal Jonin, and can go out of Anbu by relying on military orders, and naturally, he is not qualified to contact them.

Akabane heard the news from the Third Hokage, only to get confirmation from the clone-it can be seen that the shadow clone, usually working, is not much more responsible.

But it's also right. They are all separated from him, and their personality and style are similar to those of the main body, and it's already a job well done for the clone for not skipping work directly.

So he couldn't ask for too much.

So, after thinking for a while, Akabane pondered and said, "Hokage-sama, do you mean to save them, or just stand by?"

This put the Hiruzen in question silent.

From Konoha's point of view, it would be better to stand idly by. If Madara can strike the mountain to shake a tiger, the rest of Major Ninja Village will not dare to have similar crooked thoughts.

However, from the overall situation, if Madara gets two-tail beasts, his strength will definitely be stronger than it is now.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "If we can prevent Madara from gaining the strength of the Jinchuuriki, then it will naturally be prevented."

"That's not as good as me..."

Akabane was about to say he would take a look, but in the next second, a figure quickly appeared in the office.

It's Anbu.

Holding a piece of information in his hand, he was sweaty and panting. It was obvious that his Chakra was over-consumed and might faint at any time.

Akabane immediately used the Chakra in his Yin Seal.

After the improvement of his Strength of a Hundred Technique, his Yin Seal's Chakra can also be used by others. So after sharing his chakra, this Anbu will not faint.

Hiruzen immediately took the information scroll, took a look at it, and when he read it, he took a cold breath. His eyes were full of shock. Then he raised his head and said: "Madara strikes the Hidden Mist Village, where their Jinchuurikis are hiding. And the Elite Ninja protecting the Jinchuuriki, only the Hōzuki clan of the six swordsmen survived."

"Uh, so I don't have to take a trip?"

Akabane was stunned for a moment, but the first thing he thought of was this problem. The Jinchuriki is gone, so obviously he doesn't need to go there anymore.


Madara is really ruthless, Hidden Mist Leader, the Third Mizukage just went to Land-of-Rivers yesterday but he already commenced his attack today.

"No need to take a trip."

Hiruzen sat down, his face was a little ugly.

Two-tailed beasts!

For Madara, this greatly enhances the strength of the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, and with the supply of Tailed Beast Chakra, using the Demonic Statue will bring much less load to Madara.

Akabane thought for a while, and then asked the Anbu ninja: "Where are the Swords of the Six Swordsmen?"

"These subordinates are ashamed, Madara's destructive power was too strong at the time, so we did not dare to approach, and did not really see the battle."

The Anbu Ninja said with his head down...

Hiruzen said gently: "It's not your fault, go down first."

Facing Uchiha Madara, 90% of people will feel fear in their hearts, and it is normal not to dare to approach.


The Anbu Ninja who had been ordered to leave disappeared.

Akabane fell into thought.

The effect of Samehada is actually of little use to Madara with Rinnegan. At most, Madara does not need to use Rinnegan's absorption ability to absorb Chakra to supplement itself, so that's the only role Samehada has to Madara.

With his mental power, he can use illusion more to contain Madara. If he really fights, then he can count Uzumaki Mito and Duy who can open his seventh gates frequently.

So against Akabane and Uzumaki Mito, who relies on sealing technique, and at the same time a pure Taijutsu user, even Samehada will not help much.

Thinking about it this way, Akabane doesn't need to worry too much.

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