Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 239 Lucifer Morningstar

Chapter 239 Lucifer Morningstar

Linus and Godfrey both turned their heads toward Lyrian, slightly annoyed at him due to what had happened in the previous bid.

"So he's finally spending money now, huh?" Drake mused as Linus put his bidding plate down for some reason. Drake found this slightly confusing because he wouldn't expect Linus to back down so easily, but he didn't care too much about it either.

"I'm not going to give up this item so easily," he thought, exclaiming outward, "900 Rif--" He was swiftly cut off before he could finish.

"1000," Lyrian smirked.

"Wha-- fine! 105--" Godfrey Drake was cut off once again.


With this, Drake glanced over at Linus, who had a light smirk on his face. 'Ah...' Drake finally got why Linus had put his plate down at the beginning of this bid.

'He has more Riftstones than us since he hasn't bid even once yet... far more. Going up against him now would almost be foolish, especially for such a good item.' With this, Drake lowered his plate as well.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

No one else in the crowd seemed to want to challenge Lyrian. In fact, who knows if there were any others left who even had more than 1100 Riftstones anyway...

"Sold to Lyrian Theageld!" The auctioneer announced, quickly moving on to the ninth item. After another small battle of bets, the auctioneer felt as though he had déjà vu.

"Sold to Lyrian Theageld!---Again..."

As the auction that Lyrian was dominating continued, he began to get abrupt images popping up in his head. They came and went in flashes, and he could tell they were from his shadow's point of view.

'That's right... my shadow is still in that realm. I can't make any use of that Shadow Jade Pendant if I don't have my shadow... I'm going to need to find a way to get it back.' He mused, focusing on his shadow.

As soon as he concentrated on it, his vision switched to the shadows. Currently, it was being moved from its cell, chained with some sort of dark chain made of rusted metal. It oozed a purple aura that seemed to have some sort of power that was able to bind even a shadow.

"The tenth and final item will now be presented!" The auctioneer suddenly announced as Lyrian decided to shrug the thought of his shadow off for a moment and focus more on the current moment.



In the depths of Purgatory.

Lyrian's shadow, which, according to Gear, had a personality of its own, was being taken somewhere through the dark and scary halls of the Purgatory prison... or whatever the hell it was.

Behind him was the menacing dog... Cerberus. It walked powerfully behind Lyrian's shadow, sending light tremors through the walls as it moved with the shadow's chain in its mouth.

After walking for a while, the shadow finally arrived at a large opening. Stairs led down to an expansive room; inside of which was a giant line leading to a single throne at the end of it.

The sides of the room were designed with giant pillars of dark purple gemstone, and the floor was made of a scorching hot material. The inside of the room was dark but was lit up by the small pits of purple lava that flowed within the ground and also within the walls.

The shadow joined the giant line of... creatures. It tried to make out what they were, but since it had only recently gained a conscience, it could not recognize them.

Some were tall, had many arms, and a large build. Others were short and had only one eye. And some were humans, as the shadow was able to see. However, it did also note that out of every distinction amongst the several hundred creatures, there were two common traits.

Firstly, they all were slightly transparent. One could see right through him with a glance. Secondly, they all looked to be depressed; no, traumatized, more like it. Their eyes were emotionless, like voids. Their shoulders drooped in, and their aura exuded despair.

The shadow was forced into this line, and it curiously stepped behind the last creature inside of it. Still, Cerberus held its chain in its mouth so the shadow couldn't escape.

The shadow was forced to stay in line for several hours before it finally made its way very close to the end, where the line was finishing. It was about 10 places away when it noticed the being sitting on the throne.

It nonchalantly stared at the being, feeling no certain way about it. However, it also noticed that those closer to the being in line had their bodies shriveled up and shaking in fear.

The being was extremely tall, over 20 feet in height. He looked like a man, except he had giant black wings behind his back. His skin was as pale as a sickly man's, and his clothes were torn and ravaged. His hair, black and slightly long, was slicked back, and his face resembled that of models; with a sharp jawline and flawless complexion. Peering into his eyes, one could only see a void full of malice.

However, this being sat on the throne as though bored, with one hand placed atop a palm. As the transparent beings in line arrived at the end, the being moved its fingers left and right, signifying where those in line could go.

As Lyrian's soul moved closer, it realized that the transparent beings... were going to places of torture. Fire, lava, spikes, and many other contraptions made specifically for the pain of one soul were scattered all around the area beside the throne.

As the shadow finally made its way to the front of the line, it curiously gazed at the bored-looking being. What it didn't know, however, was that this very being in front of it... was the Almighty Sovereign Of Purgatory; Lucifer Morningstar.

Before the presence of such a being, nearly any creature from the abyss' and heavens would be forced to bow down from the sheer spiritual pressure that he exuded, no matter how powerful!

Angels, demons, cultivation masters, magical prodigies, mythical beings, all were nothing but prostrators to such a powerful demon.

However... the shadow in front of this being didn't have the capacity to feel any spiritual aura...

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