Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 194 The Greatest Ambition

A resounding gasp of emotion gradually spread through the crowd of students higher up in the room--seated in the upper rows. The teachers standing behind Julius and the three MVPs also smirked.

Julius looked at them with a grin of his own. He hadn't told anyone of this, to allow the MVPs to say a few words. It was created by him on the spot. Everyone was curious about what they would say. Anticipation rose as seconds passed by.

'Say my dream? Of ruling the world!? That's... a horrible idea!'

Lyrian frantically yelled at Gear in his head.

[It is befitting of the future ruler]

'You! You don't have a clue about what you're saying!'

[No, you don't. Trust my words]

It was comedic. Lyrian was actually having an argument with Gear. It wasn't a random robot, after all. From what Lyrian had accessed, which was from close to no information thanks to Gear not being willing to share, the system was at the very least a conscious being.

'It will sound foolish, but more than that, it will reveal my plans to my enemies!'

[Trust the system. All want to capture the world anyway]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'Damn it... what shit of a predicament.'

Lyrian said, preparing himself for what was coming.

"I will go first."

Linus of the Yuun Kingdom suddenly exclaimed to the crowd, silencing it at once as he puffed his chest out in confidence. Placing one hand behind his back, he tilted his chin up.

With all the eyes on him, he began to speak.

"You have all heard my name! I am the heir to the most prosperous kingdom in the continent of the Mortal Plains."

With these few words, a wave of surprised gasps rippled through the crowd. To have to gall to say such a thing, knowing that Anaviotis was the middle ground between all three kingdoms... it was impressive for some and seemed cocky to others.

"Forge my abundant name in your heads, as you will see me become the ruler of Yuun one day in the future!"

As he finished his speech, everyone was slightly taken aback. After a short silence, a small applause met the quietness of the room. 

"Bit of an arrogant bastard, no?"

A kid in the top rows with red and black hair said as he chuckled amongst his friends--his legs resting on top of a random kid's back.

"No, Israthel, I think he deserves to say at least that much. He is the damn prince after all."

A chubby boy beside him followed up.

Even the teachers grinned a little to each other in slight amusement. Some began to whisper amongst themselves.

"A ballsy one."


Lyrian was closest to them and was the only one that heard them say this. He cringed inside, just thinking about what was going to happen in a few moments.

Godfrey glanced over to Lyrian, who seemed to be looking forward as if he was stunned in a haze. In reality, he was just thinking to himself in which manner he should speak.

'Poor guy. I don't know how he got the Golden Tiered Core but...'

Godfrey thought to himself as he looked Lyrian up and down.

'He doesn't seem like he can handle the pressure. Then, I'll go.'

The boy stepped forward.

"I hail from the strongest Kingdom in the south!"

He glanced at Linus for a split second as he abruptly proclaimed this into the crowd.

Linus stared back with furrowed eyebrows. A similar reaction took place in the crowd, with a ripple of astonished noises.

The teachers from before who were whispering to each other broke out into a quiet laugh. They weren't expecting such a rowdy bunch.

"My name will be etched onto the walls of this academy before I leave it. You will all know me as the strongest to ever attend this school!"

He finished, slamming his right fist into his left palm. The noise from the clash was enough to make a sound that boomed through the assembly for a few seconds. 

This showed his determination, along with strength. It had more of a respectable impression than Linus' speech from the looks of it. He got a bit of a louder applause from the crowd.

And finally, it was Lyrian's turn. Drake stepped back, as Lyrian took in one deep breath.

'Hell. If I'm going to have to do this, I might as well go all in. Go big or go home, and I'm not going back to him. Not yet.'

As the crowd quieted down, now waiting on the final boy, the wildcard of the group, to speak, Lyrian took a step forward, confidently flaunting his erected posture.

Lyrian cleared his throat and gazed out at the expectant crowd of students. He had to make an impression, just like Linus and Godfrey had. With a confident smile, he began his speech:

"You've heard Linus and Godfrey share their dreams and aspirations. Linus aspires to become the sovereign ruler of his kingdom, while Godfrey aims to claim the title of the strongest individual in this academy."

Lyrian paused, his words lingering in the air, creating a sense of anticipation that gripped the room.

"But my ambition reaches beyond the confines of kingdoms and institutions. My dream isn't limited to the boundaries drawn on maps or the walls of this academy. My dream is to transcend those boundaries and conquer every inch of this planet, to rule over it with power and glory."

The room was rapt with attention, and the suspense that had built during Lyrian's speech hung thick in the air. The silence that followed was palpable as if everyone was collectively holding their breath.

The teachers who were whispering to each other just a moment ago now had their jaws on the floor. Both Godfrey and Linus looked at Lyrian with baffled expressions.

Then, slowly, the first hesitant applause broke through. It was a lone clap, quickly followed by another, and then a scattered smattering of hands meeting in appreciation. The applause grew, spreading like wildfire through the assembly until the entire room was alive with the sound of clapping hands and approving cheers.

Eyes shone with a mixture of astonishment, respect, and perhaps a touch of awe. The teachers exchanged impressed glances, and even Julius, standing at the back, wore a small but amused smile.

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