Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 309 Forbidden Relic Retrieval

Chapter 309 Forbidden Relic Retrieval

"It's alright, Rerth! I'm sure a few minutes in the sun wasn't enough to take you down, right?" Lyrian quickly retorted, throwing the teacher off slightly.

"Wh--where'd you learn to speak back like that, boy!? Get in line!" Rerth pushed Lyrian into the crowd, as he stumbled next to Alten and Leon.

Rerth looked at his hand for a moment, 'What the... that boy's back felt like an iron wall. When the hell did he find the time to get so strong?' He mused in surprise.

Lyrian was next to not only Alten and Leon but also a few other familiar faces.

"Hey... you guys ready?" Jackson whispered, standing behind the three.

Near Lyrian on either side were Linus and Drake as well. 'Seems they've all shown up,' Lyrian thought to himself as Rerth began to speak.

"Listen up, brats! From the entrance exam alone, you all have gathered a heaping number of 50 students. However, more factors have increased that already big count."

Rerth shouted at the crowd as they listened to him. His tone was the same for everyone—not caring about status.

In his class, status meant nothing. As long as he didn't cross the line, he knew that he had the backing to do as he wanted.

This was the reason why he could call Linus and Godfrey 'brats' and get away without scot-free. Other teachers hesitated to do so.

"From transfers to special referrals, you have all gathered together in a number of 65 total whipper snappers."

This was surprising news. Gasps of slight astonishment sounded through the crowd as kids looked around to spot new faces.

'Interesting... 15 more, quite talented kids have joined huh?'

Lyrian thought to himself. 'You wouldn't get transferred or referred here with such ease without being special, that's for sure,' He also looked around, 'I couldn't care less though. If I have to beat them up, then that's what I'll do.'

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He smirked.

'Actually, I hope that is the case. I can't wait to try out my power on actually powerful targets.'

He had fought many beasts so far and had trained a ton on BF as well, but it had been a while since he was challenged even slightly.

In fact, Draco must have been his previous toughest human fight. For beasts, Lyrian had encountered a Lizardman chieftain and nearly lost to it, since it was an Elder creature.

Still, it wasn't extremely challenging. If he fought it now, he could easily defeat it. The same went with Draco.

"Speaking of strength..." Lyrian began to say as the students conversed amongst themselves.

"Alten... I told you to get strong at the start of these three months," As soon as Lyrian said this, Alten knew where he was going.

Alten remembered that day three months ago when they all met up and spoke for the whole night.

"Alten, I want you to be my companion even in the future when I rule the world. I can't have any weak comrades, however." Lyrian said back then, drunk in conversation.

"Of course! You don't even have to say that. I will be so strong that your jaw will drop to the floor when you next see me, believe it!" Alten had enthusiastically exclaimed.

At the present time, Lyrian finished his words, "So did you do it? Did you become as strong as you said you were going to?"

Alten smiled wide, "Well... we would have to test it out." He scratched his head.

Many kids noticed this conversation, but before it could grow out, Rerth interjected.

"Alright! That's enough talking." He shouted, as a hush quickly fell over the crowd.

"Now, I will begin explaining the rules, so keep your ears open. If you make me repeat myself, It will cost five of your nose hairs each word, so don't daydream my words away!"

As soon as he said this, even the laziest of students quickly straightened their posture and stared at him.

That was the scariest punishment they had ever been threatened with by a teacher. Too risky to take their chances with it.

"The Deployment Exam this year will be... Forbidden Relic Retrieval!"

Confused noises sounded amongst the students as they took their guesses at what the exam was going to be like.

"You all will enter Orion's Graveyard, and retrieve his final relic, said to be buried there at his time of death. Some consider it an inheritance of sorts, and others have more dark theories. However, what is true is that no one truly knows."

As soon as the students heard this, a surprised murmur spread around.

"What!? Orion's Graveyard? Isn't that the place where many adventurers have gone and never come back!?"

"Yeah... I've heard of it recently as well. It's an anomaly that's been recently discovered."

Rerth was happy to hear this, "Correct! And it's so recent, in fact, that no one has been able to explore it fully yet. That's where you brats come into play. This isn't an organized practice like the Venus Lizardman Dungeon. This is a fresh expedition, a real mission. It will be completed by each and every one of you, and is for the sake of the new world."

Many were mesmerized by his words. This indeed wasn't a practice. Orion was known to be a very powerful magus back in the day.

He was respected for his kind nature, and how he helped in the Ear War all the way back then to aid humanity.

His grave had just recently been discovered, and now, they were going to be sent to explore it for the first time.

They were being given a hardcore and high-rank mission, so it wasn't a small deal at all.

"Many wish to know what is in his grave, and many have speculated that his most powerful relic is there, which he was prized for his entire life; The Scar's Cloak!"

The crowd of students burst out into a slight cheer as they heard this. The Scar's Cloak was a legendary armor that Orion used to aid him in the most difficult of battles. To attain it would be like finding a true goldmine all to yourself.

"Apart from the scary location, it might sound jolly to you all. But now, I'll tell you why this exam is truly a test for you..." Rerth smirked.

At this moment, Lyrian's eyes looked to glow as he imagined this cloak in his mind.

'This Orion guy seems to be the real deal. That cloak must be no less than first grade then...' There was no doubt about it... 'I must get it.'

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