Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 326 Map Of The Graveyard

Chapter 326 Map Of The Graveyard

"What th- I didn't even notice that," Jackson said as he turned around.

Leon and the others seemed to have the same reaction.

Geld walked to where Alten was and took a look at this pedestal.

The pedestal was large, nearly half the size of a car.

It was flat on top and revealed what looked to be a layout of the entire graveyard.

The layout was in a circular form on the pedestal, but it was cut into four pieces and scattered inconsistently.

"Hmm... it seems that we have to somehow figure our way through this labyrinth with the help of this map. Except, we also have to decipher it."

Geld said, scratching his head as he stared at the map. All he could see was hundreds of lines carved into the stone.

They went in every direction and symbols of different beasts and whatnot were thinly spread around.

Lyrian walked over to the pedestal and took a look at himself.

"We came from here." He placed his finger on the pedestal where the starting room looked to be.

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It was a slightly larger carved-out square than most of the rest.

"We walked through here..." He began moving his finger along a line, describing what happened as he went.

"We took this turn here, this was where the pit trap was, and this was where we fought those Undead Hounds,"

Everyone listened to his words as they followed his finger in their path.

"That's weird..." Alten chimed in, taking a look at where they fought the hounds.

"Look right there... the symbol next to the hounds is a big flower. It makes no sense. Why would a flower be there, when in reality, it was a bunch of deadly hounds?"

Everyone nodded, agreeing to Alten's discovery.

"Well, as we already know from the various trapped places around; this graveyard is not something that Orion wanted to be easily explored. That flower symbol was most likely placed there as a trick to get people into a dangerous area."

Geld replied, thinking that this was a very logical answer.

"That makes a lot of sense, but does that mean that all the symbols placed here are wrong? Opposite to what they actually are?" Jackson added with a hint of worry.

"What can we really trust in this map then?" Alten was now hesitant.

Lyrian continued moving his finger to where they currently were.

"Even if the symbols are mismatched, we should be right here at this current moment."

His finger ended at a room with the symbol of a map next to it.

'The wolves had the symbol of flowers, but this room with a map has the symbol of a map. That means that some symbols are true, and not just a trick it seems...'

Lyrian mused, slightly confused with this realization.

'Just what is the true motive of these tricks?'

"Hey! Look at what it says is on the other side of the door!" Alten placed his finger down on the spot he was talking about.

There was a symbol of a skeleton with two bones going across it, similar to a pirate's flag.

However, in this context, it meant certain death.

"This graveyard is clearly trying to kill us. If we go there, then we would simply be foolish." Kaspov exclaimed, crossing his arms.

"No, what if it's another trick? What if they are simply trying to make us think it's a dangerous area, but in reality, it's a place with treasure. After all, the symbols of this graveyard are opposite to what they really are. We've already discovered that right?" Geld exclaimed in retortion.

"No... not quite. Look at this symbol right here." Lyrian pointed to the map symbol next to where they were.

He didn't even need to say anything for everyone to understand.

Geld understood almost immediately. "Ah... you're right. I didn't notice it because it seemed so normal, but if the map room has a map symbol, then we can not assume that all symbols are opposite to each other."

"It's not like we have a choice right now. Let's just go in there." Lyrian said, taking a closer look at the map.

"How in the world are we supposed to open that door though?" Alten retorted, lost.

"There must be a way. A door always has an entrance, if you try hard enough." Lyrian answered, continuing to stare at the map.

At that moment, Lyrian noticed a faint engraving on the side of the room they were currently in.

"It's blurry, and almost covered up, but there's something here."

He pointed, as everyone took a look.

No one knew what it was exactly, but there was indeed something there.

A different sort of stone compared to the average stone marking the nothingness of the graveyard.

"Start looking for clues in the room. It's connected to this room, so it must be here somewhere." Lyrian suddenly said, taking everyone aback slightly.

However, they didn't hesitate too much to accept his orders.

All except for Jalern began to look for anything out of place that could lead to more information.

They wanted to find that missing piece of the map. After a while of investigating, however, everyone comes closer and closer to a loss.

'There truly seems to be nothing abnormal in the room...' Geld mused, perplexed about what he and the team should do next.

'It feels like we are not moving anywhere. Like we are going in circles.' He looked over to the pedestal across from where he was.

'It's an insane place, this graveyard. But, I'd expect no less from Orion the great himself. It feels like whenever you think something is going to be one way, it's going to be a completely other way from what you originally thought...'

As soon as he said these words in his head, Geld felt himself coming to a slow realization.

'Other way... wait a second,' He felt as though he had a sudden epiphany, 'That's right. We shouldn't be doing the obvious right now. If this clue is going to be anywhere, it's not going to be in the least obvious place, but the most obvious! However, looking for the least obvious would actually be the most obvious thing we could do!'

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