Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 329 Orion’s Wand

Chapter 329 Orion’s Wand

"A casket huh? It looks like a real grave." Jackson looked around as he spoke.

Alten added, "Yeah... if the deceased body of Orion is actually in that casket, that means that the inheritance must be in the center. But... why would his body be placed far away?"

Geld surmised an answer for this, "Actually, thinking about it, I probably would choose to have my real grave be placed away from everything else as well."

As he said this, everyone looked at him with slight confusion and curiosity.

Those expressions pushed Geld to come up with an explanation.

"Well... if I had a grave where I put my inheritance, I would want my body to be placed somewhere far away from all the extravagance that my inheritance would exude. I would want it somewhere calm, quiet, and empty. Somewhere that nothing distracted its presence,"

He paused, taking a look around, "Somewhere like here."

"Ah..." Alten exclaimed, "I see... now that I think about it, you're right."

"Hey, what's up with this inheritance thing anyways?" Jackson suddenly inquired, seemingly confused, "Aren't we taught that it's wrong to take from the deceased?"

In response to this, Alten added, "I heard you get cursed or something if you steal from the dead."

After a second, Leon chimed into the conversation, seeing no one had an answer.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"An inheritance isn't stealing from the dead, but rather, continuing the only thing that once gave them life. As long as that inheritance is seen, touched, or used in any way, carried on through generations, the life of the original person whom that inheritance came from is not dead, nor forgotten."

After he said this, everyone was slightly taken aback by the profoundness of his speech.

Leon stared forward with a stern expression, which was his usual face.

Alten looked at him, wondering, 'I wonder what his life was like before the exam, for him to have such insight. After all, he isn't a noble or even a normal plebeian. I heard his family was very poor.'

At that moment, Leon was looking at Lyrian's back. On the other side, Lyrian had a smirk on his face, and his eyes seemed to glow as he looked at the gem-encrusted wand right below him.

Without hesitation, his hand reached inside of the casket and neared the wand that was tightly clutched in the hands of Orion.

Just then, Julius, who was watching his orb with furrowed brows, clenched his fist.

Before he said anything, Jalls exclaimed, "Surely... he wouldn't grab it right?"

Right now, Rerth had a serious expression on his face, while Granweid was simply blown away.

"Orion's Grandeur Wand... we thought it was lost in history, alongside his death. But, it's really there. It's real!" He couldn't contain his excitement.

"It's a powerful wand alright... but Lyrian is foolish to try and take it from his hands," Rerth exclaimed, crossing his arms.

Everyone looked at him.

"Orion is no fool. If something of his is not located at the place of his inheritance, it's clear to assume that he wouldn't want it to be taken."

Examiners nodded, as Julius added, "Not just that, but the fact that Orion purposefully placed the wand inside of his casket, clutched in his hands... that alone should be enough for anyone to understand that it is not to be taken. It was a common thing back in those days to not steal from the dead, and Orion likely assumed that such tradition would be passed down."

Jalls added, "Indeed, it has been passed down. However... it seems Lyrian has not learned of this tradition."

Julius' face contorted slightly with a mixture of concern, and seriousness.

"Such a great magician wouldn't allow something so great to be stolen without permission. I am sure that there is an immense punishment for attempting to steal it. This has to be Orion's will..."

As he said this, the other examiners in the room stared at their orbs with slightly concerned faces.

Along with them, those watching at home were also very curious about what was going to happen.

Theageld, one of the three MVPs of Anaviotis, had already impressed them with his skills so far.

However, what would happen now that he was to steal from the dead? Now that he was to steal from Orion The Great.

Unbeknownst to all of this, Lyrian's hand grabbed the hilt of the wand, as he slightly tugged on it.

However, the old fingers of the magus didn't let go. Using some more strength, but still acting delicately, Lyrian tugged on it once again.

This time, the wand became slightly released from the clutches of Orion's fingers, as a thick purple essence oozed out from his fingers.

At that moment, his entire body oozed this essence out slightly from the inside of the cloth.

The eyes of the magus flew open, slightly startling Lyrian, as the purple liquid quickly climbed up from the wand up Lyrian's hand and entered his eyes.

This happened so fast that Lyrian had no time to react. In seconds, his eyes turned into a deep purple color, as his body completely froze.

Lyrian felt as though not even a second had passed by, but his eyes gleamed open in a completely different realm than where he was before.

Everything around him was dark, stretching on for infinity.

Lyrian turned around multiple times at once, slightly stumbling as he tried to grasp his surroundings.

"Where the hell--?"

He grumbled under his breath, not understanding what was happening.

At that moment, he felt a forceful wind brush against his face. The wind was strong enough to push him back slightly.

This cool yet fierce wind

attacked once again from behind, and then from the left, then the right.

As it assaulted him, Lyrian suddenly heard a grumble above him.

It was a loud, and enormous grumble that seemed to shake the entire realm he was in.

Suddenly, the sound of thunder boomed through the darkness!

Lyrian's eardrums shook with the thunder's storming rattle as his head jerked up to face the sky.

There, he saw a ferocious thunderstorm with dark grey clouds moving inside of what looked like a tycoon—it resembled a storm hurricane.

Large and fast droplets of rain began to fall, as the ferocious cumulonimbus clouds began unleashing strikes of lightning toward the ground.

Before he knew it, Lyrian was trapped in the middle of this maelstrom of tempest.

Finally, in the climax of his struggle, a voice boomed throughout the realm.

"A land forsaken, and a mind corrupted!"

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